Access and Provenance
A Finding Aid to the
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin Papers
Manuscript Collection No. 12
1931-1984. 3.7 Linear ft.
The Trude Weiss-Rosmarin Papers were donated to the American Jewish Archives in various segments by Dr. Weiss-Rosmarin from 1975 thru 1984. Property rights have been assigned to the American Jewish Archives. All literary rights to materials authored by Dr. Weiss-Rosmarin are held by her heirs. Literary rights to materials authored by others are held by the individual author or his/her heirs. Questions concerning rights should be addressed to the Director of the American Jewish Archives
The papers are open to all users and available in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.
Trude Weiss-Rosmarin was born in 1908 in Frankfurt, Germany, the daughter of Jacob and Celestine (Mullings) Weiss. In 1931, at the age of 22, she received her doctor of philosophy degree after completing studies at the Universities of Berlin (1927-1928)., Leipzig (1929) and Wurzburg (1930-1931). Her thesis proved to be a seminal work in the
field of ancient Arabic history. Beginning in 1931, Dr. Weiss-Rosmarin published numerous works of a scholarly nature, including Religion of Reason(1936), Hebrew Moses; An Answer to Sigmund Freud (1939), Judaism and Christianity: The Differences (1943), Jewish Survival (1949), Saadia (1959) and Jewish Expressions on Jesus; An Anthology (1977)
In 1931 Weiss-Rosmarin emigrated to the United States with her husband Aaron Rosmarin (b.1904). Immediately upon her arrival she became involved with the American Jewish Community. In 1932, under the auspices of Hadassah, she and her husband created the School of the Jewish Woman in New York City, where they taught Hebrew, bible, Jewish history and Yiddish. Weiss-Rosmarin served as the School's director from its founding in 1932 until its closing in 1939. From 1939 through 1940 she was vicepresident of the National Association of Bible Instructors. From 1947 through 1951 she was national co-chair of education for the Zionist Organization of America. During this time she also served on the advisory board of the National Jewish Curriculum Institute and the Jewish Book Council of America and on the Board of Directors of the Community Security Council. From 1963 through 1966 she published a regular column, "Letters from New York" in the London Jewish Chronicle. Dr. Weiss-Rosmarin taught at New York University and the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Phila- delphia
In December 1936, Weiss-Rosmarin began editing and publishing a monthly newsletter for the School of the Jewish Woman. This newsletter, The Jewish Spectator, survived the closing of the School and became Weiss-Rosmarin's main interest. In 1943 she became sole editor and in this capacity she called for numerous reforms in the American Jewish community. Through her editorials, Weiss-Rosmarin continually promoted Jewish education and literature, demanded "accountability" from the national Jewish fund-raising organizations and spoke out for the rights of women in general as well as within Judaism.
Weiss-Rosmarin demonstrated her avid interest in Jewish education by establishing in 1940 a series of inexpensive books of Jewish interest. The series, entitled The Jewish People's Library was issued through the Jewish Book Club. Dr. Weiss-Rosmarin herself contributed several volumes in this series: Jewish Women Through The Ages (1949), The Oneg Shabbath Books (1940), What Every Jewish Woman Should Know (1949), and Highlights of Jewish History (1941).
In 1951, Weiss-Rosmarin was divorced from her husband. In 1978, she moved the offices of The Jewish Spectator from New York City to Santa Monica, California. Trude Weiss-Rosmarin died in Santa Monica on June 26, 1989.
Related AJA Collections
The American Jewish Archives holds the papers of Robert Bleiweiss (MS-760), who took over the editorship of the Jewish Spectator after Weiss-Rosmarin's death; this collection contains some writings and research notes of Weiss-Rosmarin. The AJA also holds a nearprint biographical file on Trude Weiss-Rosmarin.
The Trude Weiss-Rosmarin Papers, which consist of correspondence, brochures, pamphlets, articles, newsclippings and scrapbooks, reflect Dr. Weiss-Rosmarin's scholarly activities, editorial career and activities within the American Jewish Community. The collection is divided into three series:top
SERIES A. GENERAL, 1931-1984 forms the major portion of this collection. It consists of 6 boxes of correspondence, manuscripts submitted to Weiss-Rosmarin, and miscellaneous material. The correspondence in general deals with The Jewish Spectator, Weiss-Rosmarin's activities and editorials, and requests for her to lecture. There is considerable information on Weiss-Rosmarin's crusade in the 1950's for the reform of Jewish divorce law in order to help Jewish women and her demands in the 1970's for a financial accounting of United States Jewish charitable funds. The series is alphabetically arranged by correspondent or subject. The "General" folders at the beginning of each letter of the alphabet contain material concerning individuals or organizations for which there are less than five items.A. GENERAL B. NEARPRINT C. SCRAPBOOKS SERIES B. NEARPRINT, 1932-1982, consists Of 1 box of articles, brochures, broadsides and newsclippings authored by Weiss-Rosmarin, of interest to her or directly concerning her. The material authored by Weiss-Rosmarin includes articles and brochures as well as several of her editorials in The Jewish Spectator and "Letters to the Editor" by Weiss-Rosmarin in other publications. The nearprint authored by others reflects Weiss-Rosmarin's scholarly interests. Often these items are personally autographed by the author. Included in this series are autographed items from Haim Cohn, Raymond P. Dougherty, Joshua Finkel, Irving Fineman, Horace M. Kallen, Samuel Krauss, Bruno Meissner and Harry Zohn. The newsclippings in this series form a record of Weiss-Rosmarin's various activities.
SERIES C. SCRAPBOOKS, 1931-1962, consists of 9 volumes of bound scrapbooks, which contain articles and newsclippings by and about Trude Weiss-Rosmarin.
BOX FOLDER CONTENTS SERIES A. GENERAL Note. Unless noted otherwise, the contents of folders consist of correspondence and any of several other generic types of material for the dates indicated. To obtain a more complete listing of the correspondents and subjects within this collection, this list must be used in conjunction with the Subject Tracings of this inventory. 1 1 A, General. 1931-1980. 2 Ainsztein, Reuben. 1967-1978. 3 ANAWIM; A Review of Intercultural Ministry. 1973-1974. 4 Ansbacher, Heinz and Rowena. 1968, 1970-1971, 1978, 1980-1982. 5 Ba-Bi, General. 1946-1980. 6 Bi,s-Bu, General. 1946-1980. 7 Bardin, Shlomo. 1965-1973, 1975-1976. 8 Becker, Abraham S. 1970. 9 Ben-Horin, Meir, 1968, 1972-1974, 1979-1982. 10 Borowitz, Eugene. 1970-1971, 1974-1975, 1979, 1981-1982. 11 Brickner, Balfour. 1968, 1971, 1975, 1982. 12 Bubis, Gerald R. n.d., 1969, 1974, 1977. 13 Bulka, Reuven P. n.d., 1970-1972, 1974,1979. 14 C, General. 1946-1983. 15 Carlebach, Julius. 1978-1979. 16 Chaplains. 1969-1980. 17 Chavel, Charles B. 1946-1947. 18 Chiel, Arthur A. 1969, 1975, 1979, 1981-1982. 19 Cohen, Harry A. 1968-1970. 20 Cohn, Haim. 1963-1971. 21 D, General. 1948-1982. 22 Davidson, Bernard and Grace. 1968-1972. 23 Davis, Lottie K. 1968-1971. 24 DuBroff, Sidney. 1968-1969 25 E, General. 1948-1980. 26 EisenStein, Ira. 1968-1974. 2 1 Eliachar, Elie. 1970-1975, 1982. 2 Elovitz, Mark H. 1968-1972. 3 F, General. 1931-1980,, 1982-1983. 4 Feld, Joseph A. 1974-1978. 5 Fineman, Irving. 1968-1975. 6 Frank, Bernard. 1968-1979. 7 Frankel, William. 1968-1975; 1977. 8 Freehof, Solomon B. 1959-1977. 9 Ga-Goe, General. 1946-1980; 1982. 10 Gertel, Elliot. 1969-1975. 11 Gildesgame, Leon L. 1968-1975. 12 Glatzer, Nahum. 1938-1949. 13 Goi-Gut, General. 1946-1949; 1955-1956; 1960-1961; 1965, 1968-1975, and 1977-1981. 14 Gompertz, Rolf. 1973-1977. 15 Goodhill, Victor and Ruth. 1968-1975. 16 Goodman, Abraham. 1968-1978. 1980-1981. 17 Gordis, Robert. 1945-1976, 1978-1981; 1983. 18 Guttman, Harry. 1971. 19 H, General. 1946-1978; 1981-1982. 20 Hilsenrad, Leo S. 1946-1947. 3 1 Hyman, Abraham S. 1971-1974. 2 I-J, General. 1960-1979; 1981-1982. 3 Iltis, Dr. Rudolph. n.d., 1962-1963, 1965, 1967. 4 K, General. 1948-1979; 1981-1982. 5 Kabakoff, Jacob. 1966-1972. 6 Kahn, Benjamin. 1968-1970. 7 Kahn, Lothar. 1972-1973; 1983. 8 Kallen, Horace M. 1958-1973. 9 Kaplan, Louis M. 1968-1984. 10 Katsh, Abraham. 1969-1980. 11 Katz, Menke. 1970-1975. 12 Kaufman, Jay. 1966-1970. 13 Kieval, Hayyim (Herman). 1969-1971; 1981. 14 Klibouski, B. 1966-1971. 15 Klutznick, Philip. 1957-1984. 16 Kohn, Moshe. 1970-1971; 1976; and 1978. 17 L, General. 1948-1982. 18 Landau, Sol. 1969-1973. 19 Lipis, Philip L. 1968-1971. 20 Liptzin, Sol. 1971-1976. 21 Litoff, Arthur. 1969-1971. 4 1 M, General. 1945-1982. 2 Marcus, Jacob R. 1977; 1979; and 1981. 3 Margoshes, Samuel. 1949. 4 Marwick, Lawrence. 1967; 1969-1970, 1974. 5 Merowitz, Morton J. 1969-1971. 6 Morley, John. 1970-1981. 7 N, General. 1946-1947. 1960-1981. 8 Nadich, Mr. and Mrs. Judah. 1968-1977. 9 Neumann, Emanuel. 1946-1949. 10 Neusner, Jacob. 1962-1975; 1981; 1983. 11 Noveck, Simon. 1968-1974. 12 0, General. 1968-1975. 13 P-Q, General. 1949-1982. 14 Petuchowski, Jakob J. 1959-1983. 15 Petuchowski, Elizabeth. 1983 16 Pilshnik, Ely. 1977, 1981-1982, 1984 17 Pinsker, Sanford. 1971-1978. 18 Pollak, George. 1970-1975; 1980. 19 R, General, 1960-1979; 1981-1982. 20 RASSCO Affair. 1962-1975. 21 Rejwan, Nissim. 1967-1971. 22 Response: A Contemporary Jewish Review. 1970-1974. 23 Rosenberg, James B. 1972-1975. 24 Rudavsky, David. 1966-1973; 1982. 5 1 Sa-Sh, General. 1933-1983. 2 Si-Su, General. 1945-1982. 3 Samuel, Edwin. 1965-1970. 4 Schulweis, Harold M. n.d., 1971-1973; 1975; 1977. 5 Schwartz, Barry Dov. 1968-1977. 6 Schwarz, Gerhart S. 1969-1970. 7 Shahar, David. 1974-1976. 8 Shereshevsky, Esra. 1964-1971. 9 Sherwin, Byron L. 1969-1973; 1976. 10 Sigal, Phillip. 1969-1974; 1981-1982. 11 Silverman, Hillel E. 1969-1979. 12 Silverman, William B. 1950; 1969; 1971; 1977; and 1979. 13 Simons, Leonard N. 1968-1975; 1981 ; 1984 14 Singer, Howard. 1970-1977; 1981. 15 T, General. 1932; 1948-1978. 16 Tarnor, Norman. 1967-1979. 17 Tartakower, Aryeh. 1970-1976. 18 U-W, General. 1949-1978; 1980-1982. 6 1 University of Judaism (Los Angeles, Cal.) 1969-1980. 2 Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude. 1950; 1970-1979. 3 Weltsch, Robert. 1967-1968; 1976. 4 Werblowsky, R.J. 1968-1969; 1979. 5 Winter, Paul. 1967-1970. 6 Wunsch, J.W. 1968-1974. 7 Y-Z, General. 1949-1982. 8 Yeshiva University. 1968 9 Yoskowitz, Herbert A. 1971; 1974-1975, 1980. 10 Zeitlin, Aaron. 1945; 1970. 11 Zohn, Harry. 1966-1980. 12 Unidentified and indecipherable correspondence. 1935-1979; 1982-1983. SERIES B. NEARPRINT 13 Articles, brochures, etc. by Trude Weiss-Rosmarin. 1932- 1932-1975, 1979-1982. 14 Articles, brochures concerning The School of the Jewish Woman (New York, N.Y.) 1934-1939. Articles, brochures, etc. by others. 19361939. 15 Articles, brochures, etc. by others. 1940-1982. 16 Articles, brochures, undated. 17 Articles, brochures, etc. by others. 1969-1975; n.d. 7 1 Newsclippings. 1946-1970. 2 Newsclippings. 1971-1978; 1981, n.d. 3 Greek,Syrian, German and Cuneiform notes. SERIES C: SCRAPBOOKS 8 1 1931-1932. 2 1934-1943. 3 1936-1939. Oversize Box No. 18 1 1933-1934. 2 1934-1942. 3 1837. 4 1940-1941. 5 1942-1943. 6 1961-1962.SUBJECT TRACINGS
Note: This list represents a selective guide to some of the persons and subjects in the TRUDE WEISS-ROSMARIN PAPERS. It is selective in that it only attempts to draw attention to the more significant items in the collection. It does not list every subject or individual nor does it indicate every location of a listed subject or individual in the collection. This list must be used in conjunction with the Box and Folder List of this inventory. References are to boxes and folders, i.e. 2/20 means Box 2, Folder
Abrahams, Israel 1/1 Adler, Cyrus 1/1 Borowitz, Eugene 1/10 Cohn, Hillel 1/14 Eisendrath, Maurice N. 1/25 Fellner, Joseph 2/3 Fineman, Irving 2/5 Freehof, Solomon B. 2/8 Gamzu, Yossi 2/9 Gittelsohn, Roland B. 2/9 Gordis, Robert 2/17 Gottschalk, Alfred 2/9 Jaffe, Eliezer 3/2 Kallen, Horace M. 3/8 Kaminetsky, Joseph 3/4 Levenson, Sam 3/16 Nadich, Judah 4/8 Neusner, Jacob 4/10 RASSCO Affair 4/20 Schwarzschild, Steven S. 5/1 Shereshevsky, Esra 5/8 Zohn, Harry 6/11