A Finding Aid to theFrank L. Weil PapersManuscript Collection No. 481898-1958. 13.8 Linear ft. |
Property rights have been assigned to the American Jewish Archives. All literary rights to materials authored by Frank L. Weil are held by the Weil heirs. Literary rights to materials authored by others are held by the individual author or his/her heirs. Questions concerning rights should be addressed to the Director of the American Jewish Archives.
The FRANK L. WEIL PAPERS are open to all users. The original manuscript collection is available in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.
Frank Leopold Weil was born in New York City on March 7, 1894, the son of
Leopold and Rebecca (Rosenstein) Weil. He attended the preparatory Horace
Mann School until his father's death in 1903, when he was transferred to
the New York City public school system. He graduated from DeWitt Clinton
High School completing the normal four-year program in two and one-half
years. In 1911, Weil entered Columbia University, where he received a Bachelor
of Science degree in 1915 and a law degree in 1917. An honorary Doctorate of
Hebrew Letters was awarded to him by Hebrew Union College in 1945.
As a youth, Weil did not engage in many outside activities, due to a mistakenly
diagnosed heart ailment but this situation changed after he entered college.
At Columbia, Weil joined and was active in many extracurricular activities,
such as the Boy Scouts of America, the Educational Alliance and Temple
Sisterhood, and the Y.M.C.A. These interests continued throughout the rest
of his life.
Weil's involvement in all types of social, religious, and cultural activities is well reflected by the numerous offices he held throughout his life. Some of these include: President of the Young Men's Hebrew Association, New York City (1932-1940); co-founder and director of the United Service Organizations (1940-1950), honorary president (1950-1957); president of the World Federation of Young Men's Hebrew Association and Jewish Community Centers (1947-1957); vice-president of the Association of Youth Serving Organizations (1943-1948); member of the National Executive Board Boy Scouts of America (1940-1957), chairman and director of personnel (1940-1954); chairman of the Jewish Committee on Scouting; chairman of the National Executive Committee of the National Social Welfare Assembly (1946-1949), president (1949-1951); vice-chairman of the Board of Governors Hebrew Union College (1948-1957); director of the Lincoln Center for Performing Arts; member of the United States National Commission on Unesco (1946-1948); and chairman of the National Citizen's Committee for United Nations Day (1952).
Weil was awarded a Medal of Merit by President Truman in 1946 and two years later, he was appointed chairman of President Truman's Committee on Religious and Moral Welfare and Character Guidance in the Armed Forces. His service to government also included membership in the New York State Commission Against Discrimination (1944) and his appointment in 1946 to the National Advisory Panel to Study Juvenile Delinquency.
In 1924, Weil married Henrietta Amelia Simons and they had three sons, John William, Thomas Alexander, and Peter Henry. Frank Leopold Weil died in 1957 in New York City.
The papers of the New York lawyer and social worker, Frank L. Weil, consist of material relating to his long involvement in social service. The collection includes correspondence, minutes, reports, notes, printed matter, and miscellaneous items which span the period, 1889 to 1958. The FRANK L. WEIL PAPERS are divided into series:
The PERSONAL series is composed of four boxes of material divided into three subseries consisting of correspondence, 1898 to 1958; printed material, 1909-1910; and miscellaneous material, 1908 to 1956. The correspondence, which is arranged in alphabetical order, consists of topics relating to the organizational activities with which Weil was associated.The remaining material deals with De Witt Clinton High School, 1909 to 1910; class notes and records, 1908 to 1956; memorial material concerning Leopold Weil, the father of Frank Weil, 1903;newsclippings and articles, 1951 to 1952; and material relating to Moses Alexander, a former governor of Idaho.A. PERSONAL B. ORGANIZATIONAL
The ORGANIZATIONAL series consists of correspondence, minutes, reports, and printed material,as well as a subseries of miscellaneous material, relating to the activities and organizations with which Frank Weil was associated from 1913 through 1956. The series is composed of twenty-nine boxes arranged alphabetically by the name of the organization. Within each file, the material is arranged in reverse chronological order. The bulk of the series is composed of material dealing with the Boy Scouts of America, the Jewish Committee on Scouting, the Jewish Education Committee, the National Jewish Welfare Board, the President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces, the United Jewish Appeal, the United Service Organizations, and the Young Men's Hebrew Association. Other important organizations covered include the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee and the American Red Cross.
Note: The PERSONAL series consists of three sub-series of correspondence, printed material and class notes, and miscellaneous material. Sub-series 1 is arranged alphabetically. Access to many of the correspondents can be made through the Subject Tracings at the end of the inventory.
Box Folder Contents SERIES A. PERSONAL Subseries 1: Correspondence 1 1 A, General 2 B, General [Folder is missing] 3 C-E, General 4 F, General 5 G-H, General 6 I-K, General 7 L-M, General 2 1 N-O, General 2 P-R, General 3 S, General 4 T-V, General 5 W-Z, General 6 Unidentified 1903-1952, n.d. Subseries 2: Printed Material and Class Notes. 3 Magpie, De Witt Clinton High School, New York, New York, 1909-1920; Miscellaneous college and university publications, 1913-1953 [scattered]; Class notes, 1909-1910. Subseries 3: Miscellaneous 4 1 Undated. Law School Papers. 2 1909-1956 [scattered]. School Notes and Records. 3 Alexander, Moses. Miscellaneous. 1897; 1914; 1931-1932. 4 1951-1952. Newsclippings and Articles. 5 Undated. Notes. 6 1903. Memorial citations for Leopold Weil. SERIES B. ORGANIZATIONAL Note: The ORGANIZATIONAL SERIES consists of correspondence, minutes, reports, printed, and miscellaneous material relating to the activities and organizations to which Frank Weil was associated from 1926 through 1956. Unless otherwise noted, the material below consists of correspondence. 5 1 American Association for the United Nations. 1951-1955. 2 American Jewish Committee. 1945-1951. 3 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. 1937-1941. Feb. 4 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 1941-March-1951 Jan. 5 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. Minutes and Reports. 1940 June-Dec. 6 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.Minutes and Reports. 1941 Jan.-1942 Feb.; 1944 July. 7 American Jewish Tercentenary Committee. 1952-1955. 8 American National Red Cross. 1948-1949. 6 1 Associated Services for the Armed Forces, Inc. 1950 2 Associated Services for the Armed Forces, Inc. Minutes. 1950-1951. 3 Associated Services for the Armed Forces, Inc. Miscellaneous. 1950. 4 B'nai B'rith. 1940 Dec. - 1942 Oct. 5 B'nai B'rith. 1943 Dec. - 1947 Nov. 6 Boy Scouts of America. 1935 March-1936 Dec. 7 Boy Scouts of America. 1937. 8 Boy Scouts of America. 1938 June-Dec. 7 1 Boy Scouts of America. 1939. 2 Boy Scouts of America. 1940-1941 Feb. 3 Boy Scouts of America. 1941 March-July. 4 Boy Scouts of America. 1941 June-Nov. 5 Boy Scouts of America. 1941 Dec; 1942 Jan.-July. 8 1 Boy Scouts of America. 1942 Aug.-Dec. 2 Boy Scouts of America. 1943 Jan.-April 3 Boy Scouts of America. 1943 May-July. 4 Boy Scouts of America. 1943 Aug.-Dec. 5 Boy Scouts of America. 1944 Jan.-May. 6 Boy Scouts of America. 1944 June-Dec. 7 Boy Scouts of America. 1945 Jan.-March. 9 1 Boy Scouts of America. 1945 April-Dec. 2 Boy Scouts of America. 1946 Jan.-April. 3 Boy Scouts of America. 1946 May-July. 4 Boy Scouts of America. 1946 Aug.-Dec. 5 Boy Scouts of America. 1947 Jan.-April. 6 Boy Scouts of America. 1947 May-Aug. 7 Boy Scouts of America. 1947 Sept.-Dec. 10 1 Boy Scouts of America. 1948 Jan.-June. 2 Boy Scouts of America. 1948 July-Dec. 3 Boy Scouts of America. Minutes. 1935-1941. 4 Boy Scouts of America. Minutes. 1942-1943. 5 Boy Scouts of America. Minutes. 1944; 1947. 6 Boy Scouts of America. Financial Records. 1938-1944. 7 Boy Scouts of America. Reports. 1935-1940. 8 Boy Scouts of America. Reports. 1941-1943. 11 1 Boy Scouts of America. Reports. 1944; 1947. 2 Boy Scouts of America. Reports. Undated. 3 Boy Scouts of America. Printed Material. 1933-1940 4 Boy Scouts of America. Printed Material. 1937-1941 12 1 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 1952-1955. 2 Community Chests. 1949-1950. 3 Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. 1946-1949. 4 Girl Scouts of the United States. 1944 Dec.-1951 May. 5 Jewish Committee on Scouting. 1929. 6 Jewish Committee on Scouting. 1930-1932. 7 Jewish Committee on Scouting. 1935-1940. 8 Jewish Committee on Scouting. 1941-1942. 9 Jewish Committee on Scouting. 1943. 10 Jewish Committee on Scouting. 1944-1946. 13 1 Jewish Committee on Scouting. Minutes. 1927-1934 2 Jewish Committee on Scouting. Reports 1929-1941 3 Jewish Committee on Scouting. Reports 1942. 4 Jewish Committee on Scouting. Reports. 1944-1945 5 Jewish Committee on Scouting. Reports. Undated. 6 Jewish Committee on Scouting. Memorandum. 1938-1945. 14 1 Jewish Education Committee. 1939. 2 Jewish Education Committee 1940 Jan.-May 3 Jewish Education Committee. 1940 June-Dec. 4 Jewish Education Committee. 1941. 5 Jewish Education Committee. 1942. 6 Jewish Education Committee. 1943-1948 [scattered]. 7 Jewish Education Committee. Minutes. 1939-1944 [scattered]. 8 Jewish Education Committee. Reports. 1939-1942. 9 Jewish Education Committee. Memorandum. 1939-1944. 15 1 National Citizens' Committee for United Nations Day 1950-1957, n.d. 2 National Citizens' Committee for United Nations Day Minutes. 1951-1956. 3 National Citizens' Committee for United Nations Day. Reports. 1952-1953. 4 National Conference of Christians and Jews. 1949. 5 National Conference of Jewish Social Welfare. 1950. 6 National Conference of Social Work. 1948-1951. 7 National Conference on Family Life. 1947. 8 National Famine Emergency Council. 1946. 9 National Institute for Social Relations. 1948-1950. 10 National Jewish Welfare Board. 1927-1928. 11 National Jewish Welfare Board. 1932-1936. 12 National Jewish Welfare Board. 1941-1946. 16 1 National Jewish Welfare Board. Reports. 1937-1955 [scattered]. 2 National Jewish Welfare Board. Reports 1943-1953. 3 National Jewish Welfare Board-Juvenile Delinquency. 1946. 4 National Jewish Welfare Board - Juvenile Delinquency. 1947-1949. 5 National Jewish Welfare Board - Juvenile Delinquency. Reports. 1947-1948. 17 1 National Social Welfare Agency. 1947-1952. 2 New York State Citizen's Council. 1947-1949. 3 New York Coordinating Committee on Released Time. Correspondence and Minutes. 1946-1948. 4 New York City Council Against Discrimination. Correspondence and Minutes. 1946-1947. 5 President's Advisory Commission on Universal Training. 1946 Dec.-1947 June. 6 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. 1939-1949. 7 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. 1950 Jan.-July. 8 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. 1950 Aug.-Oct. 18 1 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. 1950 Nov.-Dec. 2 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. 1951-1954. 3 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. Miscellaneous. 1948. 4 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. Miscellaneous. 1948. 5 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. Miscellaneous. 1949. 6 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. Miscellaneous. 1950. 7 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. Miscellaneous. 1951. 19 1 President's Committee on Religion and Welfare in the Armed Forces. Miscellaneous. 1949-1950. 2 United Jewish Appeal. 1944-1945 June. 3 United Jewish Appeal 1945 July-1946. 4 United Jewish Appeal. 1947. 5 United Jewish Appeal. 1948-1951 March. 6 Unesco. 1946-1949. 7 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1949-1950 Jan. 20 1 United Service Organizations. 1941 2 United Service Organizations. 1942 Jan.-March 3 United Service Organizations. 1942 Apr.-May. 4 United Service Organizations. 1942 June-July. 5 United Service Organizations. 1942 Aug.-Sept. 6 United Service Organizations. 1942 Oct. 21 1 United Service Organizations. 1942 Nov.-Dec. 2 United Service Organizations. 1943 Jan.-Feb. 3 United Service Organizations. 1943 March-April. 4 United Service Organizations. 1943 May-June. 5 United Service Organizations. 1943 July-Aug. 6 United Service Organizations. 1943 Sept.-Oct. 7 United Service Organizations. 1943 Nov.-Dec. 22 1 United Service Organizations. 1944 Jan.-June. 2 United Service Organizations. 1944 July-Dec. 3 United Service Organizations. 1945. 4 United Service Organizations. 1946 Jan.-June. 5 United Service Organizations. 1946 July-Dec; 1949 April. 6 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Billy Blake. 1943 Nov.-1944 July. 7 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Susan Carol. 1945 Oct.-Dec. 8 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Danny Kaye. 1943 Oct.-1945 July. 9 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Charles King. 1944 April-1945 May. 10 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Roy Oliver 1943 Aug. -1944 June. 11 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Ann Robinson and Louise Crane. 1943 Dec.-1944. 23 1 United Service Organizations. Constitution and Bylaws, n.d. 2 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1941. 3 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 Jan.-Feb. 4 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 Mar. 5 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 April. 6 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 May-June. 24 1 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 July-Aug. 2 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 Sept.-Oct. 3 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1942 Nov.- Dec. 4 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1943 Jan.- March. 5 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1943 April-May. 25 1 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1943 June-Sept. 2 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1943 Oct.-Dec. 3 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1944 Jan.-May. 4 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1944 June-Dec. 5 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1945. 6 United Service Organizations. Minutes. 1946; 1948 April. 26 1 United Service Organizations. Reports. 1941. 2 United Service Organizations. Reports. 1942-1943. 3 United Service Organizations. Reports. 1952-1946 [scattered]. 4 United Service Organizations. Reports. Undated. 5 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 1941 Nov-Dec. 6 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 1942 Jan. 7 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 1942 March. 27 1 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 1942 April. 2 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 1942 June and Oct. 3 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 12942/1943 Winter. 4 United Service Organizations. Camp Shows. Reports. 1945. 5 United Service Organizations. Printed Material. 1918; 1941-1948. 6 United Service Organizations. Printed Material. Home Away From Home The Story of the U.S.O. 28 1 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1926-1928. 2 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1929. 3 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1930. 4 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1931. 5 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1932 Jan.-Sept. 6 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1932 Oct.-Dec. 29 1 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1933 Jan.-Sept. 2 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1933 Oct.-Dec. 3 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1934 Jan.-Mar. 4 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1934 Apr.-Sept. 5 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1934 Oct.-Dec. 30 1 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1935 Jan.-Aug. 2 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1935 Sept.-Dec. 3 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1936 Jan.-July. 4 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1936 Aug.-Dec. 5 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1937 Jan.-March. 6 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1937 April-July. 7 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1937 Aug.-Dec. 31 1 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1938 Jan.-May. 2 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1938 June-Oct. 3 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1938 Nov.-Dec. 4 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1939 Jan.-April. 5 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1939 May-July. 6 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1940 Aug.-Dec. 7 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1940 Jan.-April. 8 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1940 May-Dec. 32 1 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1941. 2 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1942. 3 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1943. 4 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1944. 5 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Minutes. 1927-1948. 6 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Reports. 1925-1933. 7 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Reports. 1934-1944. 8 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Reports on Inscriptions. 1930-1931. 33 1 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Reports on Equipment. 1929. 2 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Reports on Membership. 1928-1933. 3 Young Men's Hebrew Association. Miscellaneous. 4 Young Women's Hebrew Association. 1938 Jan.-Aug. 5 Young Women's Hebrew Association. 1938 Sept.-Dec. 6 Young Women's Hebrew Association. 1939-1940. 7 Young Women's Hebrew Association and Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1945-1949. Subseries 1. Miscellaneous 8 Memorabilia. Campaign/Commemorative Buttons and Plaque. Cabinet Folder Flatfile. Commendation plaque from the National Travelers' Aid Association, 1951 March 16; a scrapbook of pictures of Real Admiral W.B. Young's inspection of Women's Naval Uniforms, Inc. 1944 Feb. 19; commission as a Kentucky colonel, Frankfort, Kentucky, 1953 Oct. 19; certificate of twenty-five years as a Mason, New York, 1944 Dec. 5; and the War Savings Army certificate, 1918.
Note: The following list of subjects represents a selective guide to many of the topics found in the FRANK L. WEIL PAPERS. This list brings to the attention of the researcher topics which are not obvious from checking the PERSONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL SERIES; therefore it should be used in conjunction with the Box and Folder List in this inventory. i.e. 12/5=Box 12, Folder 5.
Adler, Cyrus. 12/5, 6, 7; 15, 10, 11, 12; 16/1 Alexander, Moses. 4/3 American Association for the United Nations. 12/1 American Committee for Christian German Refugees. 1/1 American Council for Judaism. 5/2 American Jewish Committee 1/1; 15/9. American Jewish Congress. 1/1; 5/2 American Jewish Historical Society. 1/1 American Red Cross. 6/4,5,6; 15/10,11,12 Anti-Semitism. 5/3 Armed Forces. 5/8; 6/1,2,3; 15/10,11,12; 17/5,6,7,8; 18/1,2,3,4,5,6,7; 19/1; 20/1,2,3,4,5,6; 21/1,2,3,4,5,6,7; 22/1,2,3,4,5. Baerwald, Paul. 5/3 Barnard, Chester I. 20/1/2,3,4,5,6; 21/1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Beard, Daniel Carter. 7/1,2,3,4,5 Billikopf, Jacob 1/2; 5/2 Blake, Bill 22/6 Blaustein, Jacob. 5/2,4. B'nai B'rith 16/3,4,5 Boy Scouts of America. 15/10,11,12 Cantor, Eddie. 28/6 Carol, Susan 22/7 Central Conference of American Rabbis. 15/10,11,12. Committee on Public Information. 1/3 Dominican Republic Settlement Association. 5/3,5,6 Education, Jewish 14/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Einstein, Albert. 1/3; 14/5 Enelow, Hyman G. 15/10,11,12 Finkelstein, Louis. 1/4;5/3,4; 7/1,2,3,4,5; 12/9 Ford, Henry. 1/4 Franzblau, Abraham N. 19/6 Friedman, Elisha M. 1/4 Fund Raising. 19/2,3,4,5 Galsworthy, John. 1/5 German Jewish Refugees. 5/3 Gittleson, Bernard. 5/2 Glueck, Nelson 1/5; 19/6 Harriman, W. Averell. 1/5 Hoover, Herbert C. 1/5 Jewish People's Committee. 1/6 Jewish Theological Seminary. 5/3; 12/9 Johnson, Alvin. 1/6 Juvenile Delinquency. 16/3/4,5 Kallen, Horace M. 14/2,3 Kaye, Danny. 22/8 Kimball, Lindsley F. 5/8 King, Charles 22/9 League to Enforce Peace. 1/7 Lehman, Herbert H. 1/7; 2/17 Liebman, Joshua Loth. 1/7 Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. 1/7 Lipsky, Louis. 29/2 Magnes, Judah L. 1/7 [Document missing] Marcus, Jacob R. 1/7 Marshall, James. 1/7 Morgenthau, Henry. 1/7 Namm, Ben H. 2/1 National Citizen's Committee for United Nations Day. 15/1 National Conference of Christians and Jews. 2/1 National Jewish Welfare Board. 6/2/3,4,5,6 National Urban League. 2/1 National Woodrow Wilson College Men's League. 2/5 New School for Social Research. 2/1 Oliver, Roy. 22/10 Palestine. 5/2 Philanthropy. 12.2 Pope, James P. 2/2 Proskauer, Joseph M. 5/2; 28/1,2,3,4,5,6 Ritchie, Albert. 2/2 Robinson, Ann. 22/11 Rockefeller, John D., Jr. 2/2 Roosevelt, Eleanor. 2/2; 5/1. Roosevelt, Franklin D. 2/2 Selective Service System. 22/8 Slawson, John 5/2 Social Welfare Activities. 12/2; 16/1; 20/1,2,3,4,5,6;21/1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Straus, Nathan. 2/3 Truman, Harry S. 17/6,7,8; 18/1,2,3,4,5,6,7 United Nations. 5/1; 12/1; 15/1,2,3 United Service Organizations 5/8; 6/4,5,6 War Relief. 5/4 Warburg, Edward 5/4 Wise, Stephen S. 2/5; 19/6 YIVO Institute for Jewish Research. 2/5