A Finding Aid to theAdolph S. Oko PapersManuscript Collection No. 14 1911-1944. 3.7 Linear ft.![]() |
ACCESS AND PROVENANCEThe ADOLPH S. OKO PAPERS were donated to the American Jewish Archives by Mrs. Adolph S. Oko in 1951. Property rights are assigned to the American Jewish Archives. Literary rights have not been dedicated to the public. Any questions concerning literary or copyrights should be addressed to the Director of the American Jewish Archives. The ADOLPH S. OKO PAPERS are open to all users. The original manuscript collection is available in the reading room of the American Jewish Archives.BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHtop
Adolph S. Oko, librarian, scholar, and philanthropist, was born to Tebel and Mariam Deborah (Popyolek) Oko near Kharkov, Russia on January 5, 1883. Educated in Germany, Oko came to the United States in 1902. After working in the Astor Library, New York, NY in 1905-1906, Oko became librarian of the Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio, which position he held until his resignation in 1933. Under Oko, the Library flourished, outgrowing its quarters twice. Shortly after World War I, Oko went to Europe and acquired some 18,000 volumes for the Library, including the Edward Birnbaum music collection; he also brought to the Library a fine Spinoza collection, the Chinese Jewish manuscripts of Kai-Feng-Fu, and an outstanding collection of incunabula. Oko also helped to start the Hebrew Union College Museum. In 1931, the College awarded to Oko the degree of D.H.L., honoris causa. Oko and the Board of Governors of the Hebrew Union College had maintained an uneasy peace for 27 years; Oko found it impossible to remain any longer due to the scandal caused by his second marriage. Oko's first wife, Etta Weisinger, had died in 1924; in 1933 Dorothy Kuhn, wife of a man very active in the affairs of the Hebrew Union College, divorced her husband to marry Oko. Upon Oko's resignation from the College, he and his new wife moved to England, where he completed his Spinoza Bibliography. Oko, a devotee of Baruch Spinoza, was a founder and United States secretary of Societas Spinozana, an organization concerned with Spinoza's life and works, and was a trustee of Domus Spinozana in The Hague, Holland. The Okos remained in England until 1938, at which time they returned to the United States and Oko joined the staff of the American Jewish Committee. In 1943 Oko became associate editor of the AJC magazine Contemporary Jewish Record, and was serving in this capacity until his death in 1944. Oko wrote many essays and bibliographies, contributing many articles to the Menorah Journal, of which he was an associate editor. Among the bibliographies he published were his Spinoza Bibliography and works on Solomon Schechter and Kaufmann Kohler. Though not a man of means, Oko was extremely active in philanthropic work, making use of his reputation as a librarian and scholar and with a talent for persuading friends to provide necessary funds. He made tremendous efforts to rescue colleagues, friends, and their families and friends from Europe before World War II, and was expert at providing funds for impoverished colleagues in a manner that would not injure their pride.SCOPE AND CONTENTtop
The ADOLPH S. OKO PAPERS (1911-1944) document the career and interests of Adolph S. Oko, librarian of the Hebrew Union College, associate editor of the Menorah Journal and Contemporary Jewish Record, bibliographer, essayist, and philanthropist. The collection consists of personal and official correspondence, notes, and articles and essays by Oko and others concerning his numerous activities. The PAPERS have been organized into five series: A. PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE B. SPINOZIANA C. MENORAH ASSOCIATION D. CONTEMPORARY JEWISH RECORD E. ESSAYS AND LECTURES. The PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE SERIES (1911-1944) consists of three and one-half Hollinger boxes. This correspondence is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent or subject of the correspondence, and in chronological order whenever possible. Access to many of the important individuals and subjects may be made through the Box and Folder List and the Subject Tracings at the end of the inventory. The SPINOZIANA SERIES (1914-1944) consists of two and one-half Hollinger boxes containing correspondence, notes for Oko's/Spinoza Bibliography, and essays and letters concerning Baruch Spinoza by Oko and others. This material is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent or subject of the material, and in chronological order wherever possible. Access to the more significant subjects and correspondents may be made through the Box and Folder List and through the Subject Tracings. The MENORAH ASSOCIATION SERIES (1916-1943) consists of two Hollinger boxes. This material is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent or subject of the correspondence, and in chronological order wherever possible. Access to the more significant subjects and correspondents may be made through the Box and Folder List and the Subject Tracings. The CONTEMPORARY JEWISH RECORD SERIES (1943-1944) consists of one-third of a Hollinger box. This material is arranged alphabetically by the name of the correspondent or author of the article, and in chronological order wherever possible. Access to the articles and correspondence may be made through the Box and Folder List, the Subject Tracings, and the Appendices which catalogue the correspondents and articles. The ESSAYS AND LECTURES SERIES (1920-1944; many undated) consists of two-thirds of a Hollinger box. Biographical essays and lectures are alphabetized by the name of the subject, others by the title when one is provided and by the subject matter when there is no title. Access to the essays and lectures may be made through the Box and Folder List, the Subject Tracings, and the Appendix which catalogues the essays and articles.BOX AND FOLDER LISTtop
Box Folder Contents SERIES A. PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE NOTE: Selective access to additional individuals and topics in this series may be made through the Subject Tracings. Please note that a subject or individual may appear in this collection more often than indicated in the Subject Tracings or Appendices. 1 1 A, General, 1916-1944 2 Adler, E.N., 1922-1938 3 Anonymous Fund, 1922-1923; n.d. 4 Asch, Sholem, 1929-1943 5 B, General, 1917-1944 6 Baumgardt, David and Carol, 1936-1940 7 Beer-Hofmann, Richard and Miriam, 1937-1944 8 Bentwich, Norman, 1931-1941; n.d. 9 Berkowitz, Henry J., 1925-1937 10 Boyle, Katherine E., 1936-1940 11 Brunner, Constantin and Lotte [Stigter], 1915-1939 12 Brunschvicg, Leon, 1937-1941; n.d. 13 Buber, Martin, 1936-1944 14 C, General, 1915-1942 15 Chinese Jewry [articles and correspondence] 16 D, General, 1916-1941 17 E, General, 1915-1944 18 Elbogen, Ismar, 1924-1942 19 Epstein, Jacob and Margaret, 1924-1939 20 Epstein, Jacob and Margaret, 1940-1943 21 Epstein, Jacob and Margaret, [not dated] 2 1 F, General, 1917-1943 2 Feibleman, James K., 1935-1943 3 Frank, Waldo, 1925-1942 4 Frank. Waldo, [not dated] 5 Frankel, David, 1932-1941 6 Freed, Abraham, 1924-1928 7 G, General, 1918-1941 8 Goldschmidt, Lazarus, 1941 9 Greene, Pearl Oko, 1937 10 Guest, George and Mary Lapsley, 1934-1939 11 H, General, 1917-1941 12 Hebrew Union College-Board of Governors, 1911-1923 13 Horne, Charles F., 1916-1917 14 Husik, Isaac, 1917-1940 15 I, General, 1921-1936 16 J, General, 1913-1944 17 K, General, 1920-1944 18 Kohler Family, 1913-1943 19 Kohn, Hans, 1936-1941 20 Kohut, George Alexander, 1916-1931; 1934 3 1 L, General, 1919-1944 2 Landauer, Brigitte and Gudula, 1925-1941 3 Lowenthal, Marvin, 1929-1942 [?] 4 M, General, 1917-1943 5 Magnes, Judah Leon and Beatrice, 1935-1938 6 Maritain, Jacques, 1938-1943 7 Marx, Alexander, 1917-1943 8 Mattuck, Israel I., 1924-1937 [?] 9 Morgenstern, Julian, 1932-1944 10 N, General, 1914-1943 11 O, General, 1917-1946 12 Ochs, Adolph S. and Iphigene Wise Ochs, 1918-1940 13 Orloff, Chana, 1929-1935 14 P-Q, General, 1917-1943 15 Pollock, Sir John, 1937-1942 16 R, General, 1916-1943 17 Rawidowicz, Simon, 1936-1938 18 Rothman, Walter and Ellen, 1923-1944 4 1 Sa-Si, General, 1917-1944 2 Schecter, Solomon - Bibliography, 1916-1940 3 Senator, Werner, 1935-1939 4 Shunami, S., 1931-1940 5 Sj-Sz, General, 1919-1943 6 Solow, Herbert, 1930-1941 7 T, General, 1916-1943 8 Taggard, Genevieve, 1934-1936 9 U-V, General, 1912-1944 10 W, General, 1912-1944 11 Wise, Stephen S., 1923-1944 12 X-Y-Z, General, 1920-1943 13 unidentifiable, 1917-1940 SERIES B. SPINOZIANA 14 A, General, 1923-1943 15 B, General, 1925-1941 16 C, General, 1921-1942 17 Carp, J.H., 1925-1936 18 Cohen, Morris Raphael, 1922-1940 19 D, General, 1928-1936 20 De Casseres, Benjamin, 1925-1931 21 Domus Spinozana 1923-1935 22 E, General, 1914-1932 23 F, General, 1925-1932 5 1 G, General, 1922-1940 2 Gebhardt, Carl, 1921-1937 3 H, General, 1922-1937 4 Haight, Gordon S., 1940-1943 5 Hutcheson, David, 1889-1925 6 I-J, General, 1924-1937 7 K, General, 1923-1951 8 Kaufmann, Fritz, 1936-1944 9 Knopf, Alfred, 1937-1940 10 L, General, 1915-1942 11 M, General, 1916-1940 12 N-O-P-Q, General, 1917-1936 13 Pollock, Sir Frederick, 1934-1936 14 R, General, 1925-1944 15 Rothschild, Herbert, 1928-1935 16 S, General, 1922-1938 17 Sard, Frederick N., 1926-1932 18 Societas Spinozana, 1920-1932 19 Spinoza Institute of America, 1931-1933 20 T-U-V, General, 1921-1929 21 Thilly, Frank, 1923-1931 6 1 W, General, 1914-1934 2 Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 1917-1943 3 X-Y-Z, General, 1922-1944 4 Notes, A-M 5 Notes, N-Z and unclassifiable 6 Essays 7 Other authors, General 8 Other authors - Ames, Van Meter, 1928 9 Other authors - Boyle, Robert 10 Other authors - Hitchcock, E.A. and Samuel, 1922- 1929 11 Other authors - Maccall, William SERIES C: MENORAH ASSOCIATION 12 A, General, 1919-1923 13 Aid to Austrian Students 14 Alexander, Hartley Burr, 1919-1924 15 Altkirch, Ernst, 1921-1923 16 Askowith, H., 1918-1921 7 1 B, General, 1919-1925 2 C, General, 1919-1925 3 University of Cincinnati, 1919-1922 4 Cincinnati Graduate Menorah Society, 1916-1929 5 Cohen, Elliot E., 1918-1931 6 D-E, General, 1919-1925 7 F, General, 1918-1926 8 Fechheimer, S. Marcus, 1917-1929 9 G, General, 1919-1928 10 H, General, 1918-1922 11 Harvard Menorah Society, 1922-1927 12 Hurwitz, Henry, 1916-1918 13 Hurwitz, Henry, 1919 14 Hurwitz, Henry, 1920 15 Hurwitz, Henry, 1921 16 Hurwitz, Henry, 1922 17 Hurwitz, Henry, 1923-1927 18 Hurwitz, Henry, 1928-1937 19 Hurwitz, Henry, 1938-1943; n.d. 8 1 I-J, General, 1918-1920 2 Isaacs, Nathan, 1917-1926 3 Isaacs, Nathan, 1927-1946; n.d. 4 K, General, 1918-1925 5 Kahn, Julietta, 1921-1923 6 Kaufmann, Fritz, 1939 7 L, General, 1919-1922 8 Lehman, Irving, 1920 9 Lowenthal, Marvin, 1921-1926 10 Ma-Md, General, 1919-1923 11 Mauthner, Fritz, 1921-1933 12 Menorah Educational Conference, 1919-1923 13 Menorah Societies, 1919-1931 14 Me-Mz, General, 1916-1920 15 Mischkind, Louis A., 1918-1930 16 Moore, George Foot, 1921-1922 17 N, General, 1918-1923 18 College of the City of New York Menorah Society, 1919-1921 19 O-P-Q, General, 1918-1923 20 Pann, Abel, 1919-1930 21 R, General, 1919-1926 22 S, General, 1919-1926 23 Solow, Herbert, 1928-1931 24 T-U-V-W, General, 1919-1929 25 Wolfson, Harry Austryn, 1917-1923 26 Wormser, Leo F., 1919-1923 9 1 X-Y-Z, General; unidentifiable 2 Zangwill, Israel, 1919-1923 3 Correspondence, General, 1942-1944 4 Correspondence - Salwson, John, 1943-1944 5 Memoranda 6 Introductions to articles 7 Aren't, Hanna-"American Foreign Policy and Palestine" 8 Draftees, Camille-"Letters from a French Jew" 9 Frank, Waldo-"For a Bill of Human Rights," 1944 10 Neumann, Emanuel-"Behind and After the Resolutions" 11 Palestine-The Position of the American Jewish Committee, 1944 SERIES E: ESSAYS AND LECTURES 12 A-I, General 13 Bergson, Henri, 1941 14 "The Ethics of a Modern Jew" 15 Gebhardt, Carl, 1934 16 "In Praise of Learning" 17 J-P, General 18 "The Jew in Our Day" 19 "Jewish Book Collections in the United States" 20 Syllabus on "The Jews and the War" 21 Mauthner, Fritz 22 "The Mood of a Sceptic," 1924 23 Pollock, Sir Frederick 24 Q-Z, General 25 Santayana, George 26 Schnitzler, Arthur 27 "The Yale (Jewish) Exhibit in its Cultural Aspects," 1940 28 Zunz, Leopold 29 Articles by othersSUBJECT TRACINGStop
Note: The following list represents a selective guide to the significant subjects and correspondents within the ADOLPH S. OKO PAPERS. References are to boxes and folders; e.g. 2/1 = Box 2, Folder 1. This list should be used in conjunction with the Box and Folder List and the Appendices to this inventory. Altkirch, Ernst 1/3, 6/15 Arendt, Hannah 9/6, 9/7 Asch, Sholem 1/4 Bergson, Henri 3/4, 9/13 Brunner, Constantin 1/3, 1/11, 9/12 Chekhov, Michael 1/14 Chinese Jewry 1/15 Croffut, Bessie B. 6/10 Domus Spinozana 4/21 Epstein, Jacob 1/19-1/21, 2/11, 3/12, 4/1, 5/15 Fechheimer, S. Marcus 1/3, 7/8 Frank, Waldo 2/3, 2/4, 9/9, 9/12 Freiberg, Sidney and Ruth 3/2 Gebhardt, Carl 5/2, 9/15 Hebrew Union College-Board of Governors 2/12 Hertz, J.A. 2/11 Heschel, Abraham 1/13 Hurwitz, Henry 7/12-7/19, 9/12 Husik, Isaac 1/5, 2/11, 2/14, 3/10, 3/16, 9/12 Hutcheson, David 5/5 Isaacs, Nathan 8/2, 8/3, 9/12 "Jewish Book Collections in the United States" 9/19 Jonas, Harold 9/3, 9/12 Kaplan, Modecai Menahem 2/17 Kaufmann, Fritz 5/8, 8/6 Kohler, Kaufmann 2/13, 2/18, 8/4, 9/17 Landauer, Brigitte and Gudula 1/18, 3/2 Lapsley, Mary 2/10 London, Hannah R. 3/2 Lowenthal, Marvin 3/3, 8/9 Magnes, Judah Leon 3/5 Maritain, Jacques 3/6 Maritain, Raissa 3/4, 9/13 Marshall, Louis 8/10 Marx, Alexander 3/7 Mattuck, Israel I. 3/8, 5/11 Mauthner, Fritz 8/11, 9/21 "Merchant of Venice" 1/1, 1/14 Mischkind, Louis A. 8/15, 9/29 Montagu, Ashley 9/3 Moore, George Foot 3/4, 5/11, 8/16, 9/17 Morgenstern, Julian 3/9 Mumford, Lewis 3/4 Neumann, Emanuel 9/6, 9/10 Ochs, Adolph S. and Iphigene Wise Ochs 3/12 Orloff, Chana 3/13 Palestine 9/3-9/7, 9/10, 9/11 Philipson, David 3/14 Pollock, Sir Frederick 3/15, 5/13, 9/23 Pollock, Sir John 3/15 Rathenau, Walter 1/11 Rosenwald, Julius 3/16, 8/21 Rothman, Walter 3/18 Rukeyser, Muriel 9/3 Schechter, Solomon - Bibliography 4/2 Schneiderman, Harry 9/3, 9/24 Scholem, Gershon 4/1 Societas Spinozana 5/18 Solow, Herbert 4/6, 8/23 Wise, Stephen S. 4/11, 6/1, 8/4 Wolfson, Harry Austryn 6/2, 8/25 Wormser, Leo F. 8/26APPENDIXtop
SERIES D: CONTEMPORARY JEWISH RECORD APPENDIX A: Folder 9/3 - Correspondence, General American Jewish Committee - Library Committee Feibelman, Julian B. Holzberg, Julius Kahn, Julietta Jonas, Harold J. Montagu, Ashley Oelsner, Toni Rukeyser, Muriel Schneiderman, Harry Sloan, Samuel Stroock, Alan M. Waldman, Morris David APPENDIX B: Folder 9/6 - Introductions to articles Darmesteter, James - "Race and Tradition" Montefiore, Claude Goldsmid Palestine - Neumann and Arendt articles SERIES E: ESSAYS AND LECTURES APPENDIX C: Folders 9/12, 9/17, 9/24 (A-I, J-P, Q-Z, General) 9/12 Bendavid, Lazarus Brunner, Constantin "Cataloguing" Frank, Waldo Gans, Eduard Ginzberg, Louis [Hebrew Union College Library] Heine, Heinrich Herder Hoffman, David "High Holy Days, Festivals and Fasts" Hurwitz, Henry Husik, Isaac Isaacs, Nathan 9/17 "The Jews in the Western World: A Survey of Jewish History and Thought Since 70" [Jewish Literature] Jonas, Harold J. "Judaism and American Ideals and Institutions" " Christian Europe Today' by Adolph Keller" Kohler, Kaufmann "The Law of the Land is Binding Law" "Lessing and the Life of Reason" "Martin Luther: Von den Jden und iren Lgen" Moore, George Foot Moser, Moses "A Museum of Jewish Cultural History" Oko, Adolph S. Oko, Etta Weisinger "The Prime Need" 9/24 [Religious Education] [Robinson's Outline] Schneiderman, Harry [Shelley, Percy Bysshe] "Some Christian Estimates of Judaism" Toller, Ernst Weizmann, Chaim [Yom Kippur] Three partial bibliographies Partial inventory and appraisal of a book collection Headings for an article Eulogy for Ed, janitor at the Hebrew Union College Library APPENDIX D. Folder 9/29 - Articles by others Cannan, Gilbert - "The Rights of Minorities" Hurwitz, Maximilian - "Ami, Ami, Lomo Osavtoni?" Mischkind, Louis A. - [report on a conference, perhaps of the CCAR] Rosenbloom, Sol - "Uniting Faith and Reason (A Viewpoint on the Hebrew University)"top