A Finding Aid to theMorris S. Lazaron PapersManuscript
Collection No. 71
The MORRIS S. LAZARON PAPERS were donated to the American Jewish Archives by Rabbi Morris S. Lazaron in 1968. Additional supplements of papers were donated to the Archives up to 1979.
All property rights are assigned to the American Jewish Archives. All literary rights to materials authored by Morris S. Lazaron are held by the Lazaron heirs. Literary rights to materials authored by others are held by the individual author or his/her heirs. Questions concerning rights should be addressed to the Director of the American Jewish Archives.
The MORRIS S. LAZARON PAPERS are open to all users with the exception of Box 15, Folder 12 which requires permission from the Executive Director of the American Jewish Archives. The original manuscript collection is available in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.
Lazaron went north to Cincinnati, Ohio, to attend the Union College and the University of Cincinnati. In 1909 he received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University and, in 1911, received a Master of Arts degree. He was ordained a rabbi by Hebrew Union College in 1914.
Soon after his ordination Lazaron accepted a call to become rabbi at the Congregation Leshem Shomayim in Wheeling, West Virginia. He remained there until the next year, 1915, when he moved to Baltimore, Maryland to accept the pulpit at the Baltimore Hebrew Congregation.
While in Wheeling, Lazaron met and married Pauline Horkheimer. They had three children: Morris, Jr., Harold Victor, and Clementine. Pauline died in 1933 and, in 1945, Lazaron married Hilda Rothschild Rosenblatt.
During World War I Lazaron served as a chaplain in the U.S. Army Officers' Reserve Corps. In 1918 he obtained the rank of major and remained in the Officers' Reserve Corps until 1953. In 1921 Lazaron was one of four officiating chaplains, representing the Jews of America, at the burial of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Also, in 1925 Lazaron was one of twenty founders of the Military Chaplains Association, an interfaith chaplains association.
While in Baltimore, in addition to his rabbinical duties, Lazaron became involved in and emerged as one of the leaders of a national effort to improve Jewish-Christian relations as well as becoming one of the most prominent spokesmen for the non-Zionist movement.
In 1933 and 1935, Lazaron, at the invitation of the National Conference of Christians and Jews, toured the United States with a Catholic priest and a Protestant minister, addressing meetings and conducting seminars in an effort to encourage inter-faith dialogue and support. In 1941, again at the invitation of the NCCJ, Lazaron toured England and Ireland with Dr. Everett R. Clinchy, president of the Conference, and Father Vincent Donovan in order to further study inter-faith relations. While in England, Lazaron gave a blessing in Hebrew to then prime minister, Winston Churchill.
Lazaron's efforts in the non-Zionist movement brought him into conflict with many pro-Zionist leaders, such as Stephen S. Wise, and led to his assisting in the founding of the American Council for Judaism, an organization dedicated to supporting the efforts and goals on the non-Zionist movement. But Lazaron's effort in support of non-Zionism also brought him into conflict with his congregation in Baltimore. Following his resignation as rabbi in 1946 after 31 years of service and his subsequent election as Rabbi Emeritus, Lazaron was asked by the Board of Trustees not to speak on Zionism in his High Holiday sermons to the congregation. Lazaron refused to agree to this and resigned as Emeritus in 1949. In 1957 Lazaron and the congregation settled their differences and Lazaron returned many times thereafter to speak to the congregation.
Lazaron was a member of numerous community organizations and civic groups including the American Merchant Marine Library Association, the Masons, The Order of the Scottish Rite, 33ΓΈ, and the League of Nations Association, Maryland branch. In 1934 Lazaron was awarded the Gottheil Medal by Zeta Beta Tau for the greatest contribution to the welfare of American Jewry in 1933. In 1936 he was awarded an honorary Litt. D. degree from Rutgers University and in 1963 he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
Lazaron authored many books, including: Common Ground: A Plea for Intelligent Americanism (1938); Seed of Abraham: Ten Jews of the Ages (1930); and Olive Trees in Storm (1955). Lazaron was the author of many articles, poems, and numerous other writings.
After his retirement Lazaron lived in New York and Florida, where he taught for a time at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida and North Carolina. He took up painting and his works were displayed in one-man shows in Paris, London, New York, and Boston.
Morris S. Lazaron died on June 5, 1979 in London, England at the age of 91.
The CORRESPONDENCE series (1907-1979) Sub-Series 1. Personal consists of nine Hollinger boxes of correspondence from and with friends and acquaintances of Lazaron. All correspondence in this series is arranged alphabetically by the name of the person or organization. Letters are arranged chronologically within each folder. The bulk of the material spans the years 1930-1950.A. CORRESPONDENCE Subseries 1: Personal Subseries 2: Organizations Subseries 3: Family B. SERMONS AND ADDRESSES Subseries 1: Sermons Subseries 2: Addresses, Eulogies, Prayers Subseries 3: Speaking Engagements C. RADIO BROADCASTS D. SCHOLARSHIP E. SUBJECT MATERIALS F. CONGREGATIONAL RECORDS Subseries 1: Wheeling, W. Va. - Congregation Leshem Shomayim Subseries 2: Baltimore, Md. - Baltimore Hebrew Congregation G. PERSONAL
Sub-Series 2. Organizational consists of eleven Hollinger boxes of correspondence with a wide variety of organizations. Of special interest in this sub-series are the files pertaining to the American Council for Judaism, the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the National Conference of Christians and Jews and the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. These contain correspondence from such prominent Jewish and Christian leaders as Paul Baerwald, Elmer Berger, Jacob Billikopf, Everett R. Clinchy, Louis I. Egelson, Maurice N. Eisendrath, Solomon B. Freehof, Julian Morgenstern, Stephen S. Wise and Jonah B. Wise, pertaining to topics such as the World Jewish Congress, Zionism, and Jewish-Christian relations.
Sub-Series 3. Family consists of one-half Hollinger box of correspondence with members of Lazaron's immediate family and a few of his relatives during the years 1918-1977.
The SERMONS AND ADDRESSES series (1905-1979) Sub-Series 1. Sermons consists of five and one-half Hollinger boxes of sermons mainly from Lazaron's years at Congregation Leshem Shomayim and Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. The sermons are arranged alphabetically by title with the untitled sermons placed at the end of the sub-series. A complete listing of sermon titles is available from the American Jewish Archives.
Sub-Series 2. Addresses, Eulogies, Prayers, Notes, etc. consists of one Hollinger box of speeches before communal organizations and various life cycle addresses from Lazaron's years in the rabbinate. The material is arranged chronologically.
Sub-Series 3. Speaking Engagements consists of one Hollinger box and spans the years 1935-1944.
The RADIO BROADCASTS series (1926-1946) consists of two Hollinger boxes of addresses and correspondence pertaining to the many radio programs on which Lazaron appeared. The material is arranged alphabetically by the title of the radio program and the papers within each folder are arranged chronologically.
The SCHOLARSHIP series (1921-1977) consists of six and one-half Hollinger boxes of published and non-published scholarly writings. The articles and manuscripts are arranged alphabetically according to title and subject. For some of the larger manuscripts is an earlier rough draft included with the final draft, and is handwritten by Lazaron. At the end of the series are four folders containing unidentified drafts of manuscripts.
The SUBJECT MATERIALS series (1918-1977) consists of one and one-half Hollinger boxes of materials relating to subjects of interest to Lazaron. Included in this series are two surveys conducted by Lazaron on Jews in Medicine and on Prohibition. Also of interest are a number of files pertaining to Lazaron's many years of involvement in and with the military.
The CONGREGATIONAL RECORDS series (1914-1969) Sub-Series 1. Wheeling, West Virginia-Congregation Leshem Shomayin consists of one file of miscellaneous papers relating to Lazaron's tenure with the congregation.
Sub-Series 2. Baltimore, Maryland-Baltimore Hebrew Congregation makes up the remainder of the two Hollinger boxes in this series. Of special interest in this sub-series are the files pertaining to Lazaron's tenure as Rabbi Emeritus, his resignation over a dispute with the congregation concerning Zionism and his eventual reinstatement.
The PERSONAL series (1851-1979) consists of six Hollinger boxes and one oversize box. The materials are arranged alphabetically by topic and include, in part, files on Lazaron's interest in art and a file on his family's genealogy.
Note: Selective access to some of the more important individuals and organizations for the MORRIS S. LAZARON PAPERS may be made through the Box and Folder List and the Subject Tracings at the end of the inventory. For additional information on Morris S. Lazaron please consult the card catalog in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.
Box Folder Contents SERIES A. CORRESPONDENCE Sub-Series 1. PersonalNote: The CORRESPONDENCE SERIES is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent. Selective access to additional topics and individuals may be made through the Subject Tracings at the end of this inventory. Please be aware that a subject or individual may appear in the collection more often than indicated in Subject Tracings.
1 1 A, General
2 Acheson, Dean 1946-1957
3 Adamic, Louis 1939-1940
4 Adler, Cyrus 1931-1940
5 Ames, Joseph S. 1930
6 Andrews, Matthew Page 1924-1939
7 Appelbaum, Saul B. 1939
8 Ba-Be, General
9 Backer, George 1936-1937
10 Baerwald, Mr. and Mrs. Emil 1936-1946
11 Baerwald, Paul 1934-1935
12 Baerwald, Paul 1936-1947, n.d.
13 Baker, Mrs. Henry F. 1927
14 Baker, Newton D. 1932-1937
15 Baldwin, H. Street 1944-1945
16 Barbey, Daniel E. 1940-1947, n.d.
17 Baruch, Bernard M. 1938
18 Baxter, James P. 1940-1941
19 Beck, James M. 1923
20 Berger, Elmer 1942-1968
21 Berlin, Mr. and Mrs. Irving 1941-1978
22 Bernheim, Isaac W. 1937-1942
23 Bernstein, Philip S. 1937-1938
24 Bettman, Irvin 1938-1946
25 Bevin, Ernest 1941-1946
26 Bi-Bo, General
27 Billikopf, Jacob 1923-1949, n.d.
28 Binstock, Louis 1923-1938
29 Birckhead, Hugh 1923-1930
30 Blair, John 1934-1937
31 Blaustein, Jacob 1937-1970
32 Bloch, Chaim 1939-1947
33 Blondheim, Mrs. David S. 1934
34 Bouton, S. Miles 1933-1946
35 Bowman, Isaiah 1946-1947
36 Br-Bu, General
37 Bracken, Brendan 1943-1945
38 Brandies, Louis d. 1928-1938
39 Breitstein, M.L. 1936-1942
2 1 Ca-Ci, General
2 Calisch, Edward N. 1922-1937
3 Campbell, Charles A. 1934-1938
4 Caraker, Andrew 1935-1937
5 Carleton, Alford 1945-1946
6 Castle, William R. 1933-1937
7 Chapiro, Joseph 1942
8 Cl-Cu, General
9 Clinchy, Everett R. 1931-1968
10 Clinchy, Everett R. 1970-1978, n.d.
11 Clothier, Robert C. 1932-1936
12 Cohen, A.K. 1939
13 Cohen, Alfred M. 1938
14 Cohen, D. 1935-1947
15 Cohn, Adolph D. 1931-1932, n.d.
16 Cohon, Beryl D. 1938-1946
17 Cohon, Samuel S. 1938-1946
18 Cowles, John H. 1929-1942
19 Lord Cranbourne 1942-1946
20 Curley, Michael j. 1921-1943
21 Da-De, General
22 Davis, Dwight D. 1925-1929
23 Denny, George V. 1939-1945
24 Deutsch, Monroe E. 1940-1948
25 Di-Du, General
26 Dickson, Frederick S. 1931-1938
27 Dodd, William E. 1935-1939
28 Dohme, A.R.L. 1923-1940
29 Dryfoos, Orvil 1959
30 E, General
31 Eden, Anthony 1941-1945, n.d.
32 Efros, Israel 1923-1925
33 Egelson, Louis I. 1924-1938, n.d.
34 Elbogen, Herman and Ismar 1930-1941
35 Elliot, Frederic M. 1939-1941
36 Emanuel, Alice 1936-1939, n.d.
37 Ember, Aaron 1923-1926
38 Epstein, Jacob 1922-1938
39 Epstein, M. 1938-1945
3 1 Fa-Fl, General
2 Feibelman, Julian B. 1932-1978
3 Feinberg, Abraham l. 1936
4 Fellman, Edward Z. 1936-1947, n.d.
5 Fertig, M. Maldwin 1936
6 Field, Marshall 1941-1942
7 Fineberg, Soloman A. 1942
8 Fineshriber, William H. 1942-1966
9 Finesinger, Abraham L. 1927-1932
10 Finkelstein, Louis 1946
11 Finney, J.M.T. 1930-1937, n.d.
12 Fo-Fu, General
13 Fosdick, Harry E. 1931-1959
14 Frank, Eli 1922-1944
15 Freehof, Solomon B. 1928-1977
16 Friedman, Lee 1939
17 Frisch, Ephraim 1936-1937
18 Fromm, Erich 1958-1959
19 Ga-Gl, General
20 Gerstenfeld, Norman 1939-1943, n.d.
21 Gibbons, Herbert A. 1930-1936
22 Glueck, Nelson 1942-1963
23 Go, General
24 Goldberg, Maxwell H. 1939-1945
25 Goldberg, Norman M. 1970-1971, n.d.
26 Goldenson, Samuel H. 1925-1944
27 Goldschmidt, Fred 1938-1944
28 Gompers, Samuel 1919-1923
29 Gottschall, Andrew W. 1935-1940, n.d.
30 Gr-Gu, General
31 Greenbaum, Edward S. 1939-1940
32 Greenberg, Rose 1936-1974
33 Ha-He, General
34 Haas, Jacob de 1923
35 Lord Halifax 1943
36 Harman, Avraham 1953-1954
37 Harmel, Merel 1942-1944
38 Harriman, W. Averell 1971
39 Harrison, Earl G. 1942
40 Harrison, Gilbert 1938-1978
41 Harry, J.E. 1939-1940
42 Hartogensis, B.H. 1924
4 1 Heller, Bernard 1937-1941, n.d.
2 Heller, James G. 1915-1942, n.d.
3 Henderson, Loy W. 1945-1964
4 Henriques, Basil L. Q. 1941-1947
5 Herman, Abraham 1928-1929
6 Herrmann, Ernest C. 1944
7 Heymann, hans 1941-1943
8 Hi-Hy, General
9 Hirsch, Emil G. 1914
10 Hodes, Aubrey 1970
11 Hoffman, Conrad, Jr. 1936-1946
12 Holmes, John Haynes 1927-1946
13 Holt, Hamilton 1941-1948
14 Howard, Evelyn 1933-1936
15 Hughes, Charles E. 1921-1922
16 Hull, Cordell 1940-1945
17 Hunt, Lawrence 1945-1961
18 Hurwitz, Henry 1922-1944
19 Hurwitz, Henry 1945-1961
20 I-J, General
21 Israel, Edward L. 1923-1925
22 Isserman, Ferdinand M. 1936-1940
23 Jackson, Howard W. 1932-1943
24 Jacobs, Henry B. 1928-1930, n.d.
25 Jaffe, Sidney 1939-1940
26 K, General
27 Kahn, Ludwig 1936-1937, n.d.
28 Kaplan, Israel 1930
29 Kaplan, Louis L. 1942
30 Karpf, Maurice J. 1938-1941
31 Kaufman, Frank A. 1942-1966
32 Kaufmann, Edmund I. 1935-1940
33 Kellerman, Heinz 1936-1938
34 Kellogg, Arthur and Paul 1931-1932
35 Kemler, Edgar 1934-1941
36 Kennedy, John F. 1956
37 Kohler, Rose 1915-1953
38 Kuhn, Paul 1936
5 1 La-Le, General
2 Landau, Jacob 1925-1939
3 Landman, Solomon 1937-1938
4 Lasker, Albert D. 1936-1938
5 Laski, Nevile 1934-1942
6 Lazarus, Robert 1935-1961
7 LeBrun, Julia 1928-1930
8 Lee, William C. 1938-1941
9 Leeman, Judson S. 1936-1940, n.d.
10 Leikin, George 1938
11 Leiper, Henry S. 1941-1945
12 Levi, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1928-1942
13 Levin, Harry O. 1937-1942
14 Levinson, Bertram A. 1934-1957
15 Levinson, Salmon O. 1934-1940
16 Li-Lu, General
17 Lieberman, George B. 1937-1939
18 Lieberman, Morris 1936-1970, n.d.
19 Loeb, Joseph P. 1931-1948
20 Long, Breckinridge 1936-1944
21 Ma-Mo, General
22 MacArthur, Douglas 1932-1935
23 MacFarland, Charles S. 1923-1936
24 Macht, Evelyn 1941-1942
25 MacLeish, Archibald 1937-1939
26 Magnes, Judah L. 1938-1943
27 Magnin, Edgar F. 1928-1946
28 Malcolm, A.C.E. 1942
29 Mandelstam, Abraham 1941
30 Mann, Louis L. 1924-1938
31 Marcus, Jacob R. 1938-1977, n.d.
32 Marshall, George C. 1923
33 Marshall, Louis 1925-1929, n.d.
34 Mattuck, Israel 1923-1945, n.d.
35 McElroy, Robert M. 1936-1942
36 Me-Mi, General
37 Mencken, H.L. 1926-1947, n.d.
38 Mendes, Pereira 1933-1936, n.d.
39 Merriam, Gordon P. 1945-1948
40 Merrill, John 1937-1944
6 1 Merz, Charles 1942-1945
2 Messersmith, George 1934-1940
3 Messersmith, George 1941-1947
4 Metzger, Fraser 1925-1938
5 Mo-My, General
6 Montagu, Lily H. 1931-1958
7 Moore, R. Walton 1935-1938
8 Morgenstern, Julian 1925-1946, n.d.
9 Morgenthau, Henry 1921
10 Moses, Philip 1940
11 Muskie, Edmund S. 1968
12 Muste, A.J. 1942
13 N, General
14 Neumann, Cissie 1929-1930
15 Newman, Louis I. 1927-1932
16 Nice, Harry W. 1934-1938
17 Nierenberg, David 1942
18 Niles, Emory H. 1930-1968
19 Norman, Edward A. 1939-1941
20 O, General
21 O'Conor, Herbert R. 1939
22 Orton, William A. 1931-1937
23 P, General
24 Parkes, James W. 1937-1977
25 Patak, Erna 1921-1936
26 Perles, Felix 1921-1922
27 Philipson, David 1922-1947
28 Pick, Mrs. Robert B. 1939
29 Pilchik, Ely E. 1941-1977, n.d.
30 Powell, Noble C. 1936-1939, n.d.
31 Power, Victor H. 1923-1928
32 Price, William B. 1923-1938
33 Proskauer, Joseph M. 1937-1943
34 Q, General
35 Ra-Ri, General
36 Rabinowitz, Isaac 1938
37 Radcliffe, George L. 1942
38 Raglan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy 1922-1944, n.d.
39 Randall, Daniel R. 1929-1930
40 Ranson, Marius 1923-1970
7 1 Reed, John L. 1941
2 Reich, Nathaniel J. 1927-1929
3 Reichert, Irving F. 1938-1943
4 Reynolds, Fred C. 1931-1960
5 Ritchie, Albert C. 1922-1934
6 Ro-Ry, General
7 Roosevelt, Eleanor 1942-1946
8 Rosenau, William 1928-1942
9 Rosenberg, James N. 1934-1943, n.d.
10 Rothschild, Anthony de 1941-1942
11 Rusk, Dean 1957
12 Sa-Sc, General
13 Saenger, Herman M. 1935-1936
14 Sanderson, Ross W. 1938-1945
15 Schachtel, Hyman J. 1942-1949
16 Schiff, Otto M. 1938-1942
17 Schneiderman, Harry 1941-1965
18 Schulman, Samuel 1921-1938
19 Schwartzman, Sylvan D. 1937-1964
20 Se-Sk, General
21 Shapiro, Sam 1937-1940
22 Sharretts, Mrs. Charles R. 1927
23 Sheldon, Albert b. 1940-1945
24 Shotwell, James T. 1929-1959
25 Shroder, William J. 1937-1941
26 Shusterman, Abraham 1938-1942
27 Silberman, Lou H. 1934-1938
28 Silver, Abba Hillel 1915-1941
29 Simon, Abram 1925-1929
30 Simon, Morris 1940-1941
31 Singer, Isidor 1930, n.d.
32 Sl-Sp, General
33 Sobeloff, Simon E. 1930-1933
34 Sommerfeld, Bruno 1937
35 Speers, T. Guthrie 1931-1970
36 Spence, H.E. 1954-1970
8 1 St-Sz, General
2 Starrels, Solomon E. 1942-1955
3 Steele, S. Tagart 1932-1939
4 Stern, Nathan 1938-1940
5 Stokes, Anson Phelps 1939-1943
6 Straus, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron 1918-1946
7 Straus, Roger W. 1928-1944
8 Strauss, Lewis L. 1936-1946
9 Stroock, Sol M. 1935-1938
10 Sulzberger, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hays 1937-1979
11 Szold, Henrietta 1925-1931
12 Ta-Th, General
13 Tarshish, Allan 1932-1966
14 Taylor, Myron 1940-1942
15 Thomas, Elbert D. 1934-1946
16 Thomas, John W. 1923-1925
17 Thomas, Norman 1931-1946
18 Thurman, Mordecai M. 1934-1940
19 Ti-Ty, General
20 Travis, Maury M. 1948-1949
21 Trowbridge, A. Buel 1939-1966
22 Tydings, Joseph D. 1968-1970
23 Tydings, Millard E. 1933-1943
24 U-V, General
25 VanKirk, Harold A. 1935-1979
26 Villard, Oswald G. 1931-1937, n.d.
27 Wa, General
28 Warburg, Felix M. 1921-1937
29 Warburg, Frieda S. 1937-1939, n.d.
30 Warburg, Max M. 1934-1942
31 Watson, Clarence 1938-1941
32 We, General
33 Webb, Bruce 1924-1939
34 Weglein, David E. 1923-1935
35 Weihl, Elsa 1923-1933
9 1 Weis, J. Max 1923-1925
2 Weisfeld, Israel H. 1934-1936
3 Welles, Sumner 1938-1941
4 Welles, Sumner 1942-1947
5 Weyrich, Harvey S. 1923-1938
6 Wh-Wi, General
7 Wile, Frederick W. 1929-1939, n.d.
8 Williams, Frankwood E. 1933
9 Williams, Henry D. 1955
10 Williams, J.L.B. 1965
11 Willkie, Wendell L. 1942
12 Wilson, Mrs. Henry T. 1967-1969
13 Wilson, Hugh R. 1935
14 Wise, Jonah B. 1924-1946
15 Wise, Stephen S. 1914-1934, n.d.
16 Witherspoon, Maurice M. 1939-1944
17 Witt, Louis 1922-1938
18 Wo-Wy, General
19 Wohl, Samuel 1933-1939
20 Wolf, Horace J. 1922-1938
21 Wolfson, Benjamin l. 1938-1941
22 Wolsey, Louis 1922-1938
23 Wolsey, Louis 1942-1944, n.d.
24 Wright, Frank Lloyd 1954
25 Wunder, Clinton 1930-1941
26 Wyckoff, Ventrees J. 1922
27 Y-Z, General
28 Yale, William 1941-1960
29 Yates, Julian E. 1926-1939
30 Zielonka, David L. 1929-1940
31 Zierinsky, Edward 1942-1944
32 Zolin, Hertha 1936-1941
33 Unidentified 1919-1977, n.d.
Sub-Series 2. Organizational
10 1 A, General
2 American Academy of Political and Social
Science 1945-1946
3 American Committee for Aid to British Medical
Societies 1939
4 American Council for Judaism, Inc. (ACJ),- Statement of Principles
5 ACJ January-August 1942
6 ACJ September 1942
7 ACJ October 1942
8 ACJ November 1942
9 ACJ December 1942
10 ACJ January 1943
11 ACJ February 1943
11 1 ACJ March 1943
2 ACJ April 1943
3 ACJ May 1943
4 ACJ June-August 1943
5 ACJ September-December 1943
6 ACJ January-June 1944
7 ACJ July-December 1944
8 ACJ January-June 1945
9 ACJ July-December 1945
10 ACJ 1946-1947
11 ACJ January-February 1948
12 ACJ March 1948
13 ACJ April-May 1948
12 1 ACJ 1950-1953
2 ACJ 1954-1955
3 ACJ 1956
4 ACJ 1957-1959
5 ACJ 1962-1964
6 ACJ 1966-1967
7 ACJ 1968-1969
8 ACJ 1970-1977
9 ACJ Newsletters 1954-1974
10 ACJ Clippings
11 ACJ Miscellaneous and n.d.
13 1 American Foundation 1926-1934
2 American Friends of the Hebrew University
3 American Friends of the Middle East, Inc.
4 American Jewish Committee (AJC) 1932-1934
5 AJC 1935-1936
6 AJC 1937-1939
7 AJC 1940-1942
8 AJC 1945-2956, n.d.
9 AJC 1922-1938, n.d.
10 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee,
(AJJDC) 1922-1935
11 AJJDC (Hans Stern) 1935-1939
12 AJJDC 1936-1938
13 AJJDC 1939-1940
14 AJJDC 1941-1948, n.d.
15 American Legion 1922-1939
14 1 American Merchant Marine Library Association
2 American Red Cross 1925-1944
3 American Union for Righteous Government 1937-1938
4 American Unitarian Association 1945
5 Anti-Defamation League 1935-1946
6 Associated Groups for Repeal of Jim Crow Law 1945
7 Association for a Progressive Reform Judaism 1974-1978
8 Atlantic Monthly 1941
9 B-C, General
10 Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR)
(Union Hymnal Revision) 1927-March 1930
11 CCAR (Union Hymnal Revision) 1930
12 CCAR (Union Hymnal Revision) 1931
13 CCAR 1928-1935
14 CCAR 1936
15 CCAR 1937
16 CCAR 1938-1939
17 CCAR 1940-1941
18 CCAR 1942
19 CCAR 1943-1954
20 CCAR 1961; 1975, n.d.
21 Christian Century 1932-1947
5 1 Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. 1933-1934
2 Committee on the Referendum for Budgeting 1941
3 Common Cause (National Religious Council)
4 Council of Jewish Youth at Baltimore 1931-1932, n.d.
5 D-E, General
6 Democratic National Committee 1944-1968
7 Emergency Committee in Behalf of Religious Liberty 1940
8 F-H, General
9 Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America
(General Committee on Army and Navy Chaplains)
10 Good Neighbor League 1936-1938
11 Goucher College 1936
12 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion 1939-1963 [Restricted]
13 Hoover Committee 1941
14 I-K, General
15 Institute of Public Affairs 1938-1940
16 Institute on Man and Science 1970-1971, n.d.
17 International Rescue Committee, Inc. 1961-1963
18 The Jewish Advance 1940-1941
19 The Jewish Challenge-Statement of Objectives
20 The Jewish Challenge April-August 1942
21 The Jewish Challenge September-November 1942
22 Jewish Daily Bulletin/Jewish Telegraphic Agency
23 Jewish Federation of St. Louis 1937-1938
24 The Jewish Newsletter 1950-1961
25 The Jewish Newsletter-Correspondence 1954-1961, n.d.
16 1 Jewish Palestine Exploration Society 1923
2 Jewish Welfare Board 1934-1940
3 L, General
4 League for Labor Palestine 1934-1935
5 League of Nations Non-Partisan Association 1923-1925
6 Liberal Judaism 1946
7 London Conference 1930
8 M, General
9 McDonogh School 1943-1944
10 Menorah Association 1939-1946
11 Merchants and Manufacturers Association of Baltimore
12 N-O, General
13 National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People 1934-1937
14 National Catholic Welfare Council (Mombelli Articles)
15 National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ)
16 NCCJ January-September 1933
17 NCCJ October-December 1933
18 NCCJ January-March 1934
19 NCCJ April-September 1934
20 NCCJ October-December 1934
21 NCCJ 1935
22 January-April 1936
17 1 NCCJ May-December 1936
2 NCCJ January-April 1937
3 NCCJ May-December 1937
4 NCCJ January-June 1938
5 NCCJ July-December 1938
6 NCCJ January-June 1939
7 NCCJ July-December 1939
8 NCCJ 1940
9 NCCJ 1941
10 NCCJ 1942
11 NCCJ 1943-1944
18 1 NCCJ 1945-1947
2 NCCJ 1948-1978
3 NCCJ Clippings, Misc.
4 National Council of Catholic Men 1938-1939
5 National Economy League 1932-1933
6 National Refugee Service, Inc. 1942
7 National Republic 1937
8 P-R, General
9 Pennsylvania State College 1937-1933
10 Princeton University 1936-1937
11 Rabbinical Assembly of America 1939-1941
12 Religious Union for Democracy 1940
13 Rollins College 1931-1951
14 Rutgers University 1936
15 S-V, General
16 Statistical Bureau of Synagogue Council of
America 1941-1942
17 The Student Christian Movement in New York
State 1936-1938
18 Union of American Hebrew Congregations (UAHC)
(American Jewish Conference Controversy)
19 UAHC (Board of Managers-Department of Synagogue
and School Extension) 1931-1932
20 UAHC (Board of Managers-Department of Synagogue
and School Extension) 1933
21 UAHC (Board of Managers-Department of Synagogue
and School Extension) January-May 1934
22 UAHC (Board of Managers-Department of Synagogue
and School Extension) October 1934-1935
19 1 UAHC (Board of Managers Reports) 1933-1935, n.d.
2 UAHC 1922-1923
3 UAHC 1924
4 UAHC 1925-1929
5 UAHC 1930-1931
6 UAHC 1932-1933
7 UAHC 1934
8 UAHC 1936-1938
9 UAHC 1939
10 UAHC 1941
11 UAHC 1942-1943
12 UAHC 1944-1946
13 United Jewish Appeal/United Palestine Appeal
(UJA/UPA) 1925-1926
14 UJA/UPA 1927-1928
15 UJA/UPA 1932
20 1 UJA/UPA 1933
2 UJA/UPA 1934-1935
3 UJA/UPA 1936-1938
4 United Nations Association (UNA)-League of
Nations Association 1934-1942
5 UNA (League of Nations Association) 1943
6 UNA 1944
7 UNA January-April 1945
8 UNA May 1945-1949
9 Unity Committee 1933-1945
10 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Inc. 1940-1942
11 W-Z, General
12 Woman's Home Companion (Article "Freedom to
Worship) 1940-1941
13 World Court Movement 1930
14 World Unity Foundation 1930
15 YMCA/YWCA 1922-1927, n.d.
16 Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) (Keren
Hayesod) 1923-1925
17 ZOA (Baltimore District; Seaboard Zionist Region)
1927-1956, n.d.
Sub-Series 3. Family
18 Castro, Morris F. de (Cousin) 1938
19 Laseron, Dora (Cousin) 1967-1970
21 1 Lazaron, Bertha (Sister) 1920-1961, n.d.
2 Lazaron, Harold V. (Son) 1937-1961, n.d.
3 Lazaron, Hilda R. (Second Wife) 1973, n.d.
4 Lazaron, Mr. and Mrs. Morris, Jr. (Son and
Daughter-in-law) 1941-1970, n.d.
5 Lazaron, Pauline H. (First Wife) 1918-1921,n.d.
6 Lazaron, Mr. and Samuel L. (Father and Mother)
7 Ryttenberg, Mrs. Charles (Sister) 1920-1921
8 Correspondence with Grandchildren 1955-1977, n.d.
9 Misc. Family Correspondence 1922-1970
Sub-Series 1. Sermons
Note: The Sub-Series Sermons of the SERMONS AND ADDRESSES SERIES is arranged
alphabetically by the title of the sermon. All untitled sermons have been
filed after the titled sermons and are arranged chronologically. The untitled,
undated sermons have been filed after the untitled sermons. A complete listing of sermon titles is available from the American Jewish Archives.
21 10 Ab-Al 11 Am-At 12 B 13 Ca-Ce 14 Ch-Co 15 D 22 1 E 2 F 3 G 4 Ha-He 5 Ho 6 I-If 7 Im-In 8 Is 9 Isr-It 23 1 Je-Jo 2 Ju 3 K 4 L 5 M 6 N 7 New Year's Messages (Rosh Hashanah) 1908-1951, n.d. (Scattered) 24 1 O 2 P 3 Q 4 Ref-Rel 5 Res-Rep 6 Sa-Sh 7 Si-Sy 25 1 T 2 U-V 3 Wa-We 4 Wha 5 Whe-Wo 6 Y-Z 26 1 Untitled 1913-1938 2 Untitled 1942-1959 3 Untitled 1960-1966 4-9 Untitled n.d. Sub-Series 2. Addresses, Eulogies, Prayers, Notes, etc. 27 1 Addresses to Auxiliary Groups and Communal Organizations 1921-1939 2 Addresses to Auxiliary Groups and Communal Organizations 1940-1975, n.d. 3 Eulogies, Weddings and other Life Cycle Addresses 1918-1979, n.d. 4-5 Lecture Notes 6 Liturgy 1931, n.d. 7 Poetry 1937-1966, n .d. 8 Prayers 1917-1966, n.d. Sub-Series 3. Speaking Engagements 28 1-17 Speaking Engagements 1935-1944 SERIES C. RADIO BROADCASTS 29 1 "Church of the Air" Sermons 1932-1939 2-6 "Church of the Air" Correspondence 1931-1939 7 "Message of Israel Hour" Sermons 1934-1946 8-11 "Message of Israel Hour" Correspondence 1934-1942 12 "Town Hall meeting of the Air" Sermons and Correspondence 1938 30 1-2 "Town Hall Meeting of the Air" Correspondence 1939; 1945; 1954 3 "Wheel of Life" Sermons 1932-1934 4 "Wheel of Life" Correspondence 1932-1933 5 Misc. Radio Sermons 1926-1945 SERIES D. SCHOLARSHIPNote: The SCHOLARSHIP SERIES consists of published and non-published scholarly writings of Lazaron. The articles and manuscripts in this series are arranged alphabetically according to title and subject.
6 "The American Jew: His Problems and His Pshychology" 1921 7-11 Autobiography-Untitled n.d. 31 1-5 Autobiography-Draft of Ms. 6 Autobiography-Notes and Misc. 7-12 Bridges-Not Walls 1959 13-15 Bridges-Not Walls Draft of Ms. 32 1 Bridges-Not Walls Correspondence, Notes 1955-1958 2 Bridges-Not Walls Clippings, Reviews 3 "Christmas and Hanukah-Israel and the World" 1957 4-7 Common Ground 1938 8 Common Ground Reviews 9-11 Common Ground Correspondence 1937-March 1938 33 1-9 Common Ground Correspondence March 1938-1945, n.d. 10 Dissertation-Untitled 11 Dissertation Correspondence, Notes 1926, n.d. 12 Dissertation Notes 34 1-3 Dissertation Notes 4 "Growing Up In Savannah" 1976 5-6 I Believe n.d. 7 I Believe-Draft of Part II 35 1 "Is This the Way?" Article and Correspondence 1942 2-3 Middle East and Zionism-Assorted articles 1922-1977, n.d. 4-5 Olive Trees in Storm 1955 6 Olive Trees in Storm Correspondence and Reviews 1953-1956, n.d. 7-8 Olive Trees in Storm Research Materials 9 One Man's World n.d. 36 1 One Man's World Draft of Ms. 2 Outline of Critical Study of Hexateuch n.d. 3 "Palestine: The Dream and the Reality" Article and Correspondence 1944-1945 4 "Palestine and the Jew" 1947 5 "Palestine and the Jew" Correspondence and Clippings 1947-1948 6 "Reform Judaism and Jewish Nationalism" Article and Correspondence 1930-1931 7 "Religious Services for Jewish Youth" Related Articles and Correspondence 1926-1928 8 Seed of Abraham Correspondence 1929-1937 9 "State or Homeland: Which Way American Jews?" 1940 10-11 "State or Homeland: Which Way American Jews?" Correspondence 1940 37 1 Misc. Published Articles 1947-1958, n.d. 2-5 Unidentified Manuscripts n.d. SERIES E. SUBJECT MATERIALS 6 Adler, Mortimer Article: "This Pre-War Generation" Correspondence 1940-1941 7 Civil Marriage Bill 1926-1933, n.d. 8 Coughlin, Charles E. 1931-1939 9 Education 1939-1941, n.d. 10 Federal Relief Aid for States 1931-1933 11-13 German Emigrants 1933-1942 14 Jews in Medicine Correspondence, Reports 15-16 Jews in Medicine Survey or Medical Schools 1930-1934 38 1 Jews in Medicine Survey of Hospitals 1934 2 Military Affairs (Chaplaincy) 1918-1919 3 Military Affairs (Burial of Unknown Soldier) 1921 4 Military Affairs (Chaplaincy) 1921 5 Military Affairs (Veterans) 1922 6 Military Affairs 1924-1934 7 Military Affairs (Chaplaincy) 1940-1977, n.d. 8-9 Motion Picture Legislation 1933-1944 10 Neutrality Legislation 1939 11 Olympic Boycott 1935 12-14 Open Letter to President Nixon-Letter, Correspondence and Clippings 1972-1973 15 People's Court Amendment 1940 16 Prohibition Survey 1926 SERIES F. CONGREGATIONAL RECORDSNote: The two Sub-Series of the CONGREGATIONAL RECORDS SERIES have been arranged alphabetically by the name of the subject or person. These records deal with persons, organizations and activities of the congregations, but are not representative of the official records of either congregation, but are not representative of the official records of either congregation. In some instances the names of subjects or persons appearing in this series may appear elsewhere in the collection.
Sub-Series 1. Wheeling, West Virginia-Congregation Leshem Shomayim (Eoff St. Temple) 39 1 Correspondence, Bulletins, Pamphlets 1914-1935 Sub-Series 2. Baltimore, Maryland-Baltimore Hebrew Congregation 2 Annual Messages to Congregation 1919-1969 (Scattered) 3-4 Congregational Newsletter 1942-1946 5 Lazaron, Morris S.-20th Anniversary at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation 1935 6-10 Lazaron, Morris S.-25th Anniversary at Baltimore Hebrew Congregation 1940 11-12 Rabbi Emeritus Status October 1946 40 1-4 Rabbi Emeritus Status November 1946-1957 5 "The Shofar" 1916-1922 (Scattered) 6-8 Synagogue Bulletins 1921-1958 (Scattered) 9 Misc. Correspondence and Pamphlets 1915-1968, n.d. SERIES G. PERSONAL 41 1 Art-Correspondence 1951-1968 2 Art-Programs, Clippings 1951-1978 3 Art-Paris Art Show 1955 4 Art-Petite Galerie Show; Maison Francaise Show 1964 5-6 Art-Photographs of Paintings 7-8 70th Birthday Celebration 1958 9 75th Birthday Celebration 1963 10 80th Birthday Celebration 1968 11 90th Birthday Celebration 1978 12 England Trip 1941 13 European Trip 1921 42 1 European Trip 1921 2 Family Tree and Genealogy 1851-1945 3-6 Financial Papers 1928-1971, n.d. 7 Gottheil Medal 1934-1936 8 Last Will and Testament 1966 9 Mene Grande Oil Company 1939-1940 10-12 Middle East Trip 1953 13 Notes 43 1-2 Photographs 3 Rollins College Professorship 1950-1951 4 Personal Miscellaneous 5 Miscellaneous 6-7 Clippings 44 1 Clippings 2-3 Scrapbooks 45 -- Scrapbook 46 -- Diaries and Datebooks 1960-1972; 1974 47* -- Scrapbooks *Oversize Box No. X178.
SUBJECT TRACINGS Note: The following list of subject is a selective index to many of the topics
and individuals in the MORRIS S. LAZARON PAPERS. It is selective in that it
only attempts to draw attention to the more significant items in the
collection. It does not attempt to list every subject or individual nor does
it try to indicate all places that a listed subject or individual appears in
the collection. When used in conjunction with the Box and Folder List, the
Subject Tracings should help the researcher locate topics. References are to
boxes and folders: e.g., 2/2 means Box 2, Folder 2.
Abzug, Bella 38/13 Adler, Cyrus 1/4; 13/4, 5, 6, 7, 10; 17/2; 20/2 American Association for the United Nations 20/6, 7, 8 American Committee for Relief and Resettlement of Yemenite Jews 10/1 American Israelite 7/20 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee 37/11 American Jewish Relief Committee 10/1 Anti-Semitism 21/11; 37/8 Ashworth, Robert A. 16/18, 19, 20; 17/1, 5 Austrian, Carl 13/6, 7, 8, 13; 17/10 Baerwald, Paul 13/8, 13, 14, 15; 20/2 Ball, Joseph H. 10/2 Baruch, Bernard M. 1/17 Berger, Elmer 10/5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 11/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12; 12/12, 3, 5, 6 Bernheim, Isaac W. 10/5, 6, 7 Bernstein, Philip S. 14/16 Billikopf, Jacob 1/27; 13/4 Binstock, Louis 10/5, 6, 7, 8; 18/18 Blaustein, Jacob 13/9 Brickner, Barnett R. 10/9; 18/19, 20, 21, 22 Calisch, Edward N. 10/6, 7 Canadian Conference of Christians and Jews 14/9 Chaplaincy 15/9; 17/10; 38/2, 4, 7 Clinchy, Everett R. 15/16; 16/16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22; 17/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 18/1, 2 Coleman, Clarence 12/7, 8 Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds 14/9 Deutsch, Monroe e. 10/7, 8 Egelson, Louis I. 18/18; 19/2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12 Eisendrath, Maurice N. 18/18; 19/2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 12 Enelow, Hyman G. 14/10 England 1/25; 2/31; 22/1; 41/12, 13, 14 Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America 16/15 Federation of Jewish Junior Associations 15/18 Feibelman, Julian B. 10/5; 19/11 Fineberg, Solomon A. 11/5 Fineshriber, William 10/5, 6, 7, 8; 18/18; 19/10 Finkelstein, Louis 17/7 Frank, Eli 17/7; 19/15; 20/1, 2, 17 Freehof, Solomon b. 10/10; 14/10, 11, 13, 14; 19/10 Frisch, Ephraim 10/8, 11; 11/3; 13/6 Gans, Howard S. 11/1, 2, 3 Glueck, Nelson 19/11 Goldenson, Samuel H. 10.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 11/1, 2, 3, 4; 14/11; 18/18 Gottschall, Andrew W. 16/22; 17/1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 Gutstadt, Richard 14/5 Hadassah 15/8 Heller, James G. 10/9, 10, 11; 14/17; 19/10 Henriques, Basil L. Q. 10/6, 11; 11/2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 10 Hurwitz, Henry 15/14; 20/3 Hyman, Joseph C. 13/11, 13, 14, 15; 17/5 Intercollegiate Menorah Association 15/14 Jewish Chautauqua Society 15/14 Jewish Theological Seminary Endowment Fund 15.14 Johnson, Lyndon B. 7/20 Lansburgh, Sidney 13.7, 8, 9, 10; 20/3 League of Nations 16/5; 20/4, 5 Leavitt, Moses A. 13/15 Lehman, Herbert H. 5/1; 10/5; 17/8 Lewis, Lawrence 5/1 Lindsay, John V. 5/16 Lipsky, Louis 19/15; 20/1 MacArthur, Douglas 13/4 Maccabee Association of America 16/8 Mack, Ralph W. 10/6 Marcus, Jacob R. 38/14 Mattuck, Israel 10/11; 11/6 Menorah Association 4/18, 19 Messersmith, George 14/16 Minsky, Louis 17/2 Morgenstern, Julian 10/7, 8, 9, 10; 13/6; 14/12 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People 17/7 National War Labor Board 10/12 Nazism 1/1; 16/19; 17/2; 23/5; 25/4; 38/11 Niebhr, Reinhold 6/13 O'Day, Caroline 6/20 Palestine Foundation Fund 18/8; 20/16 Philipson, David 10/5, 6, 7, 10; 14.11; 19/10 Powell, Jody 6/23 Proskauer, Joseph M. 11/4; 13.4 Reichert, Irving F. 10/5, 7; 11/1; 18/18 Rosenau, William 10/9, 11; 11/1, 4; 13/7; 19/4, 10 Rosenberg, Adolph 10/7, 9, 11; 18/18; 19/9, 10, 11, 12 Rosenberg, James N. 10/11; 13/5, 6, 10, 13, 14; 17/4 Rosenwald, Lessing 11/2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10; 18/18 Salas, Abram E. 17/12 Sandmel, Samuel 7/12 Schachtel, Hyman J. 10/7, 8, 11; 11/1, 7; 18/18; 19/12 Schulman, Samuel 14/15 Seasongood, Murray 7/20 Shuhl, Charles 19/3 Shusterman, Abraham 10/5, 9, 10, 11; 14/17; 17/11 Silver, Abba Hillel 16/21; 17/5; 18/19; 19/8, 10 Sobeloff, Simon E. 13/10 Straus, Aaron 10/5; 11/4, 6, 10; 18/8 Straus, Roger W. 10/9; 13/5; 16/22; 17/8; 19/12 Strauss, Lewis L. 11/2, 6, 7; 13/5 Stroock, Solomon M. 13/5, 6 Sulzberger, Arthur Hays 10/6; 11/2; 13/8, 14 Szold, Henrietta 8/11 Universalism 6/8; 22/8 United Jewish Charities of Detroit 18/15 Untermyer, Samuel 8/24 Van Dusen, Pitt 8/24 Waldman, Morris D. 11/9; 13/4, 5, 7, 8 Wallach, Sidney 10/8; 11/8; 13/4, 5, 7, 8, 10; 17/8 Walsh, David I. 8/27 Warburg, Felix M. 13/5; 19/8 Warburg, Max 10/5 Warburg, James P. 12/4 Weil, Frank L. 8/34 Welles, Sumner 11/4; 13/13, 14, 15 Wertheim, Maurice 13/8 White, Walter 17/7 Wise, Jonah B. 10/6, 7, 8; 11/1, 4; 13/13, 14, 15; 19/10, 15; 20/1 Wise, Stephen S. 13/6, 10; 19/3 Wolsey, Louis 10/5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 11/2, 3, 5, 7, 8; 14/10, 11, 12, 13; 19/5, 10 World Jewish Congress 13/4, 5, 6, 10 World Union for Progressive Judaism 6/6 Zepin, George 18/19, 20; 19/2, 3, 4 Zeta Beta Tau 20/11; 42/7 Zionism 10/4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11; 11/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 12/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; 13/4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 19/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9; 21/11; 22/7, 9; 24/8; 25/4; 35/2, 3; 36/3, 9; 39/10, 11, 12, 13; 40/1, 2; 42/10, 11, 12 Zionist Organization of America 20/16, 17 Zuckerman, William 12/2; 15/24, 25