
Biographical Sketch

Scope and Content Note

Arrangement Note

Conditions of Access and Use

Related Material

Administrative Information

Search Terms

Box and Folder Listing

Series A. Correspondence. 1920-1985.

Series B. Lectures, Sermons and Writings. 1939-1983.

Series C. Responsa/Research Files. 1936-1963.

Series D. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Records. 1940-1983.

Series E. Court Related Record.s 1984-1988.

Series F. Personal/Family Records. 1908-1984.

A Finding Aid to the Alexander Guttmann Papers. 1908-1988.

Manuscript Collection No. 663


Repository: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
Creator: Guttmann, Alexander, 1904-1994
Title: Alexander Guttmann Papers
Dates: 1908-1988
Quantity: 11.8 linear feet (29 Hollinger boxes)
Abstract: The Alexander Guttmann papers (1908-1988) detail the scholarly career and personal life of Alexander Guttmann. Guttmann served as a professor at the Hochschule in Berlin prior to his immigration to America In 1940, he became a Professor of Talmud at Hebrew Union College. Guttmann remained there until his retirement in 1978. An ordained rabbi, Guttmann wrote and lectured extensively on halakkah. The papers consist of correspondence, research notes and writings.
Collection Number: MS-663
Language: Collection material in English, German, Hungarian, and Hebrew.

Biographical Sketch

Alexander Guttmann was born in 1904 in Budapest, Hungary to Michael and Camilla Guttmann. His father was a renowned rabbi and scholar who was also the president of the Budapest Theological Seminary. Guttmann received undergraduate degrees in Semitic languages from both the University of Budapest and the University of Breslau. In 1924, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Breslau.

Guttmann began his academic career in Berlin at the Liberal Teachers College and as a lecturer in a local adult education program. He became a professor at the Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums in 1935. At the Hochschule, Guttmann had the exclusive privilege to ordain rabbis. Several of these students, including Emil Fackenheim, Abraham Brody and Abraham Joshua Heschel, later became prominent scholars at universities in America, Europe and Israel. In 1940, Guttmann and his family accepted an invitation from Julian Morgenstern to become a visiting Talmud professor at Hebrew Union College. He became a permanent member of the faculty in 1943.

As a professor at HUC-JIR, Guttmann frequently acted as the campus responsa on halakkah issues for President Nelson Glueck and other faculty. He was active in campus politics and a mentor to several master's and Ph.D. candidates. Guttmann revised, created and ran the Talmud and Codes courses for the forty years he was on faculty. Younger faculty members adapted and created their own courses with the full cooperation and guidance of Guttmann.

Guttmann retired from the HUC-JIR faculty in 1978, although he continued to teach. In 1981, Guttmann returned to Germany as a visiting professor of Talmud for one year at the newly formed Hochschule fur Judische Studien in Heidelberg. Because of his teaching commitments to HUC-JIR he was unable to teach sessions in succeeding years.

In June 1984, Sotheby's auctioned off an anonymous lot of Judaica books which had been moved by Guttmann from the Hochschule to the United States during his escape from Nazi Germany. Guttmann said that H. Veit Simon, director of the Hochschule, had given him the property and the rights to dispose of it prior to his Berlin departure. However, the sale was blocked by various survivor groups and ownership of the materials became a court case. In 1985 a settlement was reached between the New York State Attorney General and the Guttmann family resolving the dispute.

Guttmann authored a number of books starting with Das readktionelle und sachliche Verhaeltnis zwischen Misna und Tosephet in 1928, which won the Israel Lewy Prize at the University of Breslau. Other titles included Rabbinic Judaism in the Making, Studies in Rabbinic Judaism and Struggle over Reform in Rabbinic Literature During the Last Century and A Half. He was an active contributor to several journals including the Hebrew Union College Annual where he also served as a committee member.

Guttmann participated in several Jewish scholarly organizations, including the Colloquium on Judaism and Christianity at Harvard in 1966, committees in both the Central Conference of American Rabbis, and Union of American Hebrew Congregations, and the World Congress of Jewish Studies (for which he won a 1969 Guggenheim fellowship in support of his lecture).

Guttmann was also an avid amateur photographer and made frequent trips to Israel and Europe. He died in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1994.

Alexander Guttmann married Manya Kampf in Berlin, Germany in 1937. They had four children: Ari Guttmann, Judy Guttmann Mizrachi, Naomi Guttmann Klatzkin, and Esther Guttmann Whitman.

Scope and Content Note

The Alexander Guttmann Papers (1908-1988) detail the scholarly career and personal life of Alexander Guttmann. Guttmann served as a professor at the Hochschule in Berlin prior to his emigration to America in 1940 when he became a Professor of Talmud at Hebrew Union College. He remained there until his retirement in 1978. An ordained rabbi, Guttmann wrote and lectured extensively.

The papers consist of correspondence, research notes and writings and materials relating to his 1985 court case. A noted expert on halakkah, much of his correspondence and research files relate to this topic. Another common subject in correspondence is the advising of doctoral students working on their coursework and dissertations. There is information about the Guttmann family's escape to America and the subsequent efforts to obtain restitution for their property.

Arrangement Note

This collection is arranged in six (6) series:

  • Series A. Correspondence.
  • Series B. Lectures, Sermons, and Writings.
  • Series C. Responsa/Research Files.
  • Series D. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion.
  • Series E. Court Case Records.
  • Series F. Personal/Family Records.

Conditions of Access and Use

Terms of Access

The collection is open for use; no restrictions apply.

Terms of Reproduction and Use

Copyright restrictions may apply. Authorization to publish, quote, or reproduce, with exceptions for fair use, may be obtained through the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio. Please address queries to the Executive Director of the American Jewish Archives. For more information, see the American Jewish Archives copyright information webpage.

Related Material

Related Collections

Guttmann, Alexander. Nearprint Biographies File.

Guttmann, Alexander and Manya. Interview in which they discuss their activities in Europe and the United States. RESTRICTED. TR-1064.

Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Records. MS-20.

Morgenstern, Julian, Papers. MS-30.

Responsa, American Jewish. Small Collections.

Separated Material

Photographs by Alexander Guttmann of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion faculty members have been removed to the HUC-JIR Picture Collection.

Administrative Information

Preferred Citation

Footnotes and bibliographic references should refer to the Alexander Guttmann Papers and the American Jewish Archives. A suggestion for at least the first citation is as follows:

[Description], [Date], Box #, Folder #. MS-663. Alexander Guttmann Papers. American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, Ohio.


The Alexander Guttmann Papers were received from the Guttman Family, Cincinnati, Ohio, in September, 1992 and Herbert Zafren, Cincinnnati, Ohio, in 1996.

Processing Information

Processed by Melinda McMartin, September 2001.

Box and Folder Listing

Series A. Correspondence. 1920-1985.[10 Hollinger boxes]
Scope and Content Note: Consists of material relating to halakkah queries, HUC student candidacies, and publications. The correspondence is both personal and professional. Guttmann corresponded with current HUC students such as Stephen Passemaneck or his former Hochschüle students such as Harris Hirschberg, a rabbi in Los Angeles, California about both their research interests, and family lives. Also, of special interest are the Hungarian claims, liftvan (luggage), and Morgenstern correspondence which concerns the family emigration to the United States in 1940.
Arrangement Note: Arranged alphabetically by name. Where a correspondent has more than five items, that correspondence has been given its own folder. If correspondence is in multiple languages, or a language other than English, it is noted in parentheses in the box and folder list. Family relationships are identified in brackets when known.
Box Folder
1 1 A, General.
1 2 Abraham, Henry S. (German) 1945.
1 3 Adland, Jonathan. 1980-1982.
1 4 American Federation for Jews from Central Europe. Restitution. (English, German) 1953-1968; undated
1 5 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee. 1944.
1 6 Apfel, Ha. (German) 1944-1971.
1 7 Arfa, Cyrus. 1960-1961.
1 8 Asa, Haim. 1963-1964.
1 9 Auraban, Aron. (English, Hebrew) 1971; undated
1 10 B, General.
1 11 Baeck, Leo. (German) 1940-1956.
1 12 Bahr, Gordon. 1963-1977.
1 13 Bennett, Emmanuel. 1961-1962.
1 14 Berger, Philamore. 1954-1962.
1 15 Berkowitz, Lazlo. 1983.
1 16 Berlin, Germany. Jüdische Enzyklöpadie/ Jüdisch Verlag. (German) 1927-1930.
1 17 Berlin, Germany. Jüdischen Gemeinde. (German) 1925-1936.
1 18 Berlin, Germany. Lehrenstalt für die Wissenschaft des Judentums. (German) 1930-1941.
1 19 Bernat, Haskell. 1975.
1 20 Blank, Sheldon. 1941-1981.
1 21 Bloch, Chaim. (Hebrew) undated
1 22 Bloch Publishing Company. 1964-1970.
1 23 Blooming, Sister Mary Catherine. 1973-1974; undated
1 24 Bloomstone, Bernard. 1960-1974.
1 25 Bogard, Warren. 1976.
1 26 Borenstein, Lewis R.1973-1974.
1 27 Braude, Abraham S.1976.
1 28 Breslau, Germany. Kuratorium. (German) 1927-1929.
1 29 Brichto, Chanan. [Herbert] 1965-1969.
1 30 Brieger, Gerald. Includes candidacy exams. 1975.
1 31 Brown, Jonathan. 1967-1975.
1 32 Brody, Abraham S. (German) 1942-1974.
1 33 Buchanan, George W.1963-1976.
1 34 C-D, General.
Box Folder
2 1 Carlebach, A. (German) 1933-1936.
2 2 Carmilly, Moshe. 1979-1983.
2 3 Central Conference of American Rabbis. 1958-1977.
2 4 Chyet, Stanley. 1983.
2 5 Chofetz Chaim Day School (Cincinnati, Ohio)1949.
2 6 Jewish Community Relations Council (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1984.
2 7 K.K. Adath Israel (Cincinnati, Ohio). 1953-1955.
2 8 Colloquium on Judaism and Christianity. 1966.
2 9 Conference on Material Claims against Germany. Restitution. (German) 1953-1954.
2 10 Cook, Michael. 1971-1973.
2 11 Cronbach, Abraham. Hebrew Union College Annual1941-1962.
2 12 David, Jerome. 1974-1980.
2 13 Diamond, Bruce. Includes rejected thesis. 1977-1978.
2 14 Dreyfus, Stanley. 1948-1950.
2 15 E-F, General.
2 16 Ehrlich, Kenneth. 1972-1979.
2 17 Eisenberg, Azriel. 1964.
2 18 Elbogen, Ismar. [See also Jüdische Verlag] (English, German) 1935-1961.
2 19 Finkelstein, Louis (English, Hebrew). 1941-1985.
2 20 Fischel, Heinz. 1940-1971.
2 21 Fischer, Lajos. (Hungarian) 1956-1958; undated
2 22 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. Restitution. 1975.
2 23 Frank, Herbert. (German) 1940-1943.
2 24 Freehof, Solomon. 1952-1985.
2 25 Freier, G. (German) 1966; undated.
2 26 Friedman, Barry. 1970-1975.
2 27 Frisch, Ephraim. 1954-1957.
2 28 Fuchs, Stephen L. 1973-1976.
2 29 G, General.
Box Folder
3 1 Galliner, Elisabeth and Helmud. (German) 1935-1963.
3 2 Galliner, J (German). 1932-1949.
3 3 Gershon, Phillip. 1955-1968.
3 4 Ginzberg, Louis. 1943-1955.
3 5 Glickstein, Gary. 1974-1980.
3 6 Glueck, Nelson. 1957-1960.
3 7 Glueck, Nelson. 1961-1970.
3 8 Goetsch, Christian. (German) 1957-1966.
3 9 Golb, Norman. 1972-1980.
3 10 Goldhamer, Douglas. 1972-1974.
3 11 Goldman, Ed. 1973-1979.
3 12 Golub, Mark A.1975-1976.
3 13 Gottschalk, Alfred.1955-1984.
3 14 Greengus, Samuel. 1976-1981.
3 15 Gross, Anna and Eugene. (Hungarian) 1949-1950; undated
3 16 Gross, Sera and Anci. 1972-1975.
3 17 Gruenwald, Max. (English, German, Hebrew) 1955-1968.
3 18 Gutman, Joseph. 1971-1981.
3 19 Guttmann, Ariel. [son] 1946-1975.
3 20 Guttmann, Henry. [brother] (English, German) 1927-1945.
3 21 Guttmann, Henry. [brother] (English, German) 1946-1948.
3 22 Guttmann, Henry. [brother] (English, German) 1949-1969.
3 23 Guttmann, Henry. [brother] (English, German) 1970-1988; undated
Box Folder
4 1 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. [wife] (English, German) 1940-1964.
4 2 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. [wife] (English, German) 1965-1968.
4 3 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. [wife] (English, German) 1969-1971; undated
4 4 Guttmann, Michael and Camilla. [parents] (German, Hebrew) 1920-1933.
4 5 Guttmann, Michael and Camilla. [parents] (German, Hebrew) 1934-1952.
4 6 Guttmann, Michael and Camilla. [parents] (English, German) undated
4 7 H-I, General.
4 8 Haas, Peter. 1975-1978.
4 9 Hahn, Harold. 1957-1978.
4 10 Hamburger, Wolfgang. (German) 1950-1984.
4 11 Hans, ? (German) 1942.
4 12 Harr, Sheldon. 1973-1974.
4 13 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Faculty Publication Committee. 1974.
4 14 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Sabbatical leave. 1962-1963.
4 15 Hochshule für Jüdische Studien (Heidelberg, Germany). (German) 1979-1983.
4 16 Heineman, L. (German) 1943-1957.
4 17 Heisman, Mordecai. 1944-1945.
4 18 Helfern, Judith. (German) 1940-1978; undated
4 19 Herman, Ginzcler. (German) 1928-1948.
4 20 Herscher, Uri. 1977.
4 21 Hershfield, Nathan. 1955-1963.
4 22 Heschel, Abraham J. 1943-1950.
4 23 Hirschberg, Harris. (German, Hebrew) 1943-1960.
Box Folder
5 1 Hirschberg, Harris. (German, Hebrew) 1961-1970.
5 2 Hirschberg, Harris. (German, Hebrew) 1971-1977; undated
5 3 Hoffman, Lawrence. 1971-1973.
Box Folder
4 4 Hungary claims. (English, German, Hungarian) 1947-1950.
Box Folder
5 5 Hungary claims. undated
5 6 Insel, Eugene and Margaret. (English, German) 1949-1965.
5 7 Jacob, Walter. 1945-1985.
5 8 Jacobs, Maurice. 1978-1982.
5 9 Jaye, Harold. 1967-1980.
5 10 Jerusalmi, Isaac. (Hebrew) undated
5 11 Jewish Law Association. 1982-1984.
5 12 Jüdische Blindenstalt für Deutschland (German) 1927.
5 13 K, General.
5 14 Kammermeyer, J. 1944.
5 15 Kampf, Abraham and Tauba. [father and mother-in-law] (German, Hungarian) 1940-1972.
5 16 Karff, Samuel. 1958-1978.
5 17 Katten, Max and Vilma. [sister] (English, German) 1927-1942.
5 18 Katten, Max and Vilma. [sister] (English, German) 1943-1950.
5 19 Katten, Max and Vilma. [sister] (English, German) 1951-1959.
5 20 Katten, Vilma. [sister] (English, German) 1960-1986; undated
Box Folder
6 1 Katten, Merianne. 1940.
6 2 Katten, Nanny. (German) 1940-1941.
6 3 Katz, Al. 1975.
6 4 Katz, Robert. 1950-1984.
6 5 Kaufman, Max. 1959; undated
6 6 Kende family. [cousin] (Hebrew) 1959-1985; undated
6 7 Kende, Walter. [cousin] 1942-1967; undated
6 8 Klatzkin, Naomi Guttmann. [daughter] 1955-1978; undated
6 9 Klein, Moric. (Hungarian) 1940-1946; undated
6 10 Koller, Israel. (English, Hebrew) 1963-1964.
6 11 Kozberg, Cory. 1975-1984.
6 12 Ktav Publishing. 1970-1976.
6 13 L, General.
6 14 Landsberger, Dora. (German) 1964-1966.
6 15 Lauterbach, Jacob. 1928-1940.
6 16 Lazarus-Yafeh, Havaa. (Hebrew) 1966-1973; undated
6 17 Leo Baeck Institute. 1955-1966.
6 18 Levy, Theodore S.1960.
6 19 Liftvan. Re: luggage transfer from Germany. (German) 1939-1942; undated
6 20 Lippman, Eugene. 1952-1972.
6 21 Lost, M. (German) 1938-1941.
6 22 Lowinger, S. (Hebrew, Hungarian) 1946-1972.
6 23 M, General.
6 24 Magid, Arthur. 1975-1983.
6 25 Mannheimer, J. (German) 1948-1952.
6 26 Marcus, Jacob Rader. 1942-1986.
6 27 Mehlman, Bernard. 1969-1981.
6 28 Melamed, Joseph. 1975.
6 29 Mihaly, Eugene. 1955-1980.
6 30 Mizarchi, Judy Guttmann. [daughter] 1955-1977; undated
6 31 Morgenstern, Julian. (English, German) 1928-1940.
6 32 Morgenstern, Julian. 1941-1974.
Box Folder
7 1 Mosad, Harav Kook. 1975.
7 2 Moses, Sig. 1940.
7 3 N-O, General.
7 4 Narot, Joseph. 1971-1973.
7 5 Nathan, Y. (German) 1941.
7 6 Nave, Prima. 1967-1981.
7 7 Neudecker, Reinhard .(English, German) 1976-1980.
7 8 Neuman, Isaac. 1958-1961.
7 9 Neusner, Jacob. 1966-1985.
7 10 Okomoto, Hiroshi. 1960-1973; undated
7 11 Orlinsky, Harry. 1955-1981.
7 12 Ostrich, David. 1981.
7 13 Ostrow, Jonah. 1961-1962.
7 14 Ouelette, Jean. 1969-1971.
7 15 P, General.
7 16 Paper, Herbert. 1978-1980.
7 17 Passamaneck, Stephen. 1961-1965.
7 18 Passamaneck, Stephen. 1967-1975; undated
7 19 Pearlson, Jordon. 1978.
7 20 Perelmuter, H. Goren. 1956-1966.
7 21 Pessner, ? (German) 1935-1941.
7 22 Petuchowski, Jakob (English, Hebrew) 1965-1978; undated
7 23 Philo Press. 1963.
7 24 Plaut, Jonathan. 1970-1973.
7 25 Plaut, W. Gunther. 1971-1978; undated
7 26 Podet, Allen H.1962-1976.
7 27 Poller, H. Leonard. 1959-1973.
7 28 R, General.
7 29 Racovsky, Boris A.1957-1961.
7 30 Raynor, John. 1965-1973.
7 31 Remson, Michael. 1971-1974.
7 32 Rivkin, Ellis. 1965-1979.
Box Folder
8 1 Roseman, Kenneth. 1966-1972; undated
8 2 Rosenbloom, Joseph. 1954-1957.
8 3 Rosenthal, Franz. (English, German) 1943-1958.
8 4 Roth, Ernst. (German, Hebrew, Hungarian) 1955-1981.
8 5 Rothman, Robert. 1957.
8 6 Rothschild, Lothar. (German) 1968-1970.
8 7 Rothstein, Luisa. (German) 1939-1941; undated
8 8 Roszl, ? (German) undated
8 9 Ruslander, Selwyn. 1964-1967.
8 10 Ruttenberg, Edward. Candidacy. 1975.
8 11 S, General.
8 11 Sandmel, Samuel. 1957-1977.
8 12 Sapinsley, Elbert. 1955-1967.
8 13 Sarason, Israel. 1952; undated
8 14 Scala, Bea. undated
8 16 Scheiber, Alexander. (Hungarian) 1947-1958.
8 17 Schindler, Alexander. 1950-1981.
8 18 Schwartz, Frederick. 1958-1964.
8 19 Schwartzmann, Sylvan. 1956-1985.
8 20 Schweiger, Ernest. (German) 1944-1946; undated
8 21 Segal, Jack. 1955-1963.
8 22 Sherbok, Dan. 1971-1972.
8 23 Silverman, William. 1951-1975.
8 24 Soloff, Mordecai. 1956.
8 25 Sonsig, Rifat. 1966-1974.
8 26 Snyder, George. 1983.
8 27 Spicehandler, Ezra. (English, Hebrew) 1947-1981; undated
8 28 Stahl, Samuel. 1967-1974.
8 29 Stern, Malcolm. 1966-1970.
8 30 Stern, Seymour. 1955.
8 31 Sternfield, Michael. 1973-1976.
8 32 Sussman, Eva and Fritz. 1947-1948.
8 33 Szenes, Michael.1979-1985.
Box Folder
9 1 T-Z, General.
9 2 Task, Arnold. 1973.
9 3 Taeubler, Eugen. (English, German) 1934-1953; undated
9 4 Taeubler, Selma Stern (German) 1943-1978.
9 5 Tchernowitz, Chaim. (Hebrew) undated
9 6 Tsevat, Matitiahu. (Hebrew) undated
9 7 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Torah Advisory Committee. 1968-1973.
9 8 Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Torah Advisory Committee. 1974-1977; undated
9 9 United Restitution Organization. (English, German) 1962-1968.
Box Folder
10 1 Veit Simon, Heinrich. (German) 1936-1940.
10 2 Vida, George. 1969-1970.
10 3 Volckers, Johannes. (German) 1976-1982.
10 4 Wacholder, Ben Zion. 1972-1973; undated
10 5 Wallach, Leopold. (English, German) 1940-1976.
10 6 Wayne State University Press. 1966-1971.
10 7 Wedding telegrams. 1937.
10 8 Weiler, William. 1971-1973.
10 9 Weinberg, Dudley. 1945-1946.
10 10 Weinberg, Werner. 1969-1975.
10 11 Weinryb, Bernard. 1943.
10 12 Weiss, Freda. Candidacy. 1979.
10 13 Weizenbaum, Joseph. 1956-1959.
10 14 Jewish Institute (Wheeling, W.Va.). 1972.
10 15 Whitman, Esther Guttman. [daughter] 1957-1968; undated
10 16 Wiener, Tori. (German) 1945-1946.
10 17 Wolf, Sylvan. 1962.
10 18 World Congress of Jewish Studies. (English, Hebrew) 1969-1977.
10 19 World Jewish Congress. 1944.
10 20 Zionist Organization of America. 1945-1946.
10 21 Zucker, Daniel. 1983.
10 22 Unidentified correspondence.
Series B. Lectures, Sermons and Writings. 1939-1983.[4 Hollinger boxes]
Scope and Content Note: Writings are in either draft or note form, and are sometimes accompanied by relevant correspondence. Many of the lectures were given either at the Hocshchule or HUC-JIR. Manuscript writings do not normally identify their eventual place of publication.
Two index card boxes of Hebrew Talmudic notes are at the end of the series. These files frequently correspond with the material located in the Responsa/Research files.
Arrangement Note: Arranged alphabetically by title, with the exception of the two boxes of Talmud notes at the end of the series.
Box Folder
11 1 Adult Education lecture. undated
11 2 Article fragments. undated
11 3 Bann im Judentum im fruhtalmudischer Zeit. (German) undated
11 4 Bible interpretations and observations. undated
11 5 Bibliographies on Judaism. undated
11 6 Breslau Seminary Inaguration. 1983.
11 7 Customs and laws. undated
11 8 Does the weekly Torah portion teach us anything? HUC Chapel Sermon. 31 October 1970.
11 9 Disciples of Hillel and Shammai. undated
11 10 Divergency in Jewish practices recorded in Talmud and Codes. undated
11 11 Eine Ravolutionaere Wandlung im Juedisch-Religoesen Leben. (German) undated
11 12 Ethical attitudes in medieval Jewry. undated
11 13 Ezra Stiles, Newport Jewry and A Question of Jewish Law. American Jewish Archives Journal. 1981.
11 14 Family history. undated
11 15 First Female Rabbi. 1970.
11 16 Forsdungzeil der Talmudmiffenschaft. (German) 1934.
11 17 From Bible to Talmud. undated
11 18 Hadassah lecture. 1970s.
11 19 Haggadah of the Talmud. undated
11 20 Halakkah and miracles. undated
11 21 History of Halakkah. undated
11 22 History of Jewish tradition. undated
11 23 Hochschule lectures. (German) 1930s.
11 24 Holocaust and Rabbi. undated
11 25 Humane insights of the Rabbis particularly with respect to the Holocaust. undated
11 26 Impact of the Rabbinical Seminary of Budapest on scholarship. 1980.
11 27 Introduction to prayer and other religious observances. undated
11 28 Jerusalem in Tannaitic Law. undated
Box Folder
12 1 Hebrew Union College. Summer institute lectures. 1928.
12 2 Jewish practices- what are their reasons? undated
12 3 Journey to Jerusalem. undated
12 4 Labelling- Generalisations in Past and Present. undated
12 5 Langer Case. undated
12 6 Leadership. undated
12 7 Lectures. (English, Hebrew) undated
12 8 Localists Linguistic Connections. undated
12 9 Manuscripts. undated
12 10 Marriage and Divorce in Rabbinic Literature. HUC alumni lecture. 1943.
12 11 Missing Link: Transition from Bible to Talmud. undated
12 12 Notes on Hefker Bet-Din in Talmudic and medieval law. undated
12 13 On Patriotism. undated
12 14 Participation of the common people in Pharasaic and rabbinic legislative processes: chapter in the history of Halakkah. undated
12 15 Pharisees and Sadducees. Jewish Chronicle .1964.
12 16 Pharisees and Sadduces: an opinion. undated
12 17 Place of the Minhag in the Talmud. undated
12 18 Psychology as applied by rabbis with respect to and during the Nazi Holocaust. undated
12 19 Punkko die altasyrischen hethischen Gesetz und das alte Testament. (German) undated
12 20 Rabbi Abraham Kook. 1865-1935; undated
12 21 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 1-100 undated
Box Folder
2 22 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 101-200. undated
2 23 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 201-300. undated
Box Folder
13 1 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 301-400. undated
13 2 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 401-500. undated
13 3 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 501-600. undated
13 4 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 601-700. undated
13 5 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 701-800. undated
13 6 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 801-900 undated
13 7 Rabbinical Ordination: a study. pp. 901-960. undated
Box Folder
14 1 Das redaktionelle und sachliche Verhaltniz zwischen Misna und Tosephta . Review. (German) 1928-1929.
14 2 Responsa- Life Cycle. (Hebrew) 1973.
14 3 Reviews. 1951-1971.
14 4 Road to the Promised Land. Ordination address.1973.
14 5 Role of Laymen in Talmudic and Rabbinic Laws. undated
14 6 Second Commonwealth. undated
14 7 Sermons. Holydays. 1952-1954; undated
14 8 Sermons. Kol Nidre. undated
14 9 Sermons. Untitled. 1979; undated
14 10 Some aspects of theoretical halakkah. undated
14 11 Some rabbinical authorities and codifiers. undated
14 12 Some responsa dealing with Holocaust causes. 1971.
14 13 Spatpharisaertum. (German) 1969.
14 14 Stellund des Minhag im Talmud. (German) 1939.
14 15 Struggle over Reform in Rabbinic Literature. 1973-1975.
14 16 Talmud lecture. undated
14 17 Talmud: a few glimpses. undated
14 18 Talmud and Antisemitism. undated
14 19 Talmud and Rabbinics: selected bibliography. 1970.
14 20 Talmud- Vergangenheit und Gegenwort. (German) undated
14 21 Tragedies at Hebrew Union College. undated
14 22 Undated speeches. undated
14 23 Unsere leser schreiben. (German) 1970.
14 24 Weintraub, Joseph. Tribute. undated
14 25 Woman Rabbi. 1982.
Series C. Responsa/Research Files. 1936-1963.[6 Hollinger boxes]
Language Note: Material is mostly in Hebrew.
Scope and Content Note: Materials in the files range from personal notes to printed sources and Talmudic authorities. Some of the material is accompanied by the original correspondence requesting information about the subject. Guttmann frequently provided responsa for his fellow HUC-JIR faculty.
Arrangement Note: Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Box Folder
15 1 Abortion.
15 2 Adoption.
15 3 Articles. (Hebrew)
15 4 Artificial insemination.
15 5 Ark.
15 6 Bar Mitzvah.
15 7 Bibliographies.
15 8 Burial.
15 9 Calendar.
15 10 Card playing.
15 11 Central Committee of American Rabbis. Committee on Responsa.
15 12 Children and registration.
15 13 Codes- Responsa.
15 14 Conversion.
15 15 Conversions- adoptions.
15 16 Conversions- annulment.
15 17 Cyrogenics.
15 18 Dead Sea Scrolls.
15 19 Divorce.
15 20 Exegenesis. Notes.
15 21 Euthanasia.
15 22 Halakkah. (German)
15 23 Halakkah- guide to Reform Jewish practice.
15 24 Hebrew abbreviations.
15 25 Hillel. Notes.
15 26 Hillel-Shammai controversy.
15 27 Holocaust.
15 28 Homosexuality.
15 29 Human rights.
Box Folder
16 1 Israel Double Standard.
16 2 Jerusalem in Jewish law and custom.
16 3 Jewish practices. Notes.
16 4 Kaddish.
16 5 Kashrut.
16 6 Kosher toothpick boxes.
16 7 Lohe, Edward.
16 8 Matrilineal principles.
16 9 Marriage- Cohen and Busik.
16 10 Marriage- intermarriage, women.
16 11 Medicine.
16 12 Mezuzah.
16 13 Miscarriage.
16 14 Naming ceremonies.
16 15 New Testament.
Box Folder
17 1 Notes.
17 2 Numbers.
17 3 Pesach.
17 4 Pesach. Talmudic authorities.
17 5 Pharisees. Notes.
17 6 Potatoes.
17 7 Prayerbooks.
17 8 Priesand, Sally. Women rabbis.
17 9 Quotations.
17 10 Rabbi as counselor.
17 11 Rabbis in literature.
17 12 Rabbi's Manual.1975.
17 13 Responsa literature. (Hebrew)
17 14 Ritual.
17 15 Sabbath.
17 16 Sacrifice.
17 17 Sanhedrin. Notes.
17 18 Sex.
17 19 Stillborn children.
17 20 Sukkot. Talmudic authorities.
17 21 Synagogues, sale of.
17 22 Synagogue dues.
Box Folder
18 1 Tabulation. Notes.
18 2 Talmud- rabbi relations.
18 3 Talmudic rabbis.
18 4 Talmudic rabbis- part 2.
18 5 Terminology. Notes.
18 6 Todstraffen. Notes.
18 7 Torah reading.
18 8 Transplants.
18 9 Weddings.
18 10 Weinberg, Werner.
18 11 Widows.
18 12 Women, education.
18 13 Women. Tallis.
18 14 Women and Talmud.
18 15 Zadokte documents.
Box Folder
19 Unidentified Talmud notes. (Hebrew)
Box Folder
20 Unidentified Talmud notes. (Hebrew)
Box Folder
3 10
Series D. Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Records. 1940-1983.[2 Hollinger boxes]
Scope and Content Note: Includes correspondence and minutes from committees in which Guttmann was active, including the Committee on Religious Affairs and the Hebrew Union College Annual.
Guttmann taught Talmud and other Biblical courses for over 40 years. This series has course bibliographies, exams and worksheets filed by course title. There are thesis reports for the students whom Guttmann advised. Finally, the series also has the degree requirements for majors, minors and Ph.Ds. These degree requirements are sorted alphabetically within the major/minor/Ph.D.
Arrangement Note: Arranged alphabetically by subject, and chronologically within the subject.
Box Folder
21 1 Bachelor of Hebrew Letter Exams. 1957.
21 2 Cincinnati campus statistics. 1956-1957.
21 3 Codes. Courses. 1956-1975; undated
21 4 Committee lists. 1969-1979.
21 5 Committee minutes. 1953-1973.
21 6 Committee on Curriculum. 1941-1979.
21 7 Committee on Faculty. 1974-1975.
21 8 Committee on Religious Affairs. 1970-1983.
21 9 Course descriptions. 1958/59-1975/76.
21 10 Course descriptions. 1976/77-1980/81.
21 11 Degree requirements. 1958; undated
21 12 Faculty memos. 1947-1982.
21 13 Gaonica Responsa. Course. undated
21 14 Hebrew Union College Annual .Correspondence; reports. 1940-1982.
21 15 Hebrew Union College Annual .Minutes. 1962-1982.
21 16 Jerusalmi, Israel. Report on degree. 1971.
21 17 Library. Donations. 1974.
21 18 Life Cycle Responsa- 20th century. Course. undated
Box Folder
22 1 Major/minor requirements. Christian Fellows. 1959-1960.
22 2 Major/minor requirements. Codes. 1959; undated
22 3 Major/minor requirements. Ph.D. Codes. undated
22 4 Minors requirements. Responsa. undated
22 5 Major/minor requirements. Talmud/Rabbinics. undated
22 6 Major/minor requirements. PhD. Talmud/Rabbinics. undated
22 7 Major/minor requirements. Talmud/Tannaitic Literature. undated
22 8 Major/minor requirements. Tannaitic Literature. 1964; undated
22 9 Mishnah. Course. undated
22 10 Miscellaneous bibliography. undated
22 11 Ordination. 1966-1969.
22 12 Pensions. 1946-1967.
22 13 Salaries. 1966.
22 14 Sanhedrin. Course. undated
22 15 Seder.Course. undated
22 16 Summer Institute. Course descriptions. 1945-1946; undated
22 17 Summer Institute. Coursework. 1951-1952; undated
22 18 Talmud. Courses. 1954-1976; undated
22 19 Tannaitic Literature. Course. undated
22 20 Thesis reports. A-K. 1954-1981.
22 21 Thesis Reports. L-Z. 1954-1981.
22 22 Year in Israel program. 1965-1966.
Series E. Court Related Record.s 1984-1988.[5 Hollinger boxes]
Scope and Content Note: In June 1984, Sotheby's auctioned off an anonymous lot of Judaica books which had been moved by Guttmann from the Hochschule to the United States. The sale was blocked by various survivor groups and the ownership of the materials became a court case.
This series contains depositions and documents used in the case followed by articles about the case written by Guttmann and others. It is primarily the official court documents, with some media response at the end.
Arrangement Note: Arranged chronologically.
Box Folder
23 1 Sotheby's catalog for auction of manuscripts/books. June 1984.
23 2 Bamberger, Fritz. Affidavit. 25 June 1984.
23 3 Guttmann, Alexander. Affidavit. 25 June 1984.
23 4 Simon, Herman. Affidavit. 26 June 1984.
23 5 Stone, Marjorie. Affidavit. 27 June 1984.
23 6 Memorandum of the City of New York. 18 July 1984.
23 7 Bill of Particulars/Preliminary Statement. 30 July 1984.
23 8 Strauss, Herbert. Affidavit. 3 August 1984.
23 9 Kagan, Saul. Affidavit. 7 August 1984.
23 10 Simon, Herman. 7 August 1984.
23 11 Amended verified complaint. 8 August 1984.
23 12 Dennis, Noel. Affidavit. 8 August 1984.
23 13 Japha, Etta. Affidavit. 8 August 1984.
23 14 Memorandum of Law in Support of Plaintiffs' motion for preliminary injunction. 8 August 1984.
23 15 Appendix to the Memorandum. 8 August 1984.
23 16 Snyder, George. Deposition. 8 August 1984.
23 17 Guttmann, Alexander. Affidavit. 10 August 1984.
23 18 Guttmann, Alexander. Deposition. 10 August 1984.
23 19 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. Deposition. 10 August 1984.
23 20 Supplemented Bill of Particulars. 10 August 1984.
Box Folder
24 1 Affidavit in opposition to motion for preliminary injunction. 1984
24 2 Defendants' Memorandum of law in opposition to plaintiffs' motion for a preliminary injunction. 14 August 1984.
24 3 Schwarz, Walter. Affidavit. 14 August 1984.
24 4 Snyder, George. Affidavit. 14 August 1984.
24 5 Biermann, Franz. Affidavit. circa 14 August 1984.
24 6 Opinion of Judge White. 24 August 1984.
24 7 Zafren, Herbert. Deposition. 5 December 1984.
24 8 Greengus, Samuel. Deposition. 5 December 1984.
24 9 Gottschalk, Alfred. Deposition. 6 December 1984.
24 10 Mihaly, Eugene. Deposition. 6 December 1984.
24 11 Guttmann, Alexander/ Whitman, Esther. Deposition. 11 December 1984.
24 12 Guttmann, Alexander. Deposition Exhibits. 11 December 1984.
24 5 10 August 1984.
Box Folder
21 1 Kagan, Saul. Deposition. 4 March 1985.
Box Folder
25 2 Wachs, James S. Deposition. 12 March 1985.
25 3 Menke, David. Deposition. 13 March 1985.
25 4 Meyer, Michael. Deposition. 19 March 1985..
25 5 Hamburger, Wolfgang. Deposition. 26 March 1985.
25 6 Lash, Stephen. Deposition. 3 April 1985.
Box Folder
26 2 Snyder, George. Part 2. Deposition. 5 April 1985.
26 2 Stone, Marjorie. Part 2. Deposition. 18 April 1985.
26 3 Dennis, Noel. Affidavit. 23 April 1985.
26 4 Day, Joseph. Deposition. 6 May 1985.
26 5 Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law for Defendants. 14 June 1985.
26 6 Plaintiffs' Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 15 May 1985.
26 7 Grossman, Cissy. Statement and correspondence. June 1985.
26 8 Mann, Pamela. Affidavit. 12 July 1985.
26 9 Notice of motion for oral arguments. 12 July 1985.
26 10 Order of Settlement. 16 July 1985.
26 11 Leo Baeck Institute Memo of Opposition. 30 July 1985.
26 12 Gottschalk, Alfred. Deposition. 31 July 1985.
26 13 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Memo of Opposition. 31 July 1985.
Box Folder
27 1 Appendix to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Memo of opposition. 31 July 1985.
27 2 Letter to Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion concerning Memo of Opposition. 1 August 1985.
27 3 Mann, Pamela. Affidavit. 5 August 1985.
27 4 Memo on defendant's response. 6 August 1985.
27 5 Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Memo of Opposition. 14 August 1985.
27 6 Settlement Order. 23 August 1985.
27 7 Settlement Order. 30 August 1985.
27 8 Judaica Conservancy Trust. November 1985.
27 9 Newsclippings. 1984-1987.
27 10 Notes by Guttmann. undated
Series F. Personal/Family Records. 1908-1984.[2 Hollinger boxes]
Language Note: Much of this material is in German and Hungarian.
Scope and Content Note: Includes classroom notes of both Alexander and Manya Guttmann, papers from the Hochschule in Berlin, photographs and police registration papers for the Guttmann family between 1937 and 1940.
Arrangement Note: Arranged alphabetically by subject/name.
Box Folder
28 2 Autograph book. (German) undated
28 2 Lehrenstadt (Berlin, Germany). (German) 1935-1940.
28 3 Lehrenstadt (Berlin, Germany). Teaching worksheets. (German) undated
28 4 Biographical sketches. undated
28 5 Birth certificates. 1939-1943.
28 6 Jewish Theological Seminary (Breslau, Germany) (German) 1921.
28 7 Calendars. (German) 1938-1943.
28 8 Cartoon. undated
28 9 Classroom notes. (German) 1924.
28 10 Classroom notes. (German) 1929; undated
28 11 Educational records. (German, Hungarian) 1920-1932; undated
28 12 Educational records. Jüdische Gemeinde. (German) 1926-1930.
28 13 Family history. undated
28 14 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. Classroom notes. (German) 1930s.
28 15 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. Certificates, documents. (English, German) 1901-1973; undated
Box Folder
29 1 Guttmann, Manya Kampf. Report cards. 1914-1927.
29 2 Guttmann, Michael. (German, Hungarian) undated
29 3 Ministerial license/marriage certificates. 1961; undated
29 4 Nearprint. Speaking engagements. 1928-1984.
29 5 Newspaper clippings. (English, German) 1936-1981.
29 6 Official documents. (Hungarian, German) 1920-1936.
29 7 Official documents. (Hungarian, German) 1937-1941.
29 8 Passports. undated
29 9 Photographs. Guttmann, Alexander. undated
29 10 Photographs. Guttmann family. undated
29 11 Photographs. Unidentified. undated
29 12 Report cards. (German, Hungarian) 1916-1936.
29 13 Schoolbooks. (Hungarian) 1908-1920.
29 14 Talmudic postcards. undated
29 15 War related organizations. 1941-1944.

Search Terms

The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the AJA Online Catalog.

Persons and Families

Guttmann, Alexander -- 1904-1994
Guttmann, Manya
Guttmann, Michael, -- 1872-1942


Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Hochschule fur die Wissenschaft des Judentums (Berlin, Germany)


Biblical scholars
Holocaust survivors


Rabbis -- Ordination