A Finding Aid to theMaurice Samuel PapersManuscript Collection No. 891907-1980. 14.1 Linear ft. |
The MAURICE SAMUEL PAPERS were donated to the American Jewish Archives by Mrs. Edith Samuel of New York, New York in 1978. Additional papers were donated to the Archives in March, 1981 by Pauline Bless, executor of the estate of Edith Samuel. Property rights to the papers are held by the American Jewish Archives. All literary rights to material authored by Maurice Samuel are held by the Samuel heirs. Literary rights to materials authored by others are held by the individual author or his/her heirs. Questions concerning rights should be addressed to the Director of the American Jewish Archives. The MAURICE SAMUEL PAPERS are open to all users. The original manuscript collection is available in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.
Maurice Samuel was born in Macin, Roumania on February 8, 1895 into a working class, Yiddish speaking family. It was with these aspects of his childhood that began to develop the strong attachments to the Jewish people and the Yiddish language that became the motivation for many of the books he wrote as an adult. In 1900, Samuel and his family migrated to Manchester, England where Samuel attended the Manchester Secondary School from 1907 to 1911. Samuel then enrolled at Manchester University and studied there until 1914, when he left school prior to earning his degree. While at Manchester University, Samuel made his first contact with Chaim Weizman, who was then a professor of chemistry. It marked the beginning of a close and lasting friendship. After leaving school, Samuel emigrated to the United States and settled in New York City's Lower East Side. In 1917 he was drafted into the United States Army and assigned to train recruits who spoke Yiddish, but not English. Samuel was then sent to France where he served until 1919 when he was assigned to serve as secretary and interpreter at both the Versailles Peace Conference and the Morgenthau Commission to Investigate the pogroms in Poland. Samuel's time in Europe during the war and his service on the Morgenthau Commission rekindled his attachments to the Jewish people and language that had been forgotten since his childhood. He became interested in the growing Zionist movement and began studying intently Jewish cultures and the Hebrew and Yiddish language. Samuel returned to the United States in 1921, began the naturalization process required to become a United States citizen, and joined with the Zionist Organization of America as a writer and propagandist. Samuel renewed his friendship with Chaim Weizman during this time, being assigned by the ZOA to accompany Weizman during his trips to the United States. Samuel left the ZOA in 1928 to become a free-lance writer and lecturer. For the next forty years Samuel traveled throughout the world to lecture on Jewish themes, wrote numerous books and articles and made translations of the works of such writers as Chaim Nachman Bialik, Sholem Asch and Sholom Aleichem. From 1953 to 1971 Samuel appeared with Mark Van Doren, a Pulitzer prize winning poet and professor at Columbia University, on "The Eternal Light- The Words We Live By" radio program. Samuel and Van Doren conducted a series of conversations on the Bible, focusing each program on a specific part of the Bible. Samuel received many awards during his life, including in 1943 the Anisfield-Wolf Award for his book, The World of Sholom Aleichem; the award of The Saturday Review of Literature in 1944; the 1956 Stephen S. Wise Award; and the 1967 B'nai B'rith Jewish Heritage Award. In 1964 Brandeis University awarded Samuel an honorary degree, Doctor of Humane Letters. On the day of his death, in 1972, Samuel was to have been in Israel to receive the Manger Prize for Yiddish Literature, for which he had been nominated by Israeli President Zalman Shazar. The prize was awarded posthumously in June, 1972. Samuel's first marriage, to Gertrude Kahn, was ended by divorce in 1961. In 1962 Samuel married Edith Brodsky. He had two children from his first marriage; Eva (Mrs. Chester Rapkin) and Gershon. Maurice Samuel died in New York City on May 4, 1972 at the age of 77.
The MAURICE SAMUEL PAPERS (1907-1980) describe the career of Maurice Samuel, author and lecturer. The collection includes many of Samuel's writings, some correspondence and a set of tape recordings of the conversations between Samuel and Mark Van Doren on the radio program, "The Words We Live By". The collection also includes some materials pertaining to Edith Brodsky Samuel, the wife of Maurice Samuel. The Papers are divided into five series and subseries as follows: SERIES A. WRITINGS Sub-Series l. Non-fiction, Sub-Series 2. Fiction Sub-Series 3. Notes SERIES B. CORRESPONDENCE Sub-Series 1. General Sub-Series 2. letters of Sympathy SERIES C. RADIO BROADCASTS Sub-Series 1. "The Eternal Light-The Words We Live By," Sub-Series 2. "The Eternal Light"-Miscellaneous Programs SERIES D. PERSONAL Sub-Series 1. Maurice Samuel Sub-Series 2. Edith Samuel SERIES E. SUPPLEMENT The WRITINGS series (1913-1976) Sub-Series 1. Non-Fiction consists of six and one-half Hollinger boxes of manuscripts and some correspondence, reviews and notes. The manuscripts are arranged alphabetically according to title. Sub-Series 2. Fiction consists of one and one-half Hollinger boxes of manuscripts, reviews and notes arranged alphabetically by title. Note: The Appendix at the end of the inventory gives a complete list of the books and translations of Samuel. Sub-Series 3. Notes consist of four Hollinger boxes, mostly handwritten arranged alphabetically according to the labels given them by Samuel. The CORRESPONDENCE series (1913-1975) Sub-series 1. General consists of one Hollinger box of the correspondence of Maurice and Edith Samuel. The correspondence is arranged by the name of the person or organization and the letters within each folder are arranged chronologically. The bulk of this material spans the years 1965-1975. Sub-Series 2. Letters of Sympathy, dealing with the death of Samuel in 1972, consists of one-halr Hollinger box. These letters are arranged alphabetically by correspondent. The RADIO BROADCASTS series (1953-1973) Sub-Series 1. "The Eternal Ligh-The Words We Live By" consists of fifteen Hollinger boxes of transcripts, tape recordings, and correspondence pertaining to the radio program, "The Words We Live By," a series of conversations on the Bible between Samuel and Mark Van Doren. The transcripts and the tape recordings have been arranged chronologically and the correspondence has been arranged alphabetically. The majority of the tapes are reel-to-reel, although there are cassette tapes for a few scattered years of the programs. Sub-Series 2. "The Eternal Light"-Miscellaneous Programs consists of one-half Hollinger box of scripts and notes for other programs by and about Samuel that were broadcast on "The Eternal Light". The PERSONAL series (1907-1978) Sub-Series 1. Maurice Samuel consists of five and one-half Hollinger boxes of awards, diaries, photographs, financial papers and other personal items of Samuel. Included in this sub-series are notes for Trial and Error, the autobiography of Chaim Weizmann, which was written with the assistance of Samuel. Also included are notes on a proposed film about Weizmann, and materials on the Weizmann Institute of Science. Weizmann and Samuel were close friends and these materials reveal part of the closeness of their friendship. Sub-Series 2. The Edith Samuel papers consist of one-half Hollinger box of some of Mrs. Samuel's personal papers along with materials relating to her work as editor of Keeping Posted, a leading periodical in the field of Jewish education on the high school, college and adult levels. Note: Access to some of the more important subjects and individuals in this collection may be made through the Box and Folder List and the Subject Tracings at the end of this inventory. Note: in September, 1983 an additional supplement of MAURICE SAMUEL PAPERS was donated to the American Jewish Archives by the estate of Edith Samuel. This supplement, SERIES E. SUPPLEMENT (1940-1980), consists of one Hollinger box of correspondence pertaining to copyrights and royalties for the writings of Maurice Samuel. The material is arranged alphabetically by the title of the books in question, followed by a listing of the published works of Samuel and his last will and testament.
Box Folder Content SERIES A. WRITINGS Sub-Series 1. Non-Fiction Note: The Appendix at the end of the inventory gives a complete list of the books and translations of Maurice Samuel 1 1 Articles and Addresses A-E 2 Articles and Addresses F-K 3 Articles and Addresses L-R 4 Articles and Addresses S-Z 5 Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss Case Reviews 1962-1967, n.d. 6 Blood Accusation Corr. (A-G) 1963-1972) 7 Blood Accusation Corr. (H-K) 1963-1972 8 Blood Accusation Corr. The Jewish Publication Society of America 1963-1964 9 Blood Accusation Corr. (L-W); unidentified 1963-1972 10 Blood Accusation Digest Summations; Catalogue 2 1 Blood Accusation Main Characters in Beiliss Trial; Notes 2 Blood Accusation Misc. Notes 3 Blood Accusation Account Book-Beiliss Research Fund 1963-1964 4-10 Blood Accusation Beiliss Trial Transcripts 1913 3 1-7 Blood Accusation Beiliss Trial Transcripts 1913 8 The Book of Praise: Dialogues on the Psalms with Mark Van Doren, edited by Edith Samuel Reviews 1974-1975 9 The Book of Praise Corr. (A-Z) 1973-1976, n.d. 10 Certain People of the Book Reviews 1955 11-12 Excursion Into Yiddish Chapters 1-15 4 1 Excursion Into Yiddish Chapters 16-18 2 From Now On n.d. 3 The Gentleman and the Jew Reviews 1950-1951 4 Hadassah Speech n.d. 5 I, the Jew Reviews 1927 6 If We Live Through This n.d. 7 "The Image of the Jew" (Lecture_ 1068 8-9 In Love and Anger n.d. 10 In Praise of Yiddish Reviews 1971-1972 11 In Praise of Yiddish Corr. (A-Z); unidentified 1970-1974 12-14 In the Beginning, Love: Dialogues on the Bible with Mark Van Doren, edited by Edith Samuel 1973 5 1 In the Beginning, Love Reviews 1973-1974 2 In the Beginning, Love Corr. (A-K) 1963-1975 3 In the Beginning, Love Corr. (L-Z) 1963-1975 4 "In the Margins of the Bible" n.d. 5 "Israel and I Today:" A Personal Memoir n.d. 6 "The Jews in Proust" n.d. 7 Jews on Approval Reviews 1932 8-11 Lectures 1954; 1961-1962; 1966-1967; 1970 12 Let Me Think n.d. 13 Level Sunlight Reviews 1954 14 Level Sunlight Research in Israel 1951-1952 15 Light on Israel Corr. 1968-1969 6 1-4 Little Did I Know: Recollections and Reflections 1963 5-6 Little Did I Know Notes 7 Little Did I Know Reviews: Corr. 1963-1966 8-13 Meditations 1969-1972 14-15 Prince of the Ghetto 1948 7 1 The Professor and the Fossil Reviews 1956 2 Reviews by Maurice Samuel 1927-1966, n.d. 3 "The Road From Motol" (re: Chaim Weizmann) 1963 4 The Second Crucifixion Corr. Reviews 1960-1961 5 Toynbee Lecture in Israel Notes 1956 6 "The Wonder of The Psalms" 1965 7 World of Sholom Aleichem Reviews Corr. 1943; 1973 8 "Yiddish in Dobrudja: Reminiscences about My Mother Tongue." 1972 9-11 Unidentified Manuscripts Sub-Series 2. Fiction 12 Assorted Short Stories n.d. 13 "A Reasonable Success" n.d. 14 The Devil That Failed Reviews 1953 15 "Dorothy's Violet" n.d. 16-17 Even A Saint n.d. 18 "Everybody's Business" n.d. 8 1 "The Last Prophet" n.d. 2 "Marcella's Diary" n.d. 3 Poetry 1919-1960 4 Selected Poems of Chaim Nachman Bialik, translated by Maurice Samuel 1926 5 "The Struggle for Fabian" n.d. 6 "Talk About Love" n.d. 7-9 Web of Lucifer: A Novel of the Borgia Fury Notes 1947 9 1-2 Web of Lucifer Notes Sub-Series 3. Notes Note: The notes in this sub-series are arranged alphabetically according to the labels given them by Samuel 3 Agnon; Sachs; The Fixer 4 Aleichem (Sholom); Peretz; Mendele 5 Apostates 6 Coordinates 7 Democracy 8 Dreams 9 Figures 10 Forli-Maps of 11 Herzl, Theodor 12 History 13 The Jew in English Literature 14 Jewish Writers 15 Judaism and Christianity 16 Kafka, Franz 17 Katsh, Orlinsky 18 Memory 19-20 Neologisms (The Future of Yiddish) 10 1 On Jewish Books 2 Pearson (Karl); Russell (Bertrand) 3 Quotations 4 Readings-Mann, Klein, Morgenstern and Zangwill 5 Roumanian Yiddish 6 Russian 7-13 Science 14 Sukhanov 11 1-12 Yiddish Language 12 1 Zhivago and Related Materials 2 Zionist Archives-Research Notes 3-16 Misc. Notes SERIES B. CORRESPONDENCE Sub-Series 1. General 13 1 A-E, General 2 Asch, Sholem 1948-1953 3 Berthoumien, William 1973-1974 4 F-P, General 5 Galbraith, John Kenneth 1966 6 Hadas, Gershon 1973-1975 7 Jewish Daily Forward [Sholem Asch] 1961 8 Leon, Philip 1941-1962 9 Lewisohn, Ludwig 1926 10 R-W, General 11 Sachar, Abram L. 1964-1975 12 Samuel, Aliza 1973-1977 13 Schindler, Alexander M. 1966-1967 14 Shekhter, Mordecai 1969 15 Time, Inc. 1966; 1971 16 Van Doren, Dorothy 1973-1975 17 Van Doren, Mark 1963-1973 18 Weisgal, Meyer M. 1947-1973 n.d. 19 Weizmann, Chaim 1913-1947 20 Unidentified 1951-1973, n.d. Sub-Series 2. Letters of Sympathy Note: These were written at the time of the death of Maurice Samuel in 1972 13 21 A-J 14 1 K-P 2 R-Z SERIES C. RADIO BROADCASTS Sub-Series 1. "The Eternal Light-The Words We Live By" Note: From 1953 to 1971 Samuel, along with Mark Van Doren, appeared on "The Eternal Light-The Words We Live By", a series of conversations on the Bible. This sub-series includes transcripts and tape recordings of those broadcasts, along with correspondence concerning the program. The transcripts and tape recordings are arranged chronologically, the correspondence is arranged alphabetically. Transcripts 3-4 1953 - The Joseph Story 5-6 1954 - The Supporting Cast of the Bible 7-8 1955 - The Prophets of the Bible 9-10 1956 - The First Five Books of the Bible 15 1-2 1957 - The Wisdom Books of the Bible 3-4 1958 - Great Words in the Literature of the Bible 5-7 1959 - The Legends of the Bible 8-9 1960 - The Psalms as Great Human Documents 16 1-2 1961 - Love: Human and Divine 3-4 1962 - Democracy and the Bible 5-7 1964 - Moral Dilemmas of the Bible 8-10 1965 - Poetry of the Bible 17 1-2 1966 - Dreams and Visions in the Bible 3-5 1967 - Life and Livelihood of the People of the Bible 6-7 1968 - Lands and Places in the Bible 8-10 1969 - Genesis: Prelude to the Bible 18 1-3 1970 - The Making of a People Tape Recordings -- 1953 - The Joseph Story 19 -- 1954 - The Supporting Cast of the Bible, Index to 1954 Broadcast 20 -- 1955 - The Prophets of the Bible 1956 - The First Five Books of the Bible 21 -- 1957 - The Wisdom Books of the Bible 1958 - Great Words in the Literature of the Bible 22 -- 1959 - The Legends of the Bible 1960 - The Psalms as Great Human Documents 23 -- 1961 - Love: Human and Divine 1962 - Democracy and the Bible 24 -- 1964 - Moral Dilemmas of the Bible 1965 - Poetry of the Bible 25 -- 1966 - Dreams and Visions in the Bible 1967 - Life and Livelihood of the People of the Bible 26 -- 1968 - Lands and Places in the Bible 1969 - Genesis: Prelude to the Bible 27 -- 1970 - The Making of a People Cassette Tapes: 1953; 1955; 1957 (Talk #5 is missing) 28 -- Cassette Tapes: 1959 (Talk #8 missing); 1969 (Talk #4 is missing) Correspondence 29 1 A-E 1964-1972 2 F-K 1956-1965 3 L-R 1964-1967 4 S-Z unidentified 1964-1969 Sub-Series 2. The Eternal Light - Misc. Programs 5 1961 - Great Translations of the Bible (with Mark Van Doren) 6 1962 - Readings from Certain People of the Book 7 1962 - The Bible and the Theater (with Mark Van Doren) 8 1963 - The Prince of the Ghetto 9 1963 - The Psychology of the Bible (with Mark Van Doren) 10 1973 - Maurice Samuel and Mark Van Doren: An Appreciation SERIES D. PERSONAL Sub-Series 1. Maurice Samuel 30 1 Biographical Data 2 B'nai B'rith Jewish Heritage Award 1967 3 Brandeis University Memorial 1972-1973, n.d. 4 Certificate of Citizenship 1926 5 Correspondence with Grandchildren 6 Death Certificate 1972 7 Diaries, Notebooks 1913-1922 n.d. 8 Diaries 1956-1971 (Scattered) 31 1 Documents and Awards 1907-1972 2 Family Tree and Genealogy 3 Financial Papers 1963-2973 n.d. 4 Hospital Bills 1967-1972 5-6 Manger Prize for Yiddish Literature 1972 7 Obituaries 1972 8 Passports 1943-1967 9 Photographs 32 1 Photographs 2 Samuel, Maurice - Articles about 1944-1974 3 Samuel, Maurice - Bibliography of Writings 1972 4 Samuel, Maurice - Book Fund 1973-1974 n.d. 5 Samuel, Maurice - Library 1972 6 Weizmann, Chaim - Notes for Autobiography, Trial and Error (written with M. Samuel) 7 Weizmann, Chaim - Notes for film 1954 8-12 Weizmann Institute of Science Pamphlets, research notes, misc. 1956-1961, n.d. 33 -- Index to Maurice Samuel's Writings; Notebooks; misc. 34 -- Misc. Tape Recordings 35 -- Misc. Tape Recordings Sub-Series 2. Edith Samuel 1 Anya Reviews 1974 2 Driving 1975-1976 3 Israel Trip 1956 4 Keeping Posted 1973 5 Single Booklovers 1974 6-8 Speeches and Lectures 1974-1978 SERIES E. SUPPLEMENT Note: This series is a supplement to the MAURICE SAMUEL PAPERS received by the American Jewish Archives in September, 1983 from the estate of Edith Samuel. It consists of correspondence pertaining to copyrights and royalties for the writings of Maurice Samuel. The material is arranged alphabetically. 36 1 General Correspondence (C-U) 2 Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. 1946-1975 (scattered) 3 Beyond Woman 1975-1976 4 Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss Case 1963: 1966-1967 5 The Book of Praise: Dialogue on the Psalms 1973; 1975 6 Certain People of the Book 1955; 1975-1976 7 The Devil That Failed 1952-1980 (scattered) 8 The Gentleman and the Jew 1950; 1972-1976 9 The Great Hatred 1940 10 Harvest in the Desert 1944; 1973-1975 11 I, the Jew 1975 12 In the Beginning, Love 1973-1975 13 In Praise of Yiddish 1970-1980 14 Jews On Approval 1975-1976 15 King Mob 1975 16 Level Sunlight 1953 17 Light On Israel 1968 18 Little Did I Know 1963; 1975 19 On the Rim of the Wilderness 1975-1976 20 Prince of the Ghetto 1947-1976 (scattered) 21 The Professor and the Fossil 1956; 1976 22 The Second Crucifixion 1960; 1975 23 Transition to Freedom 1951 24 Web of Lucifer 1945-1952; 1976 25 World of Sholom Aleichem 1942; 1951; 1971-1972 26 The Worlds of Maurice Samuel 1975-1977 27 You Gentiles 1974-1975 28 Books by Maurice Samuel 1973; 1976 29 Last Will and Testament of Maurice 1972; 1975
Note: The following list of subjects is a selective index to many of the topics and individuals in the MAURICE SAMUEL PAPERS. It is selective in that it only attempts to draw attention to the more significant items in the collection. It does not attempt to list every subject or individual appears in the collection. When used in conjunction with the Box and Folder List, the Subject Tracings should help the researcher locate topics. References are to boxes and folders e.g., 4/11 means Box 4, Folder 11. Anti-Semitism 1/5; 4/5; 5/7; 9/3,15 Bernstein, Philip S. 13/1 Bailik, Chaim Nachman 1/1 B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 4/11 Brickner, Balfour 5/2; 13/1 Deitch, Joseph 5/2 Eisendrath, Maurice N. 13/1 Ervin, Sam J. 5/2 Finkelstein, Louis 13/4 Gartenberg, Max 3/9; 4/11; 5/2 Gittelsohn, Roland B. 3/9; 5/2 Goldberg, Arthur J. 1/6 Grossman, Meir 1/6 Hadas, Gershon 1/7, 9; 5/2 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion 4/11 Hindus, Milton 3/9; 5/2; 13/21 Historical Society of Israel 3/9 Jospe, Alfred 4/11; 5/2 Kaplan, Kivie 5/2 Kaplan, Louis L. 1/7; 3/9; 5/2; 13/4 Kennan, George 1/7 Knopf, Alfred A. 1/7 Koshland, William A. 1/7 Lelyveld, Arthur J. 1/9; 5/3 Levinthal, Louis E. 1/9 Lewisohn, Ludwig 1/3 Meltzer, Julian L. 3/9 Proust, Marcel 1/1; Rabinowicz, Oskar K. 1/9 Sachar, Abaram L. 1/9; 5/2, 3 Schindler, Alexander M. 1/9; 5/3 Van Doren, Mark 3/8; 4/12; 5/3; 14/3; 29/5,7,9 Weinberg, Dudley 3/9; 13/10 Weisgal, Meyer M. 32/8 Weizmann, Chaim 7/3; 13/19; 32/6, 7 Wiesel, Elie 5/3 Yiddish Language 1/4; 3/11, 12; 4/1, 10, 11; 7/8; 9/20; 10/5; 11/1 Zionism 1/1, 2, 4; 5/5; 32/6 Zussman, Lesser 1/8
I Books of Maurice Samuel Non-Fiction You Gentiles, 1924 I, the Jew, 1927 What Happened in Palestine: The Events of August, 1929, Their Backgrounds and Their Significance, 1929 King Mob: A Study of the Present-Day Mind, 1931 On the Rim of the Wilderness: The Conflict in Palestine, 1931 Jews on Approval, 1932 The Great Hatred, 1940 The World of Sholom Aleichem, 1943 Harvest in the Desert, 1943 Prince of the Ghetto, 1948 The Gentleman and the Jew, 1950 Level Sunlight, 1953 Certain People of the Book, 1955 The Professor and the Fossil: Some Observations on Arnold J. Toynbee"s "A Study of History", 1956 Little Did I Know: Recollections and Reflections, 1963 Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the Beiliss Case, 1966 Light on Israel, 1968 In Praise of Yiddish, 1971 In the Beginning, Love: Dialogues on the Bible, with Mark Van Doren, edited by Edith Samuel, 1975 Fiction The Outsider, 1921 Whatever Gods, 1923 Beyond Woman, 1934 Web of Lucifer: A Novel of the Borgia Fury, 1947 The Devil That Failed, 1952 The Second Crucifixion, 1960 II Translations Made by Maurice Samuel The Jewish Anthology by Edmond Fleg (From French), 1925 Selected Poems of Chaim Nachman Bialik (From Hebrew), 1926 The World in the Making by Count Hermann Keyserling (From German), 1927 Europe by Count Hermann Keyserling (From German), 1927 Childhood in Exile by Shmarya Levin (From Yiddish), 1929 Youth in Revolt by Shmarya Levin (From Yiddish), 1930 The Arena by Shmarya Levin (From Yiddish), 1932 The Plough Woman, edited by Rachel Katznelson Shazar (From Hebrew), 1932 The Sinner (Yoshe Kalb) by I.J. Singer (From Yiddish), 1933 The Brothers Ashkenazi by I.J. Singer (From Yiddish), 1936 The River Breaks Up by I.J. Singer (From Yiddish), 1938 Roosevelt: A Study in Fortune and Power by Emil Ludwig (From German), 1938 East of Eden by I.J. Singer (From Yiddish), 1939 The Nazarene by Sholem Asch (From Yiddish), 1939 Heil Hunger: Health Under Hitler by Martin Gumpert (From German), 1940 The Lights Go Down by Erika Mann (From German), 1940 Theodore Herzl, A Biography by Alex Bein (From German), 1941 What I Believe by Sholem Asch (From Yiddish), 1941 Children of Abraham by Sholem Asch (From Yiddish), 1942 Haggadah of Passover (From Hebrew), 1942 The Apostle by Sholem Asch (From Yiddish), 1943 Forward from Exile: The Autobiography of Shmarya Levin (From Yiddish), 1967