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A Finding Aid to theJacob H. Schiff PapersManuscript Collection No. 456 1865-1920 (bulk: 1914-1920) . 12.93 Linear ft.![]() |
ACCESS AND PROVENANCEThe Jacob H. Schiff Papers were donated to the American Jewish Archives by Edward M. M. Warburg, New York, N.Y., 1958. Edward M. M. Warburg, by the act of donating the Jacob H. Schiff Papers to the American Jewish Archives, assigned the property rights to the American Jewish Archives. All literary rights to material in the collection are retained by the individual authors or their heirs. Questions concerning rights should be addressed to the Executive Director of the American Jewish Archives. The papers are available to researchers in the reading room of the Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives.
Jacob H. Schiff, a financier and noted communal activist and philanthropist, was born in Frankfort Am-Main, Germany in 1847 to Moses and Clara Schiff, members of a distinguished rabbinical family. Schiff completed his schooling and business training in Frankfurt before moving to America in 1865. Schiff became a naturalized citizen in 1870, although he returned to Germany for business and personal reasons from 1872 through 1875, when he became a member of the New York banking firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. In 1885, at the age of 38, Schiff became the head of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., which was in the business of investment securities, financing government and corporate needs through the sale of bonds and shares of stock to the public. Shiff brought important European banking connections to the Kuhn, Loeb & Co. firm, such as Sir Ernest Cassel of London, Robert Fleming of Dundee (later of London), and Edouard Noetzlin of the Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas.
From his position on Wall Street, Schiff was the foremost Jewish leader in what became known as the "Schiff era," grappling with all major issues and problems of the day, including the plight of Russian Jews under the tsar, American and international anti-Semitism, care of needy Jewish immigrants, and the rise of Zionism. He also became the director of many important corporations, including the National City Bank of New York, Equitable Life Assurance Society, Wells Fargo & Company, and the Union Pacific Railroad. He is especially known for his financing and involvement with Union Pacific Railroad, as well as his extension, through Kuhn, Loeb & Co., of a critical series of loans to Japan, during the Russo-Japanese War, in 1904 and 1905. This action allowed Japan to purchase the necessary munitions to win the war against Russia. Schiff continually refused to loan money to Russia until the fall of the Tsarist regime in 1917.
Schiff grew to be one of American Jewry's top philanthropists and leaders, donating to nearly every major Jewish cause, as well as many secular American causes. He helped establish and develop Hebrew Union College, the Jewish Theological Seminary, the Jewish Division in the New York Public Library, and the American Jewish Committee.
In 1875, Schiff married Theresa Loeb. They had two children: Frieda and Mortimer. Jacob H. Schiff died in New York City on September 25, 1920.
Related AJA Collections
PC-3993 Jacob Schiff Photograph File
PC-3996 Theresa Loeb Schiff Photograph File
X-183-183f: Jacob H. Schiff Papers, 1900-1920. Various greetings and cards for holidays and anniversaries; together with scrapbooks on the Loeb, Schiff and Warburg families.
MS-457 Felix M. Warburg Papers
MS-359 Louis Marshall Papers
MF-676--MF-697 Jacob Schiff Papers from the Jewish Theological Seminary [Film received from the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1961; includes personal and business correspondence and documents of Schiff. Material was transcribed (and sometimes translated) for the Cyrus Adler biography of Schiff. Also includes second draft of Adler's manuscript entitled, "Jacob Henry Schiff, 1847-1920." Originals of this material were lost in a 1967 fire.] Click to view an index of the film.American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Archives
The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Archives houses one of the most significant collections in the world for the study of modern Jewish history. Comprising the organizational records of JDC, the overseas rescue, relief, and rehabilitation arm of the American Jewish community, the archives includes over 3 miles of text documents, 100,000 photographs, a research library of more than 6,000 books, 1,100 audio recordings including oral histories, and a video collection. To search the JDC Archives' text-collections, click here.
The Jacob H. Sschiff Papers consist mainly of Schiffs role as one of the primary bankers and philanthropists of New York City in the early twentieth century. Materials include correspondence and reports concerning Schiff's philanthropic, political, educational, and immigration-related activities, relief problems, the outbreak of World War I, the inhuman treatment of the Jews in Poland, relief for Antwerp Jews and for Jewish sufferers from the war, the struggle between Zionists and non-Zionists in Germany, the language question in Jerusalem, the founding of a Jewish Institute of Technology in Haifa, American-German relations during World War I, Jewish agricultural and industrial problems, literary, scientific, and religious questions, business matters, financial transactions with the United States Treasury Department, and the restoration of Palestine.
The collection has been arranged into three series:
- A. Correspondence Files. 1892-1920.
- B. Cyrus Adler Biography of Jacob Schiff. n.d.
- C. Miscellaneous Correspondence Files. 1865-1920.
The Jacob H. Schiff Papers were originally inventoried in the Manuscript Catalog of the American Jewish Archives, published in 1971 (Volume 4), pages 219 through 262. Since that time, the numbering scheme of the boxes within the collection has changed; hence, researchers should be aware that numbers given in the printed Manuscript Catalog do not reflect current box numbers, but instead are typically a few boxes off. Please use the Manuscript Catalog Inventory of the Schiff collection in conjunction with the box and folder list below for research.
Box Folder ContentsSeries A. Correspondence Files. 1892-1920. 437 1 Biography. n.d. 2 Fleming, Robert. 1892. 3 Fleming, Robert. 1893. 4 Fleming, Robert. 1894. 5 Fleming, Robert. 1897. 6 Fleming, Robert. 1898. 7-8 Fleming, Robert. 1901. 9 Marowitz, Victor. 1902. 10 Fleming, Robert. 1903. 11 Fleming, Robert. 1904. 12 Warburg, Max M. 1906. 13 Printed Diary, Our Journey to Japan by Jacob Schiff. 1907. 14 Fleming, Robert., Warburg, Max M. 1908. 15 Fleming, Robert. 1909. 16 General Correspondence. 1910. 17 Fleming, Robert. 1911. 18 Fleming, Robert. 1912. 19 Warburg, Max M. 1912. 438 1-4 General Correspondence. 1913-1915. 5 Education. 1914. 6-7 Foreign Affairs. 1914-1915. 8 Frank, Leo M. - Case. 1914-1915. 9 Jastrow, Morris. 1915. 10 Krauskopf, Joseph. 1914. 11 Levinson, Salmon O. 1915. 12 Mack, Julian W. 1914. 13 Magnes, Judah L. 1914. 439 1-2 Marshall, Louis. 1914. 3 McAdoo, William G. 1914. 4 Mendes, H. Pereira. 1914. 5 Minsterberg, Hugo. 1914. 6-8 Montefiore Home. 1914. 9 Nathan, Paul. 1913-1914. 10 Nathan, Paul. 1914. 11 New York, NY - Temple Emanu-El. 1914. 12 North American Civic League for Immigrants. 1914. 13 Politics. 1914. 14 Schiff, Mortimer L. 1914. 440 1-2 Social Welfare Agencies. 1914 3 Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment in the State of New York. 1914. 4 Sulzberger, Cyrus L. 1914. 5 Tinsley, R. P. 1914. 6 Uptown Talmud Torah. 1914. 7-9 Warburg, Max M. 1914-1915. 9 Warburg, Paul M. 1914-1915. 10 Washington, Booker T. 1914. 11 White, Andrew D. 1914. 12 Willenkin, Gregory. 1914. 13 Wise, Stephen S. 1914. 14 Wolf, Simon. 1914. 15-18 General Correspondence. 1915. 441 1-6 General Correspondence. 1915. 7 Adler, Cyrus. 1915. 8 American Jewish Committee. 1915. 9 American Jewish Relief Committee. 1915. 10 Barnard College. 1915-1918. 442 1 Barnard College. 1915-1918. 2 Bernheimer, Charles L. 1915. 3 Billikopf, Jacob. 1915. 4 Cassel, Ernest. 1915. 5 Chadwick, F. E. 1915. 6 Church Peace Union. 1915. 7 Cohen, Henry. 1915. 7a Cravath, Paul D. 1915. 8 Deutsch, Gotthard. 1915. 9-10 Education. 1915. 11 Educational Alliance. 1915. 12 Eliot, Charles W. 1915. 13-15 Foreign Affairs. 1915. 16 Friedlander, Israel. 1915. 17 Goldman, Julius. 1915. 18 Henry Street Settlement. 1915. 19 Herrick, Myron T. 1915. 20 Hirsch, Baron de - Fund. 1915. 21 Kurzman, Charles. 1915. 443 1 Landman, Isaac. 1915. 2 Lewisohn, Adolph. 1915. 3 Magnes, Judah L. 1915. 4 Marshall, Louis. 1915. 5 McAdoo, William G. 1915. 6 Mitchel, John P. 1915. 7-9 Montefiore Home. 1915. 10 National Employment Exchange. 1915. 11 National Liberal Immigration League. 1915. 12 New York, NY - Temple Emanu-El. 1915. 13 New York, NY - Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood. 1915. 14 New York Peace Society. 1915. 15 New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung. 1915. 16 Publications. 1915. 444 1 Publications. 1915. 2 Rabinowitz, Solomon. 1915. 3 Robinson, Leonard G. 1915. 4 Rosenwald, Julius. 1915. 4a Schiff, Mortimer L. 1915. 5 Schulman, Samuel. 1915. 6 Schurman, Jacob G. 1915. 7 Slaton, John M. 1915. 8-12 Social Welfare Agencies. 1915. 13 Takahashi, Baron K. 1915. 14 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1915. 15 Wald Lillian D. 1915. 16-17 Warburg, Max M. 1915. 445 1 Wolf, Simon. 1915. 2-8 General Correspondence. 1916. 9 Adler, Cyrus. 1916. 10 The American Hebrew. 1916. 11 American Jewish Committee. 1916. 12 American Jewish Relief Committee. 1916. 446 1 Arts. 1916. 2 Asch, Sholom. 1916. 3 Ash, David. 1916. 4 Barondess, Joseph. 1916. 5 Bernheimer, Charles L. 1916. 6 Bernstein, Herman. 1916. 7 Billikopf, Jacob. 1916. 8 Brandeis, Louis D. 1916. 9 Central Jewish Intstitute. 1916. 10 Chadwick, F. E. 1916 11 Cloak Manufacturers Association. 1916. 12 Council of Jewish Women. 1915-1916. 13 Dittenhoefer, Abraham. 1916. 14 Dix, William C. 1916. 15 Education 1916. 16 Elkus, Abram J. 1916. 17 Federation of Jewish Farmers of America. 1916. 18 Finley, John H. 1916. 19-21 Foreign Affairs. 1916 22 Glynn, Martin H. 1916. 23 Goldman, Julius. 1916. 24 Gregory, Thomas W. 1916. 25 Grossmann, Louis. 1916. 26 Henry Street Settlement. 1916. 27 Hill, Louis W. 1916. 28 Hirsch, Baron de - Fund. 1916. 29 Intercollegiate Menorah Association. 1916, 447 1 Japan Society. 1916. 2 Jewish Congress Organization Committee. 1916. 3-4 Jewish Encyclopedia. 1916. 5 Johnson, Robert Underwood. 1916. 6 Joint Distribution Committee. 1916. 7-9 Kehillah. 1916. 10 Kohler, Max J. 1916. 11 Krauskopf, Joseph. 1916. 12 League to Enforce Peace. 1916. 13 Lehman, Herbert H. 1916. 14 Levy, Felix H. 1916. 15 Levy, Jacob. 1916. 16 Lewisohn, Adolph. 1916. 17 Loeb, James. 1916. 18 Lucas, Albert. 1916. 448 1 Magnes, Judah L. 1916. 2 Margolies, M. S. 1916. 3 Marshall, Louis. 1916. 4 Marx, Alexander. 1916. 5 Mendes, H. Pereira. 1916. 6 Ministers Pension Fund. 1916. 7 Mitchel, John P. 1916. 8-11 Montefiore Home. 1916. 12 Morgenthau, Henry. 1916. 13 New York Foundation. 1916. 14 Peabody, George F. 1916. 15 Peary, Robert E. 1916 16 Politics. 1916. 449 1 Pool, David de Sola. 1916. 2 Publications. 1916. 3 Robinson, Leonard G. 1916 4 Rosenwald, Julius. 1916. 4b Schiff, Mortimer L. 1916. 5 Russian War Loan. 1916. 6 Seligman, Edwin R. A. 1916. 7 Slaton, John M. 1916. 8-10 Social Welfare Agencies. 1916. 11 Society for Ethical Culture. 1916. 12 Sodekson, Nathan S. 1916. 13 Soyeda, J. 1916. 14 Sulzberger, Cyrus L. 1916. 15 Takahashi, Baron K. 1916. 16 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1916. 16b Warburg, Max M. 1916. 17 Wald Lillian D. 1916. 18 Wolf, Simon. 1916. 450 1-10 General Correspondence. 1917. 451 1-3 General Correspondence. 1917 4 Adler, Cyrus. 1917. 5-6 American Jewish Committee. 1917. 7 American Jewish Congress. 1917. 8-10 American Jewish Relief Committee. 1917. 452 1 American Jewish Relief Committee. 1917. 2 American Jewish Soldiers Bureau. 1917. 3 Billikopf, Jacob. 1917. 4 Burt, Horace. 1898, 1900, 1917. 5 Carlton, Newcomb. 1917. 6 Chadwick, F. E. 1917. 7 Deutsch, Gotthard. 1917. 8 Education. 1917. 9 Eliot, Charles W. 1917. 10 Elkus, Abram I. 1916-1917 11 Faust, A. B. 1917. 11b Fleming, Robert. 1917. 12-14 Foreign Affairs. 1917. 15 Freedman, Andrew - Home. 1916-1917. 16 Fusion Committee of 1917. 1917. 17 Glover, James W. 1917. 18 Goldman, Julius. 1917. 19 Goldstein, Herbert S. 1917. 20 Green, Henry. 1917. 21 Halifax Relief Fund. 1917-1918. 22 Henry Street Settlement. 1917. 23 Hirsch, Baron de - Fund. 1917. 453 1 Intercollegiate Menorah Association. 1917. 2 Jewish Chautauqua Society. 1917. 3 Jewish Theological Seminary of America 1917. 4-6 Jewish War Relief. 1917. 7-11 Jewish Welfare Board. 1917-1918. 12 Joint Distribution Committee. 1917-1918. 13 Kallen, Horace M. 1917. 14 Krauskopf, Joseph. 1917. 15 League of Jewish Youth of America. 1917-1918. 16 Lovett, Robert S. 1917. 17 Lubin, David. 1917. 454 1 Magnes, Judah L. 1917. 2 Marshall, Louis. 1917. 3 Mayor's Committee on National Defense. 1917. 4 McAdoo, William G. 1917. 5 Mendes, F. de Sola. 1917. 6 Mendes, H. Pereira. 1917. 7 Milbury, Arthur S. 1917. 8 Mitchel, John P. 1917. 9-11 Montefiore Home. 1917. 12 Morgenthau, Henry. 1917. 13 Morris, Ira N. 1917. 14 Muensterberg, Hugo - Memorial Fund. 1916-1917. 15 National Employment Exchange. 1916-1917. 16 Osborn, Henry F. 1917. 17 Publications. 1917. 18 Rosenwald, Julius. 1917-1918. 19 Russian Commission - Mayor's Committee. 1917. 455 1 Sand, Frederick N. 1917. 2 Sandler, Bernard H. 1917. 3 Schmidt, John W. 1917. 4 Schulman, Samuel. 1917. 5 Schurman, Jacob G. 1917. 6 Seligman, Edwin R. A. 1917. 7 Siegel, Isaac. 1917. 8 Silverman, Joseph. 1917. 9-14 Social Welfare Agencies. 1917. 15 Solomons, Aline E. 1915-1917. 16 Stolz, Joseph. 1917 17 Takahashi, Baron K. 1917. 18 Toch, Henry M. 1917. 19 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1917. 20 Wald, Lillian D. 1917. 21 Warburg, Paul M. 1917. 22 Wiley, Louis. 1917 23 Wilson, James H. 1917. 24 Wolf, Simon. 1917. 25 Zionism. 1917. 456 1-5 General Correspondence. 1918. 6 Adler, Cyrus. 1918. 7 American Friends of German Democracy. 1918. 8 American Jewish Committee. 1918. 9 American Jewish Congress. 1918. 10 American Jewish Relief Committee. 1918. 457 1-2 American Jewish Relief Committee. 1918. 3 American Prison Association. 1918. 4 Anti-Semitism. 1918. 5 Arts. 1918. 6 Asch, Sholom. 1918. 7 Association of Neighborhood Workers. 1918. 8 Baruch, Bernard M. 1918. 9 Behrend, Albert. 1918. 10 Benjamin, Eugene S. 1918. 11 Bernstein, Herman. 1918. 12 Bier, S. Max. 1918. 13 Brown, David A. 1918. 14 Civic Forum. 1918. 15 Dix, William C. 1918. 16 Education. 1918. 17 Federation of Jewish Charities. 1918. 18 Fleming, Robert. 1918. 19-21 Foreign Affairs. 1918. 458 1 Fuld, Felix. 1918. 2 Gerson, Simon 1918. 3 Goldstein, J. M. 1918-1919. 4 Harvard Menorah Society. 1918. 5 Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society. 1918. 6-7 Henry Street Settlement. 1918. 8 Hirsch, Baron de - Fund. 1918. 9 Intercollegiate Menorah Association. 1918. 10 Japan Society. 1918. 11 Jastrow, Morris, Jr. 1918. 12 Jewish Chautauqua Society. 1918. 13 Jewish Welfare Board. 1918. 14 Kallen, Horace M. 1918. 15 Kehillah. 1918. 16 Kimball, Dexter S. 1918. 17 Kohler, Max J. 1918. 18 Kohut, Mrs. Alexander (Rebekah). 1918. 19 Krass, Nathan. 1918 20 Kraus, Adlof. 1918. 21 Kurzman, Charles. 1918. 22 League for National Unity. 1918. 23 League to Enforce Peace. 1918. 24 Lubin, David. 1918. 25 Lyon, David G. 1918. 459 1 Mack, Julian W. 1918. 2 Magnes, Judah L. 1918. 3 Marshall, Louis. 1918. 4 Mason, Samuel. 1918. 5 McAdoo, William G. 1918. 6 Mendes, H. Pereira. 1918. 7-9 Montefiore Home. 1918. 10 Morgenthau, Henry. 1918. 11 National Farm School. 1918. 12 National Security League. 1918. 13 National War Savings Committee. 1918. 14 New York, N. Y. - Institutional Synagogue. 1918 15 New York, N. Y. - Temple Emanu-El. 1918. 16 No Strike Association. 1918. 17 Ochs, Adolph S. 1918. 18 Palestine (before 1948). 1914-1915. 19 Plaut, Leopold. 1918. 20-21 Publications. 1918. 460 1 Publications. 1918. 2 Ravage, Max E. 1918. 3 Richards, Bernard G. 1918 4 Rosenwald, Julius. 1918. 5 Russel, James E. 1917-1918. 6 Russia. 1915-1918. 7 Schurman, Jacob G. 1918. 8 Senior, Max. 1918. 9-11 Social Welfare Agencies. 1917-1918. 12 Straus, Nathan. 1918. 13 Sulzberger, Cyrus L. 1918. 14 Takahashi, Baron K. 1918. 15 United War Work Campaign. 1918. 16 Vigilantes, (The). 1918. 17 Villard, Oswald G. 1918. 18 Wiley, Louis. 1918. 17b Schiff, Mortimer L. 1918. 19 Wilson, James H. 1918. 20 Wolf, Simon. 1918. 21 Zionism. 1918. 22 Zionist Organization of America. 1917-1918. 461 1 General Correspondence. 1919. 2 Adler, Cyrus. 1919. 3-4 American Jewish Committee. 1919 5 Askowith, Hyman. 1919. 6 Barondess, Joseph. 1919. 7 Ben-Yehuda Fund. 1915-1919. 8 Billikopf, Jacob. 1919. 9 Education. 1919. 10 Foreign Affairs. 1919. 11 Mack, Julian W. 1919. 12 Magnes, Judah L. 1919. 13 Marshall, Louis. 1919. 14 Mendes, H. Pereira. 1919. 15 Publications. 1919. 16 Social Welfare Agencies. 1919. 16b Schiff, Mortimer L. 1919. 17 Zangwill, Israel. 1919. 18 General Correspondence. 1918-1920. 462 1-5 American Red Cross. 1917-1920. 6 Drachman, Bernard. 1932. 7 Education. 1918,1920. 8 Foreign Affairs. 1920. 9 Hirsch, Baron de - Fund. 1920. 10 Jewish War Relief. 1920. 463 1 Joint Distribution Committee. 1920. 2 Kohler, Kaufmann. 1920. 3 Mack, Julian W. 1920. 4 Marshall, Louis. 1920. 5 Marx, Alexander. 1920. 6 Politics. 1920. 7 Russian Information Bureau. 1920. 8 Schiff, Ernest. 1920. 9 Social Welfare Agencies. 1918, 1920. 10 Stolz, Joseph. 1920. 11 Takahashi, Baron K. 1920. 12 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. 1920. 13 Warburg, James P. 1920. 14 Zionist Organization of America. 1920. Series B. Cyrus Adler Biography of Jacob Schiff. n.d. 1861 1 War and Its Problems . n.d. 2 Early Years. n.d. 3 Railroads - General Problems. n.d. 4 War and Peace. n.d. 5 Railroads. n.d. 6 Japan. n.d. 7 Great Northern - Northern Pacific. n.d. 8 Illinois Central, Rock Island Systems, etc. n.d. 9 Harriman Roads. n.d. 10 Miscellaneous Topics. n.d. 11 Other Bankers and Railroads. n.d. 12 Atchison, South America. n.d. 13 China. n.d. 1862 1 Economic and Social Problems. n.d. 2 Philanthropy. n.d. 3 Citizenship and Politics. n.d. 4 Private Life. n.d. 5 Education and Learning. n.d. 6 Judaism and Jewish Learning. n.d. 7 Jewish Institutes at home and Abroad. n.d. Series C. Miscellaneous Correspondence Files. 1865-1920 2364 1 Kohler, Kaufmann. 1916. 2 Cantor, Jacob A. 1916. 3 Baruch, Bernard M. 1916. 4 Carew, John F. 1916. 5 Lehman, Irving. 1916. 6 Lippmann, Walter. 1915. 7 Lippmann, Walter. 1915. 8 Loeb, Kohn. 9 Marshall, Louis. 1919. 10 Rowe, L. S. 1916. 11 Straus, Oscar S. 1916. 12 Samuel, Herbert. 1920. 13 Samuel, Herbert. 1920 14 Stokes, Anson Phelps. 1914. 15 Straus, Oscar S. 1915. 16 Szold, Henrietta. 1914. 17 Taft, William Howard. 1914. 18 Taft, William Howard. 1914. 19 Tumulty, Joseph P. 1915. 20 Tumulty, Joseph P. 1915. 21 Wilson, Woodrow. 1914. 22 Zussman, S. 1914. 23 Zussman, S. 1914. 24 Zangwill, Israel. 1917. 25 Magnes, Judah L. 1916. 26 Wilson, Woodrow. 1914. 27 Zangwill, Israel. 1914. 28 Zangwill, Israel. 1914. 2541 1 Adler, Felix. 1899. 2 Potter, Henry C. 1898. 3 Hirsch, Baron de - Fund. 1865-1902. 4 Barnard College. 1893-1915. 5 Kennan, George. 1917. 6 Low, Seth. 1895-1903. 7 Montefiore Home. 1888-1918. 8 Young Men's Hebrew Association. 1884-1900. 9 Ravage, M. E. 1919. 10 Schurz, Carl. 1899. 11 Sulzberger, Mayer and Gans, Louis. 1902-1903. 12 Sulzberger, Mayer. 1910. 13 Kunz, George. 1912, 1916. 14 Harvard Semitic Museum. 1889-1914. 15 New York, N. Y. - Board of Education. 1884. 16 Deutsch, Gotthard. 1899. 17 Mielziner, Moses. 1900. 18 Edward VII, King of England (House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha). 1904. 19 Cornell University. 1912-1914. 20 Japanese Order - Conferral Upon. 1904-1906. 21 General Correspondence. 1884-1917.topCopyright © 2009 Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives