A Finding Aid to theKivie Kaplan PapersManuscript
Collection No. 26
The Kivie Kaplan Papers were donated by Kivie Kaplan and were delivered to the Archives in segments throughout the years 1966-1975. Kaplan assigned the property rights to the American Jewish Archives. Literary rights to the materials authored by Kivie Kaplan belong to the Kaplan heirs. Literary rights to material authored by others are held by the individuals or his/her heirs. Questions about literary or copyrights should be addressed to the Director of the Archives.
The Kaplan Papers are open to all users and available in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.
He had joined the N.A.A.C.P. in 1932 and was elected to the National Board in 1954. He was also the National Chairman of the N.A.A.C.P. Life Membership Committee and active on life memberships dramatically increased from a few hundred to several hundred thousand. In 1966, he was elected as President of the N.A.A.C.P. and held that post until his death. As President of the N.A.A.C.P., Kaplan actively worked to make the organization successful. He spoke throughout the United States on its behalf and sought financial contributions wherever he could. Kaplan was trustee of two black colleges: Lincoln University in Pennsylvania and Tougaloo College in Mississippi.
Kivie Kaplan was also involved in Jewish affairs and was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations (U.A.H.C.). He was a member of the U.A.H.C.'s Executive Committee as well as its Social Action Commission. He contributed large sums of money to the Jewish Memorial Hospital in Boston and Brandeis University. The Religious Action Center of U.A.H.C. in Washington, DC was built with money donated by Kaplan and his wife, Emily.
Kaplan received numerous awards and honorary degrees. Among these were the Amistad Award of the American Missionary Association, the Men of Vision Award from the Bonds for Israel Committee, and honorary degrees from Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio, Hebrew Union College, and Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.
In 1925, Kivie Kaplan married Emily Rogers. They had three children, Sylvia (Grossman), Jean (Green), and Edward. Kivie Kaplan died on May 5, 1975.
The Kivie Kaplan Papers cover his activities in business,
the N.A.A.C.P., and many Jewish organizations. The collection
includes correspondence, memoranda, press releases, photographs,
news clippings, nearprint and miscellaneous material. The
collection spans the period 1948-1975 with the bulk of the
material covering the years 1966-1975. The Kaplan Papers
are divided into six series:
one and one-half boxes covering the years 1961-1975. There are
three subseries: The Union of American hebrew Congregations
subseries contains minutes, reports, memoranda, press releases
and miscellaneous material. The B'nai B'rith subseries contains
similar material as well as material from the Career and
Counseling Services and the Anti-Defamation League. The
Miscellaneous subseries consists of material from other Jewish
organizations such as the Council of Black and White Rabbis and
the Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism.
The N.A.A.C.P. series consists of nineteen folders and is
divided into two subseries: General and Miscellaneous. The
General subseries is made up of minutes, memoranda, press
releases, committee reports and nearprint material. The
Miscellaneous subseries contains records of Tougaloo College and
appeals for aid from the N.A.A.C.P.
The ICONOGRAPHIC series consists of one and one-half boxes
and contains material covering all facets of Kivie Kaplan's life.
There are family portraits and pictures as well as photographs
relating to Kaplan's businesses, to Jewish organizations and to
he N.A.A.C.P.
The NEWS CLIPPINGS series consists of four folders and
contains clippings dealing with Kaplan's business affairs, with
Jewish organizations, the N.A.A.C.P., and miscellaneous items.
The MISCELLANEOUS series is made up of six folders and
contains awards and citations, biographical material and
nearprint material.
The CORRESPONDENCE series consists of fifteen boxes covering
the years 1962-1975. The Series is divided into two subseries:
General and Personal. The General correspondence is arranged
alphabetically by the name of the correspondent. Some notable
correspondents are Roy Wilkins and Edward B. Muse of the
N.A.A.C.P. and Alexander Schindler of the Union of American
Hebrew Congregations. The Personal correspondence has
correspondence from members of the Kaplan family arranged
alphabetically with the rest arranged chronologically.
Box Folder Contents SERIES A. CORRESPONDENCE Subseries 1: General Correspondence 1 1 A-A1, General. 2 An-Ax, General. 3 B-Bec, General. 4 Baehr, Karl. 1966-1971. 5 Beh-Bet, General. 6 Benjamin, James A. 1970-1972. 7 Berger, Clarence A. 1964-1972. 8 Bernstein, Marver H. 1972-1974. 9 Bi-Bo, General. 10 Block, Irving J. 1966-1974. 11 Bogage, Lewis E. 1971-1975. 12 Bond, Julian. 1969-1974; n.d. 13 Boon, Ina. 1969-1973. 14 Br-By, General. 15 Braiterman, Marvin. 1968-1973. 16 Brickner, Balfour. 1964-1975. 2 1 Broido, Theodore K. 1966-1974. 2 Brooke, Edward W. 1964-1974. 3 Brown, James, Jr. 1969-1974. 4 Buchbinder, Ruth A. 1967-1974. 5 Buford, K. L. 1969-1974. 6 Bunche, Ralph J. 1964-1971. 7 Burke, Kenyon C. 1970-1972. 8 Burns, Emmett C. 1972-1974. 9 Ca, General 10 Ch-Coh, General 11 Chiel, Samuel. 1969-1975. 12 Co-Cu, General. 13 Cole, Sidney I. 1969-1972. 14 Current, Gloster B. 1966-1971. 15 Current, Gloster B. 1972-1975. 16 D, General. 3 1 Davidson, Jerome K. 1966-1974. 2 Deckard, S. L. 1969-1973. 3 DeNur, Nina. 1969-1973. 4 Drinan, Robert N. 1966-1974. 5 E, General. 6 Eisendrath, Maurice N. 1964-1973. 7 Elkins, Dov Peretz. 1968-1974. 8 Epstein, Benjamin R. 1970-1975. 9 Evans, Jane. 1967-1971. 10 Evers, Charles. 1966-1971. 11 F-Fi, General. 12 Feingold, S. Norman. 1966-1971. 13 Feingold, S. Norman. 1972-1975. 14 Ferguson, Glenn W. 1970-1973. 15 Fernandez, Richard R. 1969-1972. 15 Fl-Fu, General. 4 1 Frinks, Golden. 1969-1975. 2 Feuller, Millard. 1966-1974. 3 Ga-Gi, General. 4 Gittelsohn, Roland B. 1964-1975. 5 Gl-Goo, General. 6 Gladstone, Yaakov. 1968-1971. 7 Glaser, Joseph B. 1965-1975. 8 Golden, Harry. 1967-1973. 9 Goldfarb, Samuel J. 1966-1974. 10 Gor-Gree, General. 5 1 Gottschalk, Alfred. 1972-1974. 2 Greg-Gu, General. 3 Guess, Jerry M. 1969-1974. 4 Gutmann, Harry K. 1972-1974. 5 Ha, General. 6 Harrison, Ruth. 1964-1972. 7 He, General. 8 Hershaft, Alex. 1967-1974. 9 Hi-Hol, General. 10 Hirsch, Richard G. 1964-1975. 11 Holland, Jerome H. 1969-1973. 12 Hon-Hy, General. 13 Humphrey, Hubert H. 1964-1972. 6 1 I, General. 2 Inbal, Shimshon. 1972-1974. 3 J-Joh, General. 4 Jacobs, Steven S. 1970-1973. 5 Johnson, Clifton H. 1972-1975. 6 Jon-Ju, General. 7 Jospe, Alfred. 1966-1973. 8 Ka, General. 9 Kahn, Benjamin M. 1966-1974. 10 Ke-Kle, General. 11 Kennedy, Edward M. 1967-1974. 12 King, Coretta S. 1965-1974. 7 1 Kli-Ky, General. 2 Kolack, Sol. 1966-1974. 3 La-Le, General. 4 Lawrence, Gunther. 1966-1969; n.d. 5 Lelyveld, Arthur J. 1966-1972. 6 Lewis, Alfred Baker. 1969-1973; n.d. 7 Li-Lu, General. 8 Ma-Mars, General. 9 Marcus, Jacob Rader 1966-1973. 8 1 Mart-Mc, General. 2 Me-Mil, General. 3 Milgram, Morris. 1966-1973. 4 Miller, Carl I. 1966-1973. 5 Miller, Edith J. 1970-1975. 6 Miller, Judea B. 1966-1973. 7 Min-Moo, General. 8 Mitchell, Clarence. 1966-1975. 9 Moon, Henry Lee. 1966-1975. 10 Mor-Mu, General 11 Morse, Earl. 1968-1974. 12 Morsell, John A. 1969-1974; n.d. 13 Muse, Edward B. 1966, 1969. 9 1 Muse, Edward B. 1970. 2 Muse, Edward B. 1971. 3 Muse, Edward B. 1972. 4 Muse, Edward B. 1973. 5 Muse, Edward B. 1974. 6 Muse, Edward B. 1975; n.d. 7 N, General 8 Norris, Kenneth R. 1969-1971. 9 Novak, William. 1969-1974. 10 O, General. 11 Oliver, William H. 1968-1974. 12 Owen, George Earle. 1970-1973. 13 Owens, George A. 1966-1975. 10 1 P-Pi, General. 2 Patton, W.C. 1970-1973. 3 Penn, William H. 1969-1972. 4 Pl-Pu, General. 5 Polish, Daniel F. 1969-1973; n.d. 6 Polish, David. 1969-1974. 7 Polish, Jacob. 19669-1969; n.d. 8 Pollack, Herman. 1964-1975. 9 Q, R-Ri, General. 10 Randolph, A. Philip. 1967-1975. 11 Reed, Eugene T. 1966-1973. 12 Richardson, Elliot L. 1970-1974. 13 Rob-Rop, General. 14 Robinson, H.N. 1973. 15 Robinson, Prizell, 1972-1974. 16 Ros-Ry, General. 11 1 Rosenzweig, Efraim M. 1969-1975. 2 Roxborough, Mildred Bon. 1964-1975. 3 Rustin, Bayard. 1968-1974. 4 Sa-Sca, General. 5 Sacher, Abram L. 1959-1973. 6 St. John, Robert and Ruth. 1969-1975; n.d. 7 Saltzman, Murray. 1973-1974. 8 Samuels, Robert L. 1968-1974. 9 Sargent, Francis W. 1969-1974; n.d. 10 Scalise, Victor F. 1970-1973. 11 Sch, General. 12 Schafer, Stephen A. 1966-1975. 13 Schindler, Alexander M. 1964-1975; n.d. 14 Sci-Sh, General. 12 1 Si-Sl, General. 2 Siegman, Henry. 1966-1975. 3 Silver, Samuel M. 1964-1974. 4 Silverman, William B. 1966-1969. 5 Silverman, William B. 1970. 6 Silverman, William B. 1971. 7 Silverman, William B. 1972. 8 Silverman, William B. 1973. 9 Silverman, William B. 1974. 10 Silverman, William B. 1975; n.d. 11 Sm-Sr, General. 12 Smadbeck, Justine. 1969. 13 Solomonow, Allan, 1970-1973; n.d. 14 Spottswood, Stephen Gill. 1964-1974. 13 1 St-Sy, General. 2 Stalvey, Lois Mark. 1971-1974. 3 Sutton, Percy E. 1971-1974. 4 Swig, Benjamin H. 1966-1975. 5 T, General. 6 Tarter, James H. 1970-1975. 7 Tucker, C. DeLores. 1971-1975. 8 U, V, General. 9 Volkman, Samuel and Sally. 1966-1974; n.d. 10 Volpe, John A. 1966-1972. 11 Vorspan, Albert 1962-1971. 12 Vorspan, Albert. 1972-1975. 13 Voss, Carl Herman. 1966-1973. 14 W-Weinberg, General. 14 1 Weatherbee, Winthrop. 1969-1971. 2 Weiler, Moses Cyrus. 1973-1974. 3 Weinberg, Oscar. 1968-1974. 4 Weinberger-Wie, General. 5 Weitz, Martin M. 1969-1973. 6 Wexler, William A. 1966-1971. 7 Wil-Wy, General. 8 Wilkins, Roy. 1964-1974. 9 Y, General. 10 Youdovin, Ira S. 1971-1975. 11 Z, General. 12 Zack, Isadore. 1968-1975; n.d. 13 Zemer, Moshe. 1969-1974. 14 Unidentified. Subseries 2: Personal Correspondence 15 1 Green, Barry. 1969-1970. 2 Grossman, Morton and Sylvia. 1969-1975; n.d. 3 Grossman, Linda and Rachel. 1974. 4 Kaplan, Edward. 1969-1975. 5 Narva, Richard and Amy (Grossman). 1969-1975; n.d. 6 Rogers, David. 1963-1972; n.d. 7 Personal correspondence. 1966-1969. 8 Personal correspondence. 1970. 9 Personal correspondence. 1971-1973. 10 Personal correspondence. 1974-1975. 11 Personal correspondence. Partial dates and n.d. SERIES B. JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES Subseries 1: The Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 12 Minutes of the Board of Trustees, 1970-1974. 13 Reports to the Board of Trustees, 1972-1974. 14 Memoranda, 1972-1974. 15 Press releases, 1973-1975; n.d. 16 Committee on the Centennial, 1972-1973. 17 Miscellaneous, 1969-1975; n.d. Subseries 2: B'nai B'rith. 16 1 Memoranda, press releases, miscellaneous, 1973-1975; n.d. 2 Career and Counseling Services; minutes, memoranda, press releases, nearprint, miscellaneous, 1972-1974; n.d. 3 Career and Counseling Services; Special Projects Committee; reports, 1968-1972, n.d. 4 Anti-Defamation League; miscellaneous, 1970. 5 Anti-Defamation League; New England Regional Office; miscellaneous, 1973-1975. Subseries 3: Miscellaneous Organizations and Activities. 6 Awards and citations, 1948-1969; n.d. 7 Brandeis University; appointment as Marshal's Aide, 1952-1956, 1958. 8 Commission on Social Action of Reform Judaism; minutes, memoranda, 1970-1975. 9 Congregation Adath Israel; Boston, Massachusetts; Board of Trustees meetings, 1970-1971. 10 Council of Black and White Rabbis; miscellaneous, 1972-1973. 11 Israel Commission; memoranda, minutes reports, 1974; n.d. 12 Reform Jewish Appeal; memoranda, 1975. 13-14 Religious Action Center (Washington, DC); correspondence supporting or rejecting the establishment of a Religious Action Center, newsclippings, 1961. 15 Scrapbook of the dedication of the Emily & Kivie Kaplan Family Lobby, 1966. 16 Miscellaneous material on Israel. 17 Miscellaneous, 1970-1974. SERIES C. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE. Subseries 1: General 17 1 Annual Conventions (63rd-66th), 1972-1975. 2 Awards and citations, 1963-1972. 3 Board of Directors meetings minutes, 1971-1974. 4 The Crisis: Annual reports, 1973-1975. 5 Fight for Freedom: The Story of the N.A.A.C.P., by Langston Hughes. 6 Memoranda, 1968-1975. 7 National Housing Corporation; annual reports, 1972, 1974. 8 Pension Survey Committee; reports, miscellaneous, 1972-1973. 9 Press releases, 1969-1975. 10 Promotional literature. 11 Special Contribution Fund; trustees meetings minutes, 1968-1974. 12 Special Contribution Fund; reports to the Board of Trustees, 1973-1975. 13 Miscellaneous meetings minutes, 1972-1975. 14 Miscellaneous reports, 1972-1975; n.d. 15 Miscellaneous, 1968-1975; n.d. Subseries 2: Miscellaneous 16 Tougaloo College (Mississippi); reports, 1974-1975. 17 Williams, Robert Anthony; appeals for aid from the N.A.A.C.P., 1971-1974. 18 Miscellaneous. SERIES D. ICONOGRAPHIC MATERIAL. 19 Kivie Kaplan, portraits. 20 Emily Kaplan, portraits. 21 Kivie and Emily Kaplan, portraits. 18 1 Kaplan family, portraits. 2-3 Kaplan family, pictures. 4 Kaplan family, pictures at Martha's Vineyard. 5 Foreign trips; Cuba. 6 Foreign trips; France. 7 Foreign trips; Israel. 8 Foreign trips; Italy. 9 Foreign trips; Norway. 10 Foreign trips; Miscellaneous. 11-12 Colonial and Hartnett Tanning Companies. 13 210 Associates (philanthropic foundation of the shoe and leather industry). 14 Brandeis University. 15 Cornerstone Exercise of Ayer Temple, 1954. 16 Miscellaneous Jewish organizations, charities, meetings. 19 1 N.A.A.C.P. 2 George Washington Carver, 1940. 3-4 Miscellaneous. SERIES E. NEWSCLIPPINGS. 5 Colonial and Hartnett Tanning Companies. 6 Jewish organizations and activities. 7 N.A.A.C.P. 8 Miscellaneous. SERIES F. MISCELLANEOUS. 9 Awards and citations of Kaplan family members. 10 Miscellaneous awards and citations. 11 Material by and about Kivie Kaplan. 12 DeFunis vs Odegaard (affirmative action),1972-1974; n.d. 13 Nearprint; Jewish and Black material. 14 Miscellaneous.
Note: This list represents a selective guide to the significant subjects and correspondents dealt with in the KIVIE KAPLAN PAPERS. References are to boxes and folders, i.e. 1/7 = Box 1, Folder 7. This list must be used in conjunction with the Box and Folder List in the inventory. Abernathy, Ralph David 1/1 Abram, Morris B. 1/1 Alexander, June Shagaloff 1/1 Allon, Yigal 1/1, 18/16 Amistad Research Center 5/9 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith 1/14, 2/5, 3/4, 12, 8/9, 9/4, 10/14 Axelrad, Albert S. 1/2 Baar, Emil 1/3 Black, Hillel 1/9 Bloom, Frederick 1/9 Blumberg, David M. 1/9 B'nai B'rith 1/9, 5/12 B'nai B'rith-Vocational Service 3/13, 14, 10/13 Brickman, Dorothy 1/14 Bunche, Ralph J. 19/1 Carolina Israelite 4/9 Chavez, Caesar E. 2/10 Clergy and Laymen Concerned About Vietnam 3/14 Davis, Ossie 2/16 Davis, Ralph 2/16 Eban, Abba 3/5, 18/16 Fane, Irvin 3/11 Farrar, Lyman G. 3/11 Feingold, S. Norman 18/16 Givton, Hanoch 4/3 Glueck, Nelson 4/5, 16/16, 18/16 Greenberg, Jack 4/10 Harriman, W. Averill 5/5 Hatcher, Richard Gordon 5/5 Hatzaad, Harishon 1/6, 2/12, 4/5 Herman, Erwin L. 5/4 Hoffman, Isidor B. 5/9 Howard, Warren W. 5/9 Hudson, H. Claude 5/9 Jackson, Maynard 6/3 Javits, Jacob K. 6/3 Jaffe, Benjamin 6/3 Johnson, Lyndon B. 6/3 Kallen, Horace M. 6/8 Kallen, Miriam 6/8 Kaminetsky, Joseph 6/8 Kaufman, Jay 6/8 Kearlsey, Dora F. 6/10 Kennedy, John F. 19/1 Khan, Sadruddin Aga 6/10 King, Martin Luther 6/10 Kissinger, Henry A. 6/10 Klein, Edward E. 6/10 Klutznick, Philip M. 7/1 Kollek, Teddy 7/1, 18/16 Kominsky, Morris 7/1 Kopald, S.L., Jr. 7/1 Law of Return 16/17 Lebow, Sylvan 7/3 Levites, Sol 7/3 Marshall, Thurgood 7/8 Maslow, Will 8/1 McGovern, George S. 8/1 Meir, Golda 8/2, 18/16 Metzenbaum, Howard M. 8/2 Miller, Alexander F. 8/2 Mondale, Walter F. 8/7 Morris, William R. 8/10 Muse, Edward B. 19/1 Muskie, Edmund S. 8/10 National Federation of Temple Brotherhoods 7/3 National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods 3/9 National Federation of Temple Youth 1/1, 18/16 Nixon, Richard M. 9/7 Nussbaum, Max 9/7 Ofer, Moshe 9/10 Plaut, W. Gunther 10/4 Plummer, Howard Z. 10/4 Poussaint, Alvin F. 10/4 Putnam, Glendora M. 10/4 Putnam, Harold 10/4 Randolph, (A. Philip) Institute 11/3 Reform Jewish Appeal 1/1,2,3/5, 5/13, 7/3 Regner, Sidney L. 10/9 Religious Action Center 11/14, 15, 16, 5/10 Robinson, Jackie 10/13, 19/1 Rockefeller, Nelson A. 10/13 Romney, George 19/1 Rubinstein, Irving Sr. 10/16 Rusk, Dean 10/16 Schenk, Max 11/11 Schoolman, Leonard A. 11/11 Schottland, Charles I. 11/11 Segal, Robert E. 11/14 Seltzer, Sanford 11/14 Shriver, Sargent 11/14 Simmons, Althea T.L. 12/1 Spiro, Jack D. 12/11 Stern, Malcolm H. 13/1 Synagogue Council of America 12/2 Tougaloo College (Mississippi) 9/13 Union of American Hebrew Congregations 8/11 Union of American Hebrew Congregations - Commission on Interfaith Activities 1/16 Vinitsky,Chaim 13/8 Volpe, John 19/1 Wallace, George C. 13/14 Waldorf, Frank M. 13/14 Weaver, Robert C. 13/14 Weiss-Rosmarin, Trude 14/4 Wilkins, Roy 19/1 Young, Whitney, Jr. 14/9 Zaoui, Andre 14/11